Originally posted by Blake
The theory is that the Woodsman restriction means "almost never" which is correct (...)
The other thing is that this code runs nigh-instantly, while looking at the terrain all around the empire would take ages (relatively speaking). I figure it's quick, dirty and somewhat better than nothing.
The theory is that the Woodsman restriction means "almost never" which is correct (...)
The other thing is that this code runs nigh-instantly, while looking at the terrain all around the empire would take ages (relatively speaking). I figure it's quick, dirty and somewhat better than nothing.

Promotion logic is a necessary but small improvement though, I guess. The real challenge will be city attack logic.
I fear the only way to really improve warfare for the AI will be to incorporate several levels of strategy into the AI. It has to decide on a grand strategy, which basicly means "How do I want to win this game? And what must I do to reach this goal?". This involves deciding who to attack, who to make friend with, etc. The next layer is strategy, which involves deciding when to attack, and what cities to attack. The third layer is tactics. Here the AI must decide how to move its actual units. As a fourth layer we could add logistics, which will be logic for building additional units that are needed during the war and moving them to the front and such.
How to implement such a tiered system into the AI I don't really know. I guess it just has to evaluate each tier each turn, starting of course with grand strategy and doing logicstics at the end. But it has to be done such that it doesn't change its (grand) strategy every turn, of course, because then it won't be going anywhere.
The above system is of course already partionally in the AI. At least it seems to be, from my gameplay experience. There seems to be some point where they AI decides to go to war - and then it will spend some turns moving units etc, before it actually declares.
(That, by the way, is a much needed change in diplomacy. The ability to say "Geez, of course I want to war with your enemy, our enemy. But can you give me 5 turns to move my units to the border? It's in the interest of neither of us if I declare now and our mutual foe takes 3 of my border cities, right?". I often find myself forced to decline proposals which I might have accepted if I had had some time to prepare).