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Gamespot BTS Hands-on

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  • Gamespot BTS Hands-on

    GameSpot is the world's largest source for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, Wii PC, 3DS, PSP, DS, video game news, reviews, previews, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.

    Some scenario and corporation discussion. Nothing too new, as far as I can see. There are some cool video clips, though. There's also some new screenshots, like the Khmer leader Suryavarman's mug, and the Cristo Redentor.
    Last edited by Alexander I; June 23, 2007, 01:01.
    The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
    "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
    "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
    The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report

  • #2
    Good find


    • #3
      Originally posted by Qwertqwert
      Good find
      I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


      • #4
        There's a video clip showing the spaceship construction and launch. Have to say that the way the space race is handled in BTS looks rather excellent!

        And Partisans!!! Great stuff.

        Thats it, I refuse to play another non-BTS CiV game, SHIP IT NOW!!


        • #5
          So, Espionage becomes available with Alphabet? And courthouses, jails and castles make espionage more difficult.


          • #6
            Woah, that National Park wonder is pretty interesting. Removes access to coal for the city, but no unhealtiness from popullation and +1 free specialist per forest tile in the city radius. Very interesting.

            And why do these hands-on previews always play with the crooked view! Does anyone here actually play like that? :P
            - Dregor


            • #7
              As part of my preparation for a very busy PolyCast ( ) recording session today, I reviewed this preview's screenshots and videos for information not found -- at least 'directly' -- in the write-up (or otherwise publicly known AFAIKnew). While working on this, I decided that I would also post this data here.

              For data captured in a video as opposed to a screenshot, I've noted after its title with number reference (when I remembered to make note of it ). This post is Part 1/2; Part 2/2 is dedicated to Events because there are a lot of them detailed.

              BUILDINGS: Castle [modification]
            • +25 Great Spy point bonus
            • No more +1 culture

              BUILDINGS: Customs House {video #1}
            • +50% Intercontinental Foreign Trade Route Yield
            • 180 hammer cost

              BUILDINGS: Industrial Park {video #4}
            • Can turn 2 citizens into Engineer
            • +1 Free Engineer
            • +1 unhealthy from Coal, Oil
            • 200 hammer cost

              BUILDINGS: Intelligence Agency
            • +8 Great Spy Points
            • +50% Great Spy Points
            • Can turn 2 Citizens into Spy
            • 180 hammer cost

              BUILDINGS: Levee
            • River Tiles +1 hammer
            • 180 hammer cost

              BUILDINGS: Public Transportation
            • +1 health in city
            • +3 health from Coal, Oil
            • 150 hammer cost

              BUILDINGS: Security Bureau
            • +8 Great Spy Points
            • +50% Defense against Espionage
            • Helps Thwart Rival Spies
            • Can turn 2 Citizens into Spies
            • 220 hammer cost

              CIVILIZATIONS: Suryavarman II of Khmer Empire (leaderhead) [as Alexander I already noted]

              CORPORATIONS: Sid's Sushi Co.
              Information message: “... You may use a Great Merchant to build the Headquarters in any city with access to Crab or Clam or Rice of Fish.”

            • “Steal Treasury” an option
            • “Sabotage Production” an option {video}
            • “Poison Water” an option too -- causes 8 unhappiness... (fully recovers after 8 turns)
            • Modifiers: “Distance”, “Stationary Spy” -- “The longer the unit is stationary the lower the cost to perform a Mission -- and “Espionage Point Spending” [can be "+" or "-" in value]
            • Great Spy 'pre-Spy' as ninja; also, name: Gaspar Graziani

              TECHNOLOGIES: Advanced Flight leads to Stealth

              UNITS: Anti-Tank {video #3^}
            • 14 Hit Points
            • 1 Movement
            • +100% vs. Armoured Units
            • Starts with Ambush
              120 hammer cost

              UNITS: Mobile SAM
            • 22 Hit Points
            • 2 Movement

              UNITS: Paratrooper
            • 24 Hit Points
            • 1 Movement
            • Can perform paradrops (Range=5)
            • 160 hammer cost

              UNITS: Partisans [JimMac alluded to this]
              When presumably GS writer and game player Jason Ocampo raizes a Russian city after capturing it, gets following on-screen prompt:

              "Russian citizens from the city we just razed are taking to the surrounding countryside to form Partisan resistance units!"

              Further main game interface message: “The Russian people of the city of Yaroslavl' have seen their homes burned! They are rising up against the wicked Dutch invaders, forming Partisan units to join the resistance as militia fighters!”

