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The Devel's Workshop 1a - Beyond the Veil (After the Slingshot)

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  • #16
    550 BC - Literature is, to Music.

    520 BC - Research to 80% (+3gpt profit), burn our missionary in Rome to spread religion there, and Rome completes our first Praetorian. Begins the Great Library.

    520 BC - Our religion spreads to Neapolis. Three of our four cities now practice the one true faith.

    Time to check back in on our list:

    1) Gain Alphabet and the ability to trade techs
    2) Generation of a Great Prophet in Antium & Build the Kong Mio
    3) Make sure our religion is spread to all cities we control
    3) Research Currency, so we can begin trading/selling techs for gold
    4) Upgrade at least three of our warriors to Axemen, to bolster our defenses
    5) Research Ironworking and secure a source of Iron
    6) Train at least two Praetorians to serve as the backbone of our army.
    7) Formally embrace our religion and switch to Organized Religion (to reap the 25% building discount) (will require Monotheism)
    8) Found or conqer a coastal city
    9) Expand, so that our empire includes four cities, then hold and develop these until our Empire can support them (at least a +1g profit at 70% research is my rule of thumb).
    10) Bring the Marble into our sphere of influence and open the quarry for use.
    11) Bring the Stone into our sphere of influence and open the quarry for use.
    12) Secure a source of Horses

    510 BC - The Americans begin pressing closer, founding a city at the edges of the cultural borders of Rome. It looks like conquest is not far off for us!
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    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • #17
      490 BC - The Marble Quarry is online, and two of our workers are headed back to Rome, with two chops planned to speed the construction of the Great Library.

      480 BC - Sell Monotheism to Spain for all her money (140g), and upgrade one of our Warriors to an Axeman.

      420 BC - Cumae completes her lighthouse and begins building the Parthenon. I do not know if we will actually snag it (starting very late), but the 50% boost to GP's will be a huge boon for us, and with Marble, we just might be able to pull it off. We shall see....

      380 BC - New Goal:
      * Barbarian Galley spotted trolling the North Seas. Will need a naval presence before we put any workboats in the water. Our plan calls for the creation of no less than four Galleys (two for the east coast, and two for the west) to serve as our Fleet presence.

      In other news, or Praetorian has scouted out a barbarian city in the SW...the Huns have settled there. It will be our goal (once this city grows) to capture it and add it to the realm.

      Antium has completed her courthouse and begun a barracks, to add teeth to the Empire, even while we save GPP's for the coming of our Prophet.

      Also, our Woody II warrior is given the Axe upgrade....the second of such upgrades.

      350 BC - Since there is little more to be gained from Spain in the tech market, and since we're building some wampum expensive projects at the moment, there is no reason NOT to formally embrace Confucianism, so we lose a turn in Anarchy, but not before opening our borders to both America and India.

      290 BC - Chops complete the Great Library, and Rome begins training another Praetorian.

      250 BC - Music is ours, and we get a Great Artist (which we hold onto for the time being). We've also got three Praetorians now, and one Axeman not pulling garrison duty (garrisons have been thinned for the moment, and are down to one unit per city. Still, with a solid core of four attackers (and one more Praetorian on the way), we're feeling pretty secure. Once this last Praetorian is completed, however, we'll be back to building cheaper units to re-bolster the garrisons in our cities. Research-wise, our next goal will be to Compass, as a step closer to Caravels. It's time to get out and explore the ocean....see who else is busily developing their empires (and, we want to be the first to circumnavigate the globe!). goal: Reach Caravels. And our list proper:

      1) Gain Alphabet and the ability to trade techs
      2) Generation of a Great Prophet in Antium & Build the Kong Mio
      3) Make sure our religion is spread to all cities we control
      3) Research Currency, so we can begin trading/selling techs for gold
      4) Upgrade at least three of our warriors to Axemen, to bolster our defenses
      5) Research Ironworking and secure a source of Iron
      6) Train at least two Praetorians to serve as the backbone of our army.
      7) Formally embrace our religion and switch to Organized Religion (to reap the 25% building discount) (will require Monotheism)
      8) Found or conqer a coastal city
      9) Expand, so that our empire includes four cities, then hold and develop these until our Empire can support them (at least a +1g profit at 70% research is my rule of thumb).
      10) Bring the Marble into our sphere of influence and open the quarry for use.
      11) Bring the Stone into our sphere of influence and open the quarry for use.
      12) Secure a source of Horses
      13) Minimal Fleet Presence in the North (2 galleys on each "coast" for our 1st and 2nd Fleets)
      14) Be the first to Music, and nab a free Great Artist!
      14) Reach Caravels, BUILD two Caravels, and be the first to Circumnavigate the Globe

