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What about Civ4 for Nintendo DS?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by OliverFA
    Because a laptop is a lot more big and more inconvenient to carry away.

    However, I have to confess that I have Civ4 (and Civ3 before than that ) installed in my company laptop. (sssssh! don't tell anyone! ) and play it sometimes when I have to travel for work reasons at the plane or the hotel room.

    That was what made me think about the convenience of having a mobile version of Civ for an easily portable device such as the DS or even a smartphone. But being realistic, the only portable devices powerful enough to handle such game are the DS or the PSP.
    I understand. You have to realize my American brain (Texas brain, no less) has trouble with the concept of spending time using public transportation or worrying about carrying around a laptop for an extended period of time (just throw it in the back of the car that is never more than about 30 steps away).

    If I had the dough I would get a high end ultra-portable laptop just to play games at lunch at the deli.
    Got my new computer!!!!


    • #32
      Sorry, double post. Hit quote instead of edit.
      Got my new computer!!!!