              WONDERS: Cristo Redentor (World)
            • +5 Culture, +2 Great Enginner Points
            • No Anarchy
            • No wait between Civics or State Religion Changes
            • 1000 hammer cost

              WONDERS: National Park (National) [
              dregor mentioned most of this above]
            • +3 Culture, +1 Great Scientist point
            • Removes access to Coal from the city
            • No unhappiness from Population
            • +1 Free Specialist per Forest Preserve [emphasis added; not known to be previously discussed]
            • 300 hammer cost

              ^ Also shows a hovering-over of Guided Missile in a city build, but not on-screen long enough to capture particulars (at least, not for me)
            Last edited by DanQ; June 23, 2007, 22:56.
            PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
            >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


            • #8
              As part of my preparation for a very busy PolyCast ( ) recording session today, I reviewed this preview's screenshots for information not found -- at least 'directly' -- in the write-up (or otherwise publicly known AFAIKnew). While working on this, I decided that I would also post this data here.

              This is Post 2/2 here dealing entirely with Events (and Quests -- same system, different workings). "Passive" means no response other than acknowledgment is possible on your part whereas "Active" means you must respond in one of two or more ways. "N/A" signifies data is Not Available. All are presented in alphabetical order by category.

              EVENTS: 'On-Screen Messages' (Happen to Other Civs or Your Own Recently)
              “Bandits are wreaking havoc in [city] farmlands.”
              “[Civ] infrastructure was wiped out by a deadly thunderstorm and the violent twisters it spawned.”
              "Surplus game harvested by hunters near the [civ] city of [city name] has fueled a minor population boom."
              “The [civ] city of [city name] took a direct hit from a powerful hurricane.”

              EVENTS: Foreign Fugitive
              "A fugitive from justice, wanted for crimes in the [civ] Empire, has been discovered hiding out in our territory."


              1. "Extradite the offender back to his homeland."
              2. "Secretly interrogate the prisoner, hoping to learn sensitive information".
              3. "Release the prisoner. This is none of our affairs."

              Option #2 is hovered over, +500 Great Spy points against [leader]. In addition, there is a 50% chance to suffer a -1 relations hit with [leader].

              EVENTS: Heroic Deed ("Passive")
              “A brave and hardy soldier has run over twenty-six miles on foot to warn of the invasion!”

              Your selection is "This heroic deed has inspired our entire army!" which starts a Golden Age.

              EVENTS: National Highways ("Passive")
              “Our engineers have conceived a national highway system of divided highways free of all traffic stops, built in straight lines on smooth grades."

              Your selection is "Construction will begin as soon as plans are finalized" and it brings about +1 Road Movement.

              EVENTS: Popular Ballad ("Active")

              "A songwriter from [city] has composed a heartending ballad, which is growing in popularity amongst the people there."


              1. "We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."
              2. "Fund the writing of a play that revolves around this ballad, to be performed at the local Theatre."
              3. "See that the artist is given a recording contract."

              Option #2 is hovered over; Subtract 49 from your treasury
              and +450 Culture in [city]. Option #3 is grayed out, presumably because it is not yet applicable at the age of technological development in which the event occurred.

              EVENTS: Popular Gladiator ("Active")
              “A gladiator from [city] has survived many battles in the arena. He is attracting a lot of fans.”


              1. "No one survives forever. Cash in on the phenomenon before he meets the inevitable end."
              2. "Arrange for him to be matched against easy opponents and see that his legend increases."

              Option #1 is hovered over, receiving 23 gold.

              EVENTS: Regulating Rates ("Active")
              “Our economists have devised a system of regulating interest rates to help normalize economic growth.”


              1. "Let the free market make use of these techniques."
              2. "Fund a national Federal Reserve Bank to carry out the new policy."

              Option #2 is hovered over; subtract 406 gold from your treasury, and -40% inflation.

              EVENTS: Religious Miracle ("Active")
              “A miracle is believed to have occurred at the city wall in Tolosa. Pilgrims are flocking from all over to visit the new holy site.”


              1. "The tourism will enhance city revenue."
              2. "We should hire and train some of the pilgrims as missionaries."

              Option #2 is hovered over; subtract 30 gold, and convert up to 2 of your own cities to [religion].

              EVENTS: Slave Revolt ("Active")
              “A slave revolt has taken place in [city]!”


              1. "Crack down on the rebels. Put down the revolt. Re-establish order."
              2. "Restore order first, then investigate and redress some of the slaves' grievances."
              3. “We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to the local authorities. (Revolt may continue)"

              Option #1 is hovered over; 1 angry worker in [city],
              1 turn of disorder in [city] and -2 population in [city]. Right afterwards, you and others will see the on-screen message: "A slave revolt has taken place in the [civ] city of [city name]!"

              EVENTS: Tea Cultivation ("Active")
              “A medicinal tea cultivated by locals has been found to be effective with treating illnesses. This tea grows only in a specific region near [city].”


              1. "We should establish internal trade with the locals for these rare commodities."
              2. "Fund efforts to increase production without endangering the national resources that produce them."

