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No CD Petition

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  • #31
    The copy protection requires that the CD be in the drive when you boot the game, nothing more. It's easy to copy the CD; that's how the whole iso discussion has been about.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Kuciwalker
      The copy protection requires that the CD be in the drive when you boot the game, nothing more. It's easy to copy the CD; that's how the whole iso discussion has been about.
      I see. Still, not alot of people know about iso copies. I consider myself relatively aware of computers and understand what they are, but I've never bothered to figure out how to make one. And most people know even less than I do. If people could just make a copy with Nero etc., they'd probably be more inclined to pass along their games to friends, family etc. It may not be much of a deterence, but it still works to a certain extent.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Zoid
        8) Point out that a true Civ player only has a few games installed...
        Civ, Civ II, Civ III and CiV.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #34
          Originally posted by Willem
          I see. Still, not alot of people know about iso copies. I consider myself relatively aware of computers and understand what they are, but I've never bothered to figure out how to make one. And most people know even less than I do. If people could just make a copy with Nero etc., they'd probably be more inclined to pass along their games to friends, family etc. It may not be much of a deterence, but it still works to a certain extent.

          The point is, copy protection is worthless because anyone who knows how to pirate at all knows how to circumvent copy protection. Therefore the number of people it prevents from pirating games is approximately zero.

          Not to mention, the most common method I've observed of pirating games inherently circumvents copy protection - you download the iso, mount it with DaemonTools, and launch the installer as if the mounted iso were the install CD in the drive.


          • #35
            many companies dont put that kind of feature on their cd's. just to mention a few games I play without the cd, since some of you dont believe that other games exist; Rome:Total War, Europa Universalis (and other paradox games), world of warcraft (yeah yeah), heck, most games today are playable without the CD.

            furthermore, if you look at the piracy market, why are for example playstation games MORE expensive than PC games? I dont have any numbers, but compared to the required effort to piracy playstation games compared to PC games I would assume that consoles have far less piracy than PC's. Yet games are still more expensive for consoles, despite the consoles dont require the extra effort to make the game compatible with more than one type of hardware\software.

            that piracy keeps game prices up is BS.

            and this thread has nothing to do with piracy. it has to do with the games producers adding an unnecessary useless annoying feature. fix it in a patch!

            I dont know what others posted on the civfanatics thread for it to be shut down, but if a petition for something which is totally legal then thats just another reason why I dont really hang out much at civfanatics.

            lots of companies dont have must-have CD to play, suggesting that civ should be like those other games in that fashion isnt illegal, heck, it isnt even slightly naughty. its just a perfectly reasonable request from a consumer that doesnt want the hassle of dragging the cd out every time he wants to play.

            and finally for the people who say I'm a lazy grinch. maybe I am, but I use my cd-tray for other things too, music, dvd's, installing software and moving around data. having to insert the civ cd again and again is tedious and once again unnecessary. it serves no purpose.
            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


            • #36
              many companies dont put that kind of feature on their cd's. just to mention a few games I play without the cd, since some of you dont believe that other games exist; Rome:Total War, Europa Universalis (and other paradox games), world of warcraft (yeah yeah), heck, most games today are playable without the CD.

              WOW is a subscription game; they don't care about the CD. EU is a niche game - and IIRC HOI2 did have copy protection. Every game I own from that past several years has copy protection, except GalCiv.


              • #37
                honestly how many times must this issue be rehashed. This is almost as bad as Should Stalin/Hitler be in the game. This is the 5th thread here at Apolyton and CFC that I've seen on this topic. Its not going away, it will most likely be in Warlords and Civ 5 and civ 6 no matter how many petitions are signed. Maybe as paying customers you don't like putting the cd in the tray but thats probably the way its going to stay and its not like its difficult. so for the love of mike can be get back to something of substance.
                As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
                - Voltaire


                • #38
                  It's not difficult, but with laptops especially it's a real pain to carry around a bunch of CD's...


                  • #39
                    let's make it perfectly clear.

                    Honest people do not care about having the CD in. they may find it an inconvenience, but they won't attempt to bypass it.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by greenday_234
                      so for the love of mike can be get back to something of substance.
                      I agree. I've come to view sticking a CD in the tray as just another part of life. I was actually quite surprised when I discovered, by accident, that I didn't need to do it with Neverwinter Nights. I had been playing the game for quite some time before I realized that.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MadDjinn
                        let's make it perfectly clear.

                        Honest people do not care about having the CD in. they may find it an inconvenience, but they won't attempt to bypass it.
                        Uhm, no. I know loads of people who buy games legally and then apply a no-CD crack to it, myself included. It annoying as hell that you have to use CDs as dongles, especially if you have lots of games installed and use your CD drive for other stuff as well. CDs are not dongles, they are data storage devices. I'm a legitimate customer, why I should I be bothered like that? Especially considering that the pirates don't...

                        If the game industry wants dongles so much, they should develop a standard for it that allows you to connect a large number of them to a single USB port. Then I wouldn't be nearly as bothered by it, it would just become plug-and-forget. The current CD protection systems are just lazy and cheap on behalf of the industry (of course, such a system is just as easy to crack as no-CD protection systems, but at least it's less of a burden on legitimate customers).
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #42
                          Re: Re: No CD Petition

                          If you spend 5 minutes looking you can find a NoCD patch. Firaxis doesn't need to relese one, if it bothers you so much just download one from I am sure numerous sites out there who have them.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by MadDjinn
                            let's make it perfectly clear.

                            Honest people do not care about having the CD in. they may find it an inconvenience, but they won't attempt to bypass it.
                            BZZZT wrong.

                            I bought plenty of games legally that I've downloaded no-CD patches for. In some cases because I hate switching disks, in other cases because I lost the disk.


                            • #44
                              did you download the no-CD patch from the makers of the games? likely not.

                              therefore you're trying to get around some very simple and basic protection illegally.

                              As Locutus said, there are other methods to handle such things. but they are also crackable.

                              One version that might have promise is making the customer access the companies site when loading the game. but then that'd cause all sorts of other issues.


                              this fight has been going on for a very long time, and is not going to end because of a mild inconvenience.

                              Companies want to make sure that the people who are playing the game, bought their own copy. This is the only legitimate argument to make about the issue.

                              On the other side are those who apparently think they are allowed to benefit from other peoples hard work, without paying. They can go remove themselves from the gene pool for all I care.

                              then there are those paying customers in the middle who need to make moral choices about what they do.


                              and if people aren't going to stop cracking the games, then it is entirely likely that we'll see more and more online pay-to-play games exist where the companies will be able to fully control who plays the game. but then they'll be robbing you blind for pay-services.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by greenday_234
                                honestly how many times must this issue be rehashed. This is almost as bad as Should Stalin/Hitler be in the game. This is the 5th thread here at Apolyton and CFC that I've seen on this topic. Its not going away, it will most likely be in Warlords and Civ 5 and civ 6 no matter how many petitions are signed. Maybe as paying customers you don't like putting the cd in the tray but thats probably the way its going to stay and its not like its difficult. so for the love of mike can be get back to something of substance.
                                Wondering if others feel the same as you do on any given topic (a no-cd patch, in this case) is doing something that lacks substance? What then are forums for? It's not like it's the end of the world either way.

