I was fighting a war VS Toku and managed to capture Satsuma witch I burned down.
To my surprise Toku did not mind this at all while Shaka, my allied and friend,
got upset claiming I had destroyed one of HIS cities.
Anyonw know what is going on here?
One possibility I could think of is that Shaka at some point of the game has had the ownership of
Satsuma. However the "Return city to Zulu control"-option did not exist when I captured it and it is in any case pretty
impossible for an invader to figure out that a Japanese city, built by the Japanese and beeing under Japanese control in fact counts as a Zulu city. Now this is going to hurt my relationship with Shaka for the duration of the entire game. A bad thing considering that he is my only friend this time around...
Similar experiences anyone?
To my surprise Toku did not mind this at all while Shaka, my allied and friend,
got upset claiming I had destroyed one of HIS cities.

Anyonw know what is going on here?
One possibility I could think of is that Shaka at some point of the game has had the ownership of
Satsuma. However the "Return city to Zulu control"-option did not exist when I captured it and it is in any case pretty
impossible for an invader to figure out that a Japanese city, built by the Japanese and beeing under Japanese control in fact counts as a Zulu city. Now this is going to hurt my relationship with Shaka for the duration of the entire game. A bad thing considering that he is my only friend this time around...
Similar experiences anyone?