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BTS Bugs?

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  • #16
    Not a bug (necessarily), but I noticed there's no movie after building the Moai Statues.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ahenobarb
      Not a bug (necessarily), but I noticed there's no movie after building the Moai Statues.
      It's a national wonder not world a world wonder. I also thought this was a bug (believing it was a world wonder)
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #18
        The funniest non-bug is the random guy who narrates the new techs like aesthetics and military science... its so out of place!

        I guess new techs weren't in Nimoy's contract?


        • #19
          Sid Meier is some random guy now?

          I miss the Nimoy
          - Dregor


          • #20
            Not quites bugs..more sort of queries.

            The F1 city screen is different. WHile some of them are obvious what they are - espionage - some of the numbers don't make sense to me. Culture has two numbers neither of which seems to be the total culture for the city. Is there a useful link somewhere to what the F1 screen now contains?

            Also my graphics on x16 AA seem much more jagged than on x8. The detail for me seems much better at x8. I've assumed that this is a Vista/DX10 thing rather than a CIV one though as AA and AS don't seem to behave as they should in some games with 8800s and the current drivers.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Standup
              Not quites bugs..more sort of queries.

              The F1 city screen is different. WHile some of them are obvious what they are - espionage - some of the numbers don't make sense to me. Culture has two numbers neither of which seems to be the total culture for the city.
              Can't check just now, but I was sure one of those numbers did in fact show the full culture value. Regardless, if they are two other numbers, they will be culture per turn and turns until the next border expansion (you should check this with the city screen for a test case or two). For GPP, that is what is shown, so you can more easily find the city that would benefit most from a GPP increasing wonder like the Parthenon, and find the city that will next spawn a GP.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #22
                I am not sure, but automated exploring units do not seem to be stopping to heal. That was a behavior that faded in and out with the Better AI project. It had been finalized that the unit would heal before further exploration, but that seems to have gotten left behind again.
                If you aren't confused,
                You don't understand.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ahenobarb
                  Not a bug (necessarily), but I noticed there's no movie after building the Moai Statues.
                  I built these in my latest game and it took some time to realize they were built. There should at least be a message about it. I don't think there was one.
                  Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.


                  • #24
                    Something else I noticed:

                    Built Stonehenge, giving me monuments in every city. Later, I built the Statue of Zeus, very quickly and easily. In order to build the SoZ, though, you are required to have at least 4 monuments already built.

                    So it seems like an exploit to build Stonehenge, then SoZ. The first makes the 2nd too easy.
                    Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.


                    • #25
                      Little "bug" I noticed:

                      With mounted units, you gain flanking against certain siege units of the same tech level. However, if you upgrade to the next tier of mounted units, it seems that your units lose their flanking against the older tech.

                      i.e., if I get Cavalry, but am fighting an opponent still using trebs, it seems my Cavs no longer get to flank the trebs (Cavs flank cannon). This seems a little backwards, but maybe that's just me.
                      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Falconius

                        I built these in my latest game and it took some time to realize they were built. There should at least be a message about it. I don't think there was one.
                        Yes, there should at least be something that says you've finished. After 175 turns (or whatever), it's anticlimactic to just pick something else off the list.


                        • #27
                          I've noticed my workers are tearing up improvements a lot more often. They'll tear up my farms for workshops, then some time later, build farms over those workshops, meanwhile the city is going through cycles of starvation and poor production. I finally had to disable their option to get rid of old improvements when I found my workers busily destroying my towns for the sake of windmills.


                          • #28
                            Moai are a national wonder. There are never messages about them.
                            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                            • #29
                              Few things, my exploring units no longer wait to heal before continuing their exploring. Also, there seems to be od preference with automated workers to build forts on resources that can be utilized with current tech. Perhaps being close to border causes this? I see a horde of workeres building fort on a banana resource, thinking, they should build a plantation... On a related note, when I actually intervene and start building the plantation with the horde, some other worker(s) far away get tasked to travel few thousand miles and, yes, start building a fort there... That's a thing that's been a problem in Warlords, aswell, my non-automated workers building a mine on spot X, and an automated worker zooming in and starting to build windmill. Stupid plebe.

                              And, for awhile in my latest game, I could not contact anybody. Rather vague, but I really can't say what caused it. Clicking on the names would not do anything, and right-clicking on the faces in the trading screen would just kick me out.
                              I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                              • #30
                                I am running BTS on Vista and besides the three things below, everything works fine...

                                1 - In my game, the only election coming from the AP were the ones to elect a new leader, which was me all the time, but I never had the opportunity to choose from different elections.

                                2 - I have only an empty screen on Audio Options and Game Options

                                3 - I do not find any way to equip Submarines or Missile Cruisers with Missiles. Neither Guided Missiles nor Tactical Nukes will go there, nor ICBMs of course.

                                So does anyone else have these problems?

