Originally posted by Vos
2. How do AA guns work? I see that they have a area of effect graphic, but the only two options for them seem to be sleep and skip turn? I don't think they do anything while asleep, and skiping them every turn is a PiTA. I'm hoping I just don't understand them yet. I played france, and had 8 guns total and never saw a message relating to them or had one promote, so I don't know if they are doing anything or not. I did notice that my interceptors seemed to get shot down a lot more when i had them sleeping though.
2. How do AA guns work? I see that they have a area of effect graphic, but the only two options for them seem to be sleep and skip turn? I don't think they do anything while asleep, and skiping them every turn is a PiTA. I'm hoping I just don't understand them yet. I played france, and had 8 guns total and never saw a message relating to them or had one promote, so I don't know if they are doing anything or not. I did notice that my interceptors seemed to get shot down a lot more when i had them sleeping though.