"The way you get one is everytime you are attacking and you are successful in combat, your units gain experience. That was already in Civ IV. But in Warlords they also gain great people points and eventually you will be rewarded with a great general."
Barry Caudill, from the recent chat with IGN/Gamespy
Interesting, does this mean that every experience point your units gain add up to great general points? Sounds cool.
Also interesting was his description of vassal states.
"You might demand that they become your vassal or you might be doing so well that they beg to become your vassal. At that point you share research, you share technologies, their land counts as your land for domination victories, things like that. But you also share *inaudible*. But the thing is it's a set period of time like a peace treaty so their's a possibility that at the end of that period they could decide that they've been building back up so you could find that they're back at war with you. "
Very neat, Warlords is shaping up to be a heckuva XP.
Barry Caudill, from the recent chat with IGN/Gamespy
Interesting, does this mean that every experience point your units gain add up to great general points? Sounds cool.
Also interesting was his description of vassal states.
"You might demand that they become your vassal or you might be doing so well that they beg to become your vassal. At that point you share research, you share technologies, their land counts as your land for domination victories, things like that. But you also share *inaudible*. But the thing is it's a set period of time like a peace treaty so their's a possibility that at the end of that period they could decide that they've been building back up so you could find that they're back at war with you. "
Very neat, Warlords is shaping up to be a heckuva XP.