      But now the list is getting hard to read, so we'll condense:

      1) Generate a Great Prophet in Antium and Build the Kong Mio
      2) Spread our Religion to all cities we control
      3) Upgrade all our warriors to Axe or Spear Configurations
      4) Bring Stone into our Sphere of Influence and get the quarry operational
      5) Bring Horses into our sphere of influence and corral them
      6) Fleet Presence in the North (2 fleets, 2 galleys each)
      7) Reach Caravels and be the first to Circumnavigate the Globe

      That's where we are, and that's what we're working toward.

      While we're at it, let's review the f9 summary screen to see how we're developing, relative to the rest of the world:

      GNP: 72/32 1st - We have dramatically widened our lead over our next nearest competitor....this is a good sign, and says great things about where we are headed, and our ability to keep ahead in the tech race.

      Production 27/48, running 6th. Still about half of the leader, but this will be greatly aided when we get Metal Casting (which is on the way to Caravels). We'll be able to spend heavily on Infrastructure, and boost our productive capabilities. Also, further expansion is on the horizon for us, and this too, will boost total outputs.

      Food: 46/84 - We're not growing a lot, and we are dead last in food production. Problematic in the long run, but we are currently developing food specials (the wheat near cumae), that will help us here.

      Pop: 409k/576k...running last. We're not a very populous country, but we're doing amazing things with what population we've got. That's another good sign.

      Land: 99k/111k - Another city or two will pull us from our current position in 3rd place, back to first.

      Overall, we're just exactly where we need to be. With a standing force of Praetorians guarding our borders, we have few worries. The only troublesome aspect of it all is that our singular source of Iron is in an exposed location. Still, there's a protected source in the north, and this is where we are looking for our next "fishing village" - It'll provide a safe, well protected source of Iron for us, and then, our worries are a thing of the past.
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      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


      • #18
        230 BC - Half a million Romans!

        180 BC - Rome's borders expand, bringing the stone into our sphere of influence. We are, however, beaten to the Parthenon, but can console ourselves with the fact that the gold we are about to receive will go far in upgrading our three remaining warriors.

        170 BC - All warriors are now upgraded to Axemen, and our garrisons are greatly bolstered. Rome turns her attention to building more axemen to put our garrisons back to full strength, and then build a few extras, in preparation for additional expansion.

        140 BC - Antium completes here barracks (which we'll need during wartime), and begins construction of a Monestary (which we'll need in peacetime). We want even our most holy of cities to be able to contribute to any war we enter into. Meanwhile, our two northern cities are hard at work constructing galleys.

        110 BC - Compass is ours, and we're now researching Metal Casting.

        100 BC - Another goal achieved. Horses are now corralled for use! After Rome finishes the Axeman she's working on, we're gonna build a market there (already have two workers set to chop)

        20 AD - The first war on our continent breaks out, as Spain declares a holy war against India. Meanwhile, our nascent fleet presence (2 galleys), has been cut in half as we do battle with the barbarian galley trolling our waters. Down to one galley, but the coast is safe, and our singular galley is off to protect Neapolis' fishing grounds (workboat deployed).

        25 AD - Metal Casting is ours, and we're starting in on Machinary. WhoooHoooo! Getting mighty close to those Caravels...I can almost taste them! Meanwhile, our report is that the Hunnish city in the jungle has grown to size two, and is ripe for the plucking. Three of our Praetorians are dispatched to pay them a visit.....

        60 AD - A hugely important year for us. First, our Great Prophet is born in Antium, and we build the Kong Mio. Second, our army is in striking distance of the Hun city in the jungle, and third, Rome's market is complete, and she turns her attention to building a forge.
        Attached Files
        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • #19
          95 AD - Another objective accomplished! Our first and second fleets are in the water (two galleys each, just as we had planned). Cumae is now building a settler to secure the northern iron source. During this time, Antium completes her missionary and sends it into the Hun city to spread our religion there, and then gets started on a Forge.

