Originally posted by Dis
Where does civ go from here? Maybe I lack imagination, but it may have reached it's pinnacle.
Where does civ go from here? Maybe I lack imagination, but it may have reached it's pinnacle.
It's just like people in the advertising field. Right now, on American television, we've got talking cows pimping for California cheese and a talking beaver that plays chess in some guy"s dreams, with Abraham Lincoln ("Honest Abe") looking on; all because this guy switched back to a certain mattress. WTF!

When Civ5 comes out; and I see a lot in the current expansion I still want to play out first, despite my earlier rant in this thread, Civ5 will probably shoot off in a whole new direction. We might have hologram leaderheads with real AI, trade is certainly an area for expansion, some games specialize in it with more detail; more city detail like the new companion piece "Civ/Rome" or whatever it's called; released this month also. Go back to space, (c'mon Sid, you can do it, space marines and cities were fun in CTP1!) Or stuff so totally wild that my chemically unenhanced brain can't yet concieve of it.
Proponents of true economics from the capitalist perspective, which now dominates the civilized world, except for the weird hybrid in China, say greed motivates creativity, (actually they call greed "self-interest,") which in turn motivates market success, which motivates more greed, er "self-interest." Even if Sid and the design team are some kind of computer geek/saints, the people who market them (2K, are you listening?) will want to ride the golden calf forever and the ends will justify and promote, the means.
I wouldn't worry about Civ5. They will make it and you will come. (So, if still alive, will I.
