Ok, I tried to forget that I even saw that post and now..... Must purge images.
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getting bored: ideas welcome
Originally posted by Nikolai
Must........resist..........unpleasant............ .images...............
Well, maybe we are sharing a bit too much here.If you aren't confused,
You don't understand.
About the difficulty level, in the early game, I get creamed on emperor, but for the mid and late game, I get bored with anything less than emperor. What I do, is play normally, and then depending on the size of the map, around 0-1000 AD, I'll go in the editor and add just a few tiles of land here and there around the coast so I can build another city or two and be able to sustain some science and $$ flow. I know its cheating, but I think its rather fair and I really enjoy the entire game this way.
PS sometimes I'll also give myself two missionaries when I found Buddhism or Hinduism just becuase I'll have no chance to spread it otherwise.
PPS That's the extent of my cheatingMay it come that all the Radiances will be known as ones own radiances
About the difficulty level, in the early game, I get creamed on emperor, but for the mid and late game, I get bored with anything less than emperor. What I do, is play normally, and then depending on the size of the map, around 0-1000 AD, I'll go in the editor and add just a few tiles of land here and there around the coast so I can build another city or two and be able to sustain some science and $$ flow. I know its cheating, but I think its rather fair and I really enjoy the entire game this way.
PS sometimes I'll also give myself two missionaries when I found Buddhism or Hinduism just becuase I'll have no chance to spread it otherwise.
PPS That's the extent of my cheatingMay it come that all the Radiances will be known as ones own radiances
played a game in the fantasy realm today. With crazy resources.
Not sure what to say about that one. I had no copper, iron, coal, or oil. But I had plenty of incense and uranium.. I had incense up the ass. And enough uranium to build 5 million hyrdogen bombs.
My first priority was the great wall. I wasn't sure how I'd deal with barbarians with now swordsmen or axeman. I did manage to get stone (in both a forest square and a jungle square). I had to research bronze working before I could build a quarry because of the location. I manged to get the great wall.
My next obtacle was the aztecs. Their uu doesn't require a source of iron or copper, so they attacked me. Luckily they didn't send more than 7 jaguars my way. And another lucky break was I had 2 sources of horses. Although my horse archer didn't really save the day. I had to rely on archers to successfully defend attacks from those 7 jaguars.
The map had no ocean, so the lack of oil wasn't a big deal. And I didn't get into a modern war, so no need for tanks. I could have used infantry or sam infantry if I had to. The AI's didn't have any copper, iron, or oil either I believe. I had no coal, but one of the ai's did and traded it to me.
Originally posted by Dis
played a game with always war or peace option on.
I don't understand that option. There's 3 total. Always war, always peace, and always war or peace.
I thought I'd be permanently at war with some ai's and permanently at peace with others. But I ended up permanently at peace with all of them.
kind of a boring game with no war. I was playing raging barbs (my first time). That was interesting as the ai didn't build up much military perhaps because they knew they wouldn't have to fight the other ai's or human. But the barbs raped their ass.. Maybe they always do with raging barbs. And it was my first game I managed to build the great wall.
. So I didn't exactly have to deal with raging barbs.
"Archapa-whatever: tiny islands" is great except that you can win the game on deity with a random civilization without trying, because the AI never builds ships.
Originally posted by Bobby Chicken
The game gives you the option of whether to declare war or not when you first meet them in normal games, so common sense telleth me it's the same way here, but I could be wrong.This space is empty... or is it?