Let me first clarify that my post was meant as sarcasm to all the bickering about the USA topic. I'm sure most people will understand that :P
Now for your questions;
The European Union is indeed a co-operation of 25 independant nations. However, the EU has a government, which is based in Brussels. It's like any national government, but covering the entire EU.
European law overrules national law in ALL cases. If any European state should decide to ignore European law, huge fines that could reach hundreds of millions of euros could be imposed on that state. Simply said, we can NOT refuse what the EU tells us to do. We have to answer to the federal government.
The EU is not nearly like the UN, it really is a government that imposes laws and taxes on it's member states/citizens. In the national taxes an amount of EU tax is included. This varies with the wealth level of the memberstates (wealthier memberstates pay more). These taxes are split from national taxes and then end up in Brussels, so to say.
We also have a European army. Even though the memberstates can independantly control their troops, if Brussels decides different, then so be it. Also if, for example France for some reason would get it's ass kicked by any random country, the EU would send troops from all over the federation to the target location. Again, EU commands overrule national commands. Right now for example all European nations have been ordered by Brussels to increase their defense budget by a certain percentage in order to increase the size of the European army. As they said, they want it to match the American army, which is much larger at his time.
A correction to what you said:
-We can NOT refuse to do what the EU says. EU law is ultimate
-The EU DOES tax it's citizens
-The European Union DOES have a European Army
To add, we also have a communal economy, and currency. Even the states that have not yet adopted the Euro will have to do so by 2017 or something. I know they have a date like that planned.
The EU is also so much more than "just an organisation". The EU goes much deeper than that. It's a commitment of 25 countries that have decided to work together on all levels of economy, politics and military. We share the same values and theres a very strong sense of brotherhood amongst our fellow Europeans. Even though Germany and Holland really hate eachother during the European Football Championships, they love eachother before and after :P you get the idea.
I am sure the EU will become much more like one nation as time passes, for as far as it isn't already.
But still, it would of course be rediculous to have it as a civ :P . They could maybe introduce unions as a diplomatic option, but that would be a whole different story
Let me first clarify that my post was meant as sarcasm to all the bickering about the USA topic. I'm sure most people will understand that :P
Now for your questions;
The European Union is indeed a co-operation of 25 independant nations. However, the EU has a government, which is based in Brussels. It's like any national government, but covering the entire EU.
European law overrules national law in ALL cases. If any European state should decide to ignore European law, huge fines that could reach hundreds of millions of euros could be imposed on that state. Simply said, we can NOT refuse what the EU tells us to do. We have to answer to the federal government.
The EU is not nearly like the UN, it really is a government that imposes laws and taxes on it's member states/citizens. In the national taxes an amount of EU tax is included. This varies with the wealth level of the memberstates (wealthier memberstates pay more). These taxes are split from national taxes and then end up in Brussels, so to say.
We also have a European army. Even though the memberstates can independantly control their troops, if Brussels decides different, then so be it. Also if, for example France for some reason would get it's ass kicked by any random country, the EU would send troops from all over the federation to the target location. Again, EU commands overrule national commands. Right now for example all European nations have been ordered by Brussels to increase their defense budget by a certain percentage in order to increase the size of the European army. As they said, they want it to match the American army, which is much larger at his time.
A correction to what you said:
-We can NOT refuse to do what the EU says. EU law is ultimate
-The EU DOES tax it's citizens
-The European Union DOES have a European Army
To add, we also have a communal economy, and currency. Even the states that have not yet adopted the Euro will have to do so by 2017 or something. I know they have a date like that planned.
The EU is also so much more than "just an organisation". The EU goes much deeper than that. It's a commitment of 25 countries that have decided to work together on all levels of economy, politics and military. We share the same values and theres a very strong sense of brotherhood amongst our fellow Europeans. Even though Germany and Holland really hate eachother during the European Football Championships, they love eachother before and after :P you get the idea.
I am sure the EU will become much more like one nation as time passes, for as far as it isn't already.
But still, it would of course be rediculous to have it as a civ :P . They could maybe introduce unions as a diplomatic option, but that would be a whole different story
