I’m looking for some ideas how to handle playing on deity level. My initial take on this level of the game would be that a large part of it would revolve around military expansion letting the AI use its huge bonuses to build cities for you. From my experiences at the first game, I was reasonably happy with this as a strategy but found the AI left me standing on the tech front and that all my military efforts did were to stifle my own tech advancement and that of the Victoria, my “unfortunate” neighbour.
Now I guess you’ll understand that “unfortunate” is a relative term here simply because of the headstart that the AI gets with its free settler/workers and the 40% reduction in build costs. I could even count myself lucky that Vicky chose to build a city right on the edge of my capitals “fat cross” so that the citizens of Hastings were quickly enamored of Stonehenge (the one feasible wonder).
In fact, I built Stonehenge for the Prophet sling to CoL and a religion so, in some respects, this was not an entirely unsuccessful strategy. Once I had this tech my three cities went straight for military builds with Axemen as the mainstay and a few supplementary spearmen to deal with Vicky’s chariots.
The big problem was still that the AI has significant defenses. My first war, cost me about 4 or 5 units to around 18 English ones and all I had to show for this was the captured city of York – having checked out London, I saw 7 Archers defending the capital which was far too much for my 8 Axemen to break. But allowing for the AI bonuses, those 18 English units costs just 270 hammers while my losses were around the 150 level. My production was augmented a little but still well below that of the English.
In the next 10 turns, I struck at a Barbarian city and got myself a few more promotions so that, by the time the English has settled Warwick, my Cover/City RaiderII Axemen were on hand to move on the city. In this second war, I first wiped out all the defenders of Warwick except a Chariot. With a population of 1, I did not want to throw away the chance of a free city and Warwick conveniently created an English Verdun. A few of my experienced Axemen were left watching the city and every three or four turns, a couple of archers would appear and were attacked the instant they arrived in the city (no culture or fortification bonuses). All this time, my forces were building up in York for a push on Nottingham (Taoist holy city) and a couple of spearmen were sweeping up the regular incursions of chariots.
By the time I had captured Nottingham, I had killed over 40 units in total over the course of 75 game turns and lost 6 or 7. London was now looking impervious with about 10 archers– although I guess it would fall to the neighbouring Japanese if they just sent a warrior to knock on the city gates..
All this time, costs were hardly crippling but neither were they comfortable (losing money at 50% science). Russia and Japan were way ahead with techs like Compass, Metal Working, Monarchy. With Construction a few turns away, I could conceivably have put an end to the English nuisance but by the time I had gone through the motions of taking their cities, I was almost certain that Tokugawa would be knocking on my door with plenty of Samurai.
Now this is what I would consider as a successful early game yet the stats are showing me at the bottom of the pack on almost every count.
Any advice gratefully accepted.
For information purposes, I’m playing as Huayna Capac. I figured that the military and financial bonuses could work quite well together.
Now I guess you’ll understand that “unfortunate” is a relative term here simply because of the headstart that the AI gets with its free settler/workers and the 40% reduction in build costs. I could even count myself lucky that Vicky chose to build a city right on the edge of my capitals “fat cross” so that the citizens of Hastings were quickly enamored of Stonehenge (the one feasible wonder).
In fact, I built Stonehenge for the Prophet sling to CoL and a religion so, in some respects, this was not an entirely unsuccessful strategy. Once I had this tech my three cities went straight for military builds with Axemen as the mainstay and a few supplementary spearmen to deal with Vicky’s chariots.
The big problem was still that the AI has significant defenses. My first war, cost me about 4 or 5 units to around 18 English ones and all I had to show for this was the captured city of York – having checked out London, I saw 7 Archers defending the capital which was far too much for my 8 Axemen to break. But allowing for the AI bonuses, those 18 English units costs just 270 hammers while my losses were around the 150 level. My production was augmented a little but still well below that of the English.
In the next 10 turns, I struck at a Barbarian city and got myself a few more promotions so that, by the time the English has settled Warwick, my Cover/City RaiderII Axemen were on hand to move on the city. In this second war, I first wiped out all the defenders of Warwick except a Chariot. With a population of 1, I did not want to throw away the chance of a free city and Warwick conveniently created an English Verdun. A few of my experienced Axemen were left watching the city and every three or four turns, a couple of archers would appear and were attacked the instant they arrived in the city (no culture or fortification bonuses). All this time, my forces were building up in York for a push on Nottingham (Taoist holy city) and a couple of spearmen were sweeping up the regular incursions of chariots.
By the time I had captured Nottingham, I had killed over 40 units in total over the course of 75 game turns and lost 6 or 7. London was now looking impervious with about 10 archers– although I guess it would fall to the neighbouring Japanese if they just sent a warrior to knock on the city gates..
All this time, costs were hardly crippling but neither were they comfortable (losing money at 50% science). Russia and Japan were way ahead with techs like Compass, Metal Working, Monarchy. With Construction a few turns away, I could conceivably have put an end to the English nuisance but by the time I had gone through the motions of taking their cities, I was almost certain that Tokugawa would be knocking on my door with plenty of Samurai.
Now this is what I would consider as a successful early game yet the stats are showing me at the bottom of the pack on almost every count.
Any advice gratefully accepted.
For information purposes, I’m playing as Huayna Capac. I figured that the military and financial bonuses could work quite well together.