WAR! Cavalry reaches the walls of Boston with slow-movers a turn behind. WarE picks off a worker on the border who starts cutting a more direct route for me.
1158 AD – Galileo born in Washington; too bad we can’t capture him! After all, Michaelangelo and others changed loyalty (or ownership) with the fortunes of war and politics. Odd: the display of Boston went from +85% to +125% and back.
1160 AD – Boston back to +125% and 3 Cats bring it down to +46% (and +68 on the display, is the difference fortification?) 4 shots bring it down to 0% with nothing on the display. Prae Primus (City Raider III), leads the attack…and loses to a Longbow (2.4/6, damn that hill!). Next up, 2nd Cavalry (Flanking II) survives leaving a Pike (2.6/6). 3rd is Combat I Cav scoring first kill vs LB. Mace kills LB, First Mace (CR III) finishes the Pike and takes Boston. Cav destroys Mace and occupies American Iron adjacent to Washington.
1162 AD – No counterattack yet, leaving me to pillage his only Iron. Cheap mine: 1gp.
1164 AD – Ant Cav, Cav
1166 AD – Chemistry, start Stell. Tol Cat, Cat.
1168 AD – Expecting seaborne raid. Neap Cav, Cav; Shang Musk, Pike (cheap garrison); Atl Musk, Musk. Cats reduce Washington to 0%. Defer assault to get some collateral damage. Low 5 LB + Pike defending.
1170 AD – Etr Cav, Cav. Boston comes online and starts Theater. Santiago’s borders press 4 adjacent tiles. Forge sole survivor, no Courthouse unfortunately. 1st Cat survives to withdraw, damaging 4 units. 2nd Cat died but all 6 units are damaged. One more: 3rd Cat dies, crippled LB and further damaged the rest. Mace kills LB, First Mace (CR III) kills LB, Cav kills Pike (yay!), Cav kills LB, First Knight (Cav) kills LB, 3rd Cav kills last LB capturing a worker (formerly Settler), destroying Galley, capturing Roos’ capital. Headline: “Washington Falls!” Captured Harbor, Forge, Academy, Market, and Grocer. No Wonders, more’s the pity, but still a rich haul. If continuing the war, New York will be the next target, but I’d prefer to trim Spain. Well, the Toad No-Longer-In-Washington won’t talk, so maybe I need New York to stabilize the American cultural border. Our conquests seem to be out-stripping our culture!
1158 AD – Galileo born in Washington; too bad we can’t capture him! After all, Michaelangelo and others changed loyalty (or ownership) with the fortunes of war and politics. Odd: the display of Boston went from +85% to +125% and back.
1160 AD – Boston back to +125% and 3 Cats bring it down to +46% (and +68 on the display, is the difference fortification?) 4 shots bring it down to 0% with nothing on the display. Prae Primus (City Raider III), leads the attack…and loses to a Longbow (2.4/6, damn that hill!). Next up, 2nd Cavalry (Flanking II) survives leaving a Pike (2.6/6). 3rd is Combat I Cav scoring first kill vs LB. Mace kills LB, First Mace (CR III) finishes the Pike and takes Boston. Cav destroys Mace and occupies American Iron adjacent to Washington.
1162 AD – No counterattack yet, leaving me to pillage his only Iron. Cheap mine: 1gp.
1164 AD – Ant Cav, Cav
1166 AD – Chemistry, start Stell. Tol Cat, Cat.
1168 AD – Expecting seaborne raid. Neap Cav, Cav; Shang Musk, Pike (cheap garrison); Atl Musk, Musk. Cats reduce Washington to 0%. Defer assault to get some collateral damage. Low 5 LB + Pike defending.
1170 AD – Etr Cav, Cav. Boston comes online and starts Theater. Santiago’s borders press 4 adjacent tiles. Forge sole survivor, no Courthouse unfortunately. 1st Cat survives to withdraw, damaging 4 units. 2nd Cat died but all 6 units are damaged. One more: 3rd Cat dies, crippled LB and further damaged the rest. Mace kills LB, First Mace (CR III) kills LB, Cav kills Pike (yay!), Cav kills LB, First Knight (Cav) kills LB, 3rd Cav kills last LB capturing a worker (formerly Settler), destroying Galley, capturing Roos’ capital. Headline: “Washington Falls!” Captured Harbor, Forge, Academy, Market, and Grocer. No Wonders, more’s the pity, but still a rich haul. If continuing the war, New York will be the next target, but I’d prefer to trim Spain. Well, the Toad No-Longer-In-Washington won’t talk, so maybe I need New York to stabilize the American cultural border. Our conquests seem to be out-stripping our culture!