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No CD Petition

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  • No CD Petition

    Who wants to sign a petition requesting firaxis to release a no cd-patch. there is no point in having the cd in when playing and its just a pest and a pain to find it and put it in the tray every time I'm gonna start the game.

    Sign here.

    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

  • #2
    You must be awfully lazy if you're so bothered by having to "find it and put it in the tray".


    • #3
      Originally posted by Willem
      You must be awfully lazy if you're so bothered by having to "find it and put it in the tray".
      Nah. I think it would be nice, actually. I've been a little spoiled by some great games like GC2 and NWN, both of which allow their paying customers to play without plugging in the CDs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by armchairknight

        Nah. I think it would be nice, actually. I've been a little spoiled by some great games like GC2 and NWN, both of which allow their paying customers to play without plugging in the CDs.
        Sure it's a bit more convenient, but it's not really that big of a deal. I have all my games in a small rack right next to my computer so all I have to do is reach out, press the drive button and stick it in. It's ceratinly not a major inconvenience by any means, it's just a question of being somewhat organized.


        • #5
          sign me up! though i dont see it happening any time soon.


          • #6
            Re: No CD Petition

            Originally posted by LzPrst
            Who wants to sign a petition requesting firaxis to release a no cd-patch. there is no point in having the cd in when playing and its just a pest and a pain to find it and put it in the tray every time I'm gonna start the game.

            Sign here.

            1) Download Daemon Tools
            2) make an .iso of the Civ4 disc
            3) Mount the .iso in DT
            4) Problem solved!
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #7
              5) Realize that your laptop's HD can only hold so many .iso's in addition to the installed game.


              • #8
                6) Buy a bigger HD
                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                • #9
                  7) Point out that this is a laptop and that even with, say, a 160 GB HD (the largest I could have ordered was 120), that's still anywhere between 4 and 8 GB per game.


                  • #10
                    8) Point out that a true Civ player only has a few games installed...
                    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                    • #11
                      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                      • #12
                        9) Point out that most of Firaxis' income doesn't come from true Civ players.


                        • #13
                          I don't think an official no-cd patch would hurt. One can google no-cd and civilization, and find a patch. I wonder if it's even illegal? If you actually own the game, that is. I doubt it curbs piracy or anything... If one pirates a game, it's a trivial matter to get a crack or a no-cd patch for it. Thus, it's only an annoyance to those of us, who bought the game, and don't want any suspicious patches installed...

                          Was it Ubisoft that just announced they were getting rid of Securom?
                          I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
                            I don't think an official no-cd patch would hurt. One can google no-cd and civilization, and find a patch.
                            The last time I tried to do that for a game, I ended up getting a virus on my system. Fortunately Norton took care of it before it spread, but I'll never try that again. Along with hacks like that comes shady characters who don't give a damn.


                            • #15
                              I too have my cd rack by the computer and just have to reach out. but swapping cd's for playing games is annoying and most importantly unnecessary. Theres no sane reason for it, its just an irrational annoyance.

                              And finally, if you dont agree, dont sign the petition...
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

