Originally posted by Virdrago
Hey Harrier; I think Snoopy meant this:
He took a city, which hasn't gained any (or little) culture yet, while enemy units are guarding a resource that isn't inside culture anymore (having lost the nearby city). They are about to die, and can't go anywhere, so instead of guarding the resource (which will go to Snoopy once the city isn't in disorder and gains culture), or uselessly waiting to get smoked, they could be programmed to destroy the road and/or mine (or whatever), instead of sitting waiting to give 1xp to a unit. Excuse the run-on sentence.
Of course, I could be wrong.
Hey Harrier; I think Snoopy meant this:
He took a city, which hasn't gained any (or little) culture yet, while enemy units are guarding a resource that isn't inside culture anymore (having lost the nearby city). They are about to die, and can't go anywhere, so instead of guarding the resource (which will go to Snoopy once the city isn't in disorder and gains culture), or uselessly waiting to get smoked, they could be programmed to destroy the road and/or mine (or whatever), instead of sitting waiting to give 1xp to a unit. Excuse the run-on sentence.
Of course, I could be wrong.

But I think what I said is still valid, as I was thinking of the late game -when if you captured a city - once it came out of revolt - all surrounding tiles are still in the opponent AIs' control (even if you use a GA as a culture bomb).
I therefore presume you are refering to the early game - when tiles go out of any civ control due to low culture.
Well that could be factored into my proposal quite easly :-
As I said in the above post - EXCEPT: - If tile no longer in your cultural influence - pillage and when finished (if still alive) retreat to your own nearest territory.
What do you think?