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Warlords V2.08 bug thread

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  • I have been having problems with the goto command. If I select a unit or group of units to move I press the goto button (or press g) and select a destination square, half the time the units move and half the time they dont.

    After I have commanded the unit(s) to move and its far enough, I have no idea if they have actually moved so have to locate them manually (focus gets lost) to check if they have really moved or not.

    If they have not moved first time, the second time almost always is succesful.

    I hope this is not a bug and its me doing something wrong, but......


    • I saw the AI not building the Internet in my last game and so I had a look at the source.

      As far as I can tell, it will only get built by a civilization that's met 2 or fewer players.


      • Originally posted by Adagio
        Didn't know only Archers, Gunpowder, warriors and scouts could get that promotion, as the Celts UU get the promotion for free I just assumed all units could get it. It's not like I use that promotion for other units than warriors (and units defending a city on a hill)
        This just makes the Dun even more useless, the Guerilla promotion is useless most of the game
        You haven't faced Guerilla III musketeers have you
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • HotSeat bugs not fixed in 2.08

          I think I posted these bugs back when Warlords expansion first came out. But just in case I'll post them again as they have not been addressed with the current patch.

          In Hot Seat game, 2 human players, the second player's tech research screen displays the FIRST PLAYER'S Tech tree and is disabled so that the second player cannot select techs. This pretty much makes Hot Seat unplayable as the second player can no longer see any of the tech's they have researched, at the same time they can see what their rival player IS researching.

          There are some slight workarounds but both are limited. The Second player can pick techs to research from the tech toolbar icons on the main game screen or the dialog box that opens when research is completed. However they are still unable to view the tech tree to see A) what they have already researched or B) to select an advanced tech that they want to make a b-line for such as Astronomy in an Islands map or a religion founding tech.

          You can get around problem A by making both human players on the same team and share their research so that the tech tree at least shows what tech has been completed. But this spoils the game somewhat (in my opinion) and limits different styles of play.

          I haven't yet found a solution to problem B (for b-lining advanced techs).

          Incidently, saving and reloading the game (depending on whose turn it is) may reverse the error so that Player 1 has the problems that Player 2 had previously.

          Another bug (minor this time) - The resources map highlight option is forgotten every turn in Hot Seat mode which is a bit annoying if you've got used to using it.
          'It's all just a bunch of flees fighting over who owns the dog'


          • Does this count as a bug, or just amusing unintended consequence?
            Attached Files


            • It's not so much a bug as probably an issue with my cruddy integrated graphics card, but this cottage seems to be comprised of Buddhist monks DEEP in meditation, or they've simply discovered anti-gravity.
              Attached Files

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • Forbidden Palace bug?

                I've just built my seventh courthouse in a civ with 17 cities, but when I try to select Forbidden Palace in the build queue it has in red "need 8 cities". I may be jumping to conclusions here but do these 8 cities need to be founded by me with settlers i build? I ask this cause i've only built 7 of my cities, the rest i've conquered.



                • I believe that's number of courthouses needed.
                  Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
                  Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
                  One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


                  • its got something to do with courthouses but you only need 7.

                    7 courthouses, 8 cities, but whichever city you build the FP in seems to need a courthouse first. Fair enough but this isn't documented as far as i know.

                    at least i only have to build another courthouse and not another city!



                    • I'm not sure, but I believe it might have something to do with number of cities on the continent. In one of my games I had cities on several continents. My main continent had more than 8 cities, while on the other continent I only had 4-5 cities. I could build the FP in all the cities on my main continent (of those who had the courthouse), but I couldn't build the FP in any of the cities on the other continent (not even in those where the courthouse was build)
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • All my cities are on a single continent - i've not seen the example you describe - but your (Adagio) point could create a problem for archipelago players. Is there an inconsistancy in the game in applying the FP criteria?



                        • You just need to build courthouses into 8 cities in order to build the forbidden palace.


                          • It's probably an old issue, but...
                            After patched, the warlords CD is not recognized. I receive that classic message, "insert he cd in the drive "E""...
                            The game works fine without the patch.
                            This is happening with my son's computer (a brand new one), and I have already upgraded the firmware of the LG drive.

                            Please, folks... Any help? The kid is very frustrated...
                            RIAA sucks
                            The Optimistas
                            I'm a political cartoonist


                            • Edited: Double post
                              Last edited by Aro; June 18, 2007, 10:39.
                              RIAA sucks
                              The Optimistas
                              I'm a political cartoonist

