Wow. I just tried my first game with raging barbarians turned on, Prince difficulty, and yikes. I can fend them off ok, but it stunts my growth amazingly, plus if another civ attacks me (thanks hattie!) I may as well just quit! I was playing as Mansa, so it wasn't a terribly bad civ to use. My first time using him incidently; skrimishers are sweet.
I knew that the barbs were going to be a problem, so I ignored going for an early religion to concentrate on archery and a few of the base techs to make a decent infrastructure, gradually moved fortified skirmishers out to guard my land and reduce fog around me. Egypt was directly north of me on my border, Rome a bit to he west, east and south pretty much open season for barbs.
I suppose I forgot that I'd turned random personalities on as well so was a bit taken by surprise with Hatties attack on me. She managed to disrupt my road connecting my marble long enough for me to miss the Oracle and civil service by 3 turns
Any advice on dealing with raging barbs plus still advancing myself? I quit that game in disgust after losing the Oracle after working my butt off to get it, but I'll probably try again shortly.
I knew that the barbs were going to be a problem, so I ignored going for an early religion to concentrate on archery and a few of the base techs to make a decent infrastructure, gradually moved fortified skirmishers out to guard my land and reduce fog around me. Egypt was directly north of me on my border, Rome a bit to he west, east and south pretty much open season for barbs.
I suppose I forgot that I'd turned random personalities on as well so was a bit taken by surprise with Hatties attack on me. She managed to disrupt my road connecting my marble long enough for me to miss the Oracle and civil service by 3 turns
Any advice on dealing with raging barbs plus still advancing myself? I quit that game in disgust after losing the Oracle after working my butt off to get it, but I'll probably try again shortly.