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Next Patch Status? Anyone Know?

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  • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
    I want Infogrames back.

    I sure hope you're joking
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • Not a bit.

      Infogrames was horrible, true.

      But if I recall correct, they didn't hold a patch hostage in their QA department for more than a month. That may have had the reason, that they had none, but anyway.

      And neither did they have the nerve to whip out an expansion pack with scenarios (can we say Civ4 Conquests?) after less than a year. I'm beginning to suspect, that Sony Online Entertainment holds a big package of Take2 shares. Too much reminds me of their practice.


      • try moo3 & TOE just of the top of my head. these guys are infamous for pushing games out the door before they are ready then taking their sweet time fixing them. if they even bother.
        i know they have good games out there but my bad experinces with infrogrammes/atari far outway my good.


        • Come on, even if the patch situation is bordering on the ridiculous now Firaxis/Take2 has done far better than Firaxis/Atari did. I mean you can´t even compare Civ4 v1.00 with Civ3 1.00 in terms of playability. And why be mad that we get an expansion too early? It´s like getting angry because you get too many christmas presents...
          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


          • Patch is here:
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