              Option #2 is hovered over; subtract 100 gold from your treasury and +1 happy in the plot. In addition, there is a 67% chance for both a) +3 health in [city] and b) +1 free Scientist in [city].

              EVENTS: Underground Railroad ("Passive")
              “The glorious city of [city name] has added an undergrond railroad network to its mass transit system, greatly boosting commercial traffic.”

              Your selection is "This is a model for the entire world to follow! Great work", and Public Transportation receives +5 happiness. Right afterwards, you and others will see the on-screen message: “The [civ] metropolis of [city] has constructed a mass transit marlve: an underground railroad network. They are calling it the Subway.”

              EVENTS: Vermin Infestation ("Active")
              “Vermin have gotten in to the granary in [city]. All the food stored there is spoiled.”


              1. "That sounds like bad news, but what can we do? Nothing."
              2. "Pay to have the lost grain replaced."

              Option #2 is hovered over, costing 21 gold.

              QUEST: Classic Literature
              “Our eldest scholars have collaborated on an effort to collect, record, and preserve all of our oral traditions and unwritten literature. They require storage space for pottery, stone tablets and other artifacts, as well as special repositories within our cities”.

              Further details:
              1. "You have been asked by our scholars to build enough Libraries to hold the newly recorded texts of our ancient stories and oral traditions."
              2. “... you must build 7 Libraries in your various cities.
              3. An additional reward option will be available if you control the Great Library if and when this quest is successfully completed.
              4. You will fail this quest if a rival civilization completes it first, or if you reach the Renaissance Era without having met the conditions.”

              QUEST: National Sports League
              Only shown as informational message on-screen: “The [civ] cities have built enough Colosseums to complete the National Sports League quest, strengthening their social fabric and their national identity.”

              QUEST: The Master Blacksmith
              “The master blacksmith in [city] has offered to take on and train multiple apprentices if the government will build new forges for them to operate once their training has been completed. We need enough to build Forges in our cities to accommodate the master's new students.”

              Further details:

              1. "You are tasked by the master blacksmith to build enough new Forges to provide acceptable working environments for all the students to whom he intends to pass on his trade secrets."
              2. "... you must build a total of 7 Forges in your various cities. This may include Forges already completed.
              3. The mastersmith is a religious man. An additional reward option will be available if your civilization has a state religion if and when the quest is completed successfully.
              4. You will fail this quest if a rival civilization completes it first, if you lo[o]se control over [city] and the mastersmith, or if you reach the Renaissance Era without having met the conditions."
              PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
              >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


              • #9
                /me looks at the videos...

                Have Cathedrals always given +2 hammers? Also, I don't recall SAM Infantry getting +75% against helicopters.

                When you hover over a rival city, it appears you get to know what they're building, and what buildings are inside their cities.

                The Forbidden Palace apparently gives +1 Great Spy.

                “The Russian people of the city of Yaro[?] have seen their homes burned! They are rising up against the wicked Dutch invaders, forming Partisan units to join the resistance [unintelligible] [unintelligble]!”
                “The Russian people of the city of Yaroslavl' have seen their homes burned! They are rising up against the wicked Dutch invaders, forming Partisan units to join the resistance as militia fighters!”


                • #10

                  I see the Indian cities of Vijayanagara, Ahmedabad and Madurai, which definitely aren't on the Warlords city list for India. Looks like someone finally took pity on LordShiva
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by I_pity_the_fool
                    .... Also, I don't recall SAM Infantry getting +75% against helicopters.
                    Pre-BtS, SAM Inf. have gotten +50% vs. gunships.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by I_pity_the_fool
                      “The Russian people of the city of Yaroslavl' have seen their homes burned! They are rising up against the wicked Dutch invaders, forming Partisan units to join the resistance as militia fighters!”
                      Ah yes -- thank you. I couldn't quite make all of it out with the High Resolution release.

                      I've updated my corresponding post above.
                      PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                      >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                      • #13
                        Originally posted by Locutus
                        Looks like someone finally took pity on LordShiva
                        PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                        >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                        • #14
                          Have Cathedrals always given +2 hammers? Also, I don't recall SAM Infantry getting +75% against helicopters.
                          If a civ is a full voting memeber of the Apostolic Palace - if a civ has adopted the appropriate state relgion and has not vetoed a passed resolution - then it will recieve production bonuses from all buildings related to its state religion.
                          LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by DanQ

                            WONDERS: Cristo Redentor (World)
                          • +5 Culture, +2 Great Enginner Points
                          • No Anarchy
                          • No wait between Civics or State Religion Changes
                          • 1000 hammer cost
                          • Odd to allow the guts of a trait to be replicated in a wonder. I'm guessing it comes late though given the cost so might not be too bad.

