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CivIV: Beyond the Sword

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  • #91
    Any clarification on the Apostolic Palace/United Nations question, Solver?

    I'm really quite excited about this; if the Civ series has had one consistent weakness, from the original until now, it's been the industrial/modern eras.
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • #92
      Originally posted by Alexander01

      Nope, actually that's the Moai, the Easter Island statues. Fun.
      Ahhh. Cool.

      Just for knowledges sake: Christo Redentor is Christ the Redeemer (statue on the mountain over Rio), and the Shwedagon Paya is in Burma. I hope that at least one (maybe two) of the new civs is from SE Asia... hoping the Mayans show, too.


      • #93
        yay the future!

        and the indians look cool.

        largest amount of expansion content in the history of the Civilization franchise.

        No doubt one of the new "civs" is an alien race for one of the scenario's. Who remembers that Civ2 scenario?

        That 2nd image of the girl, who bets that's going to be the Apocalypse (or after world war 3) Scenario? Edit: I should enlarge the image before opening my mouth, I didn't see the word "Afterworld" Anyway, great stuff

        Btw, I believe they have new artists on board as these concept designs are not in the same style as before.
        Last edited by FrostyBoy; March 28, 2007, 20:53.
        be free


        • #94
          Seems like the Redeemer is a natural for GP points; Mausoleum probably GE; Moai, GE or GA; the Paya, GP or GA; Zeus, bit of a wildcard.
          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


          • #95
            Bah, Humbug! Four months of waiting.


            • #96
              The Sherrin Foundation
              Captain of the Concordian Armed Forces, Inspectorate of the MoD Term VI


              • #97
                So who's going to put down guesses on the scenarios that will be included?

                I'm intrigued by the comment, "select members of the Civ Fan Community". Anyone hazard a guess at that one?


                • #98
                  Yay! Random events! I hope they're not as simplistic as Civ 1 events though.

                  <-- to all those who are towards random events.

                  Seriously though, this sounds like a really good expansion.
                  "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss


                  • #99
                    So I see in some of the concept art a city that is placed under a large clear dome. Might the tech tree be expanding farther into the future than just the generic Future Tech? Because I'd definitely like to see something like that.
                    Known in most other places as Anon Zytose.
                    +3 Research, +2 Efficiency, -1 Growth, -2 Industry, -2 Support.


                    • Originally posted by Dale
                      So who's going to put down guesses on the scenarios that will be included?
                      Well, with the Dutch and Portuguese in for sure, and at least one Native American civ, I'd say one may be a Colonization-type scenario. Didn't someone already create one?


                      • Colonization! Yeah, that has to be one for sure. That would be great!
                        be free


                        • so far, i dont think it is worth $30. but will wait & see, & keep fingers crossed. otherwise will wait till it drops to $20.


                          • depends on what you think is worth $30.


                            colonization- very good chance of this one. Even if it was in civ3.

                            WW1- european theater

                            ww2- I'm expecting a world game here. Since they did a pacific theater in civ3. Though I suppouse they could do european theater. Though I think civ4 vanilla had the med campaign. I'm not a big fan of that scenario.

                            WW3- I'd like to see this one. I enjoyed the WW79 scenario in Civ2 conflicts.

                            Maybe some kind of war in Asia. I'm sure they have to get something from asia. Opium wars? Those weren't that long were they?

                            middle east wars- something invovling Israel. So maybe the Hebrews will be one of the new civs.

                            Post nuke war scenario- looks like we might have one

                            Scenario on another planet

                            Underwater scenario maybe?

                            Cold War scenario making use of corporations. Not sure how this would work, but it would showcase the new corporations. Having civs battle it out in the modern world economically.


                            • Originally posted by Nikolai
                              So, you didn't think random event were okay in the old Civ1? I loved it.
                              Random events in a TBS are always bad, be it Civ1, CtP2, Civ4 or chess (ever thought of that?)


                              • sry dis, i dont play scenarios. if it isnt a loooonnng game im not interested
                                i have purchased everything civ on initial release since civ2. but think i might pass on this one till price drops. hopefully they will add or some of the stuff in the exp will look more compelling once it is released.