          140 AD - Neapolis completes her Lighthouse, and begins a courthouse.

          145 AD - The Stone Quarry is operational, and another objective falls by the way.

          150 AD - Machinary is ours, and we are now researching optics.

          160 AD - Cumae completes her settler, and begins a forge. Now, three of our four cities are building forges.

          170 AD - Pisae is founded (begins courthouse)
          Attached Files
          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #20
            185 AD - Confucianism spreads to the American city of Seattle, and we spot another barbarian city in the jungles. Three Praetorians are dispatched to investigate.

            190 AD - Confucianism spreads to San Francisco, and our influence grows....

            195 AD - Spain and India make their peace.

            200 AD - Rome completes her forge and begins an Aqueduct, with an eye on the hanging gardens.

            245 AD - Antium completes her forge, and begins another missionary.

            250 AD - It finally happens. Spain, long-time religious rival, declares a war against us. Fortunately, she has built a city nearby that we can claim as our own, and we've got Praetorians in the neighborhood. Our plans for the hanging gardens may have to wait until we teach the Spaniards a lesson.
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            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • #21
              260 AD - Optics is ours! We can now build caravels. As soon as our northern cities are finished with what they're currently buidling, they'll begin caravels, and we'll go out and explore the world!

              Tech-wise, we've got what we went for, so now we need a new objective, and I believe that the next thing on our list should be guilds (knights and mercantilism). Monarchy is on this list, and our rivals have it. We can speed our way TO our next objective then, by doing some trading. Let's see who's got what.....

              To India, we offer Music, and gain Calendar, Horseback Riding, and 110g for our coffers.

              To America, we offer Music, and gain Monarchy, and 210 additional gold for our coffers.

              Net result. We spent 2691 beakers to acquire Music, and traded it away for 4029 beakers in other techs, plus 320g. Not a bad haul, especially given that I have no designs on the wonders associated with that tech, but wanted it primarily for the Great Artist.

              And, since these manuevers have netted us Monarchy (the first tech on the way to Guilds, which is our goal), we are now busily researching Feudalism (25t).

              In other news, a Spanish force of 2 Horse Archers and 1 Archer is making its way through American lands, on their way to us. In response, we park a praetorian and an axeman on a forested hill in American territory.

              Cumae rushes a forge, so we can hurry up and build some caravels, then get that city into the fight!

              And lastly, we spend 160g to convince Washington (now pleased with us), that his interests would be better served by switching to Confucianism (which he does).


              270 AD - Catch a Spanish Horse Archer in the American city of Chicago, and our Praetorian standing watch over the area dispatches him, and then withdraws to the Iron mine. We upgrade the axeman ON the iron mine, and the axe that's with the Praetorian to Macemen (good thing we got some moolah in tech trades!). Now, we have two macemen and an (injured) Praetorian guarding the iron. Both Rome and Antium are currently making Macemen for the war effort, and our strike force (3 Praetorians) are skulking outside the Spanish city of Murcia (currently size one). When it grows, we plan to capture and keep it, thus furthering the reach of the Empire.

              275 AD - On the following turn, a Spanish Horse Archer raids into our territory and destroys an Ivory encampment we had recently acquired with Rome's latest border expansion, and more Spanish troops pour into Chicago. Our two macemen and the (still injured) Praetorian, are now in the open (guarding the iron), and facing the following forces:

              2 HA's' and 1 Archer

              Murcia is guarded by 2 Archers. The former is not of grave concern, although they could pose some threat to us, while the latter is of no concern at all. And, once we get a couple more macemen churned out, we'll be able to dominate the battlefield.

              280 AD - The Spaniards invade, striking toward Rome. Our defenders on the Iron Mine lash out and kill off the horse archer in the leading element. We're not really worried about an archer by himself, but the last remaining horse archer is problematic. If we move from the mine, he'll pillage it, and I can't risk my last healthy maceman until I can score a kill against the horsemen.

              After some serious pondering, we go ahead and upgrade Rome's axeman to a mace. We may need the extra hitting power.....
              Attached Files
              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


              • #22
                285 AD - The horse archer kills our healthy maceman at the iron mine, and we counter with the still damaged (7.6) praetorian, killing the horseman, but there is another moving up from chicago. He may well kill the praetorian. we'll see. Meanwhile, the archer is moving toward the gold mine, so Rome's garrison moves to intercept.

                And the tension mounts.

                290 AD - The horseman attacks at the iron mine, but our maceman holds him off. Meanwhile, another horseman is approaching from near the new barbarian city. He is harrassed by some archers from that place (5.6), but keeps coming. We rush a mace in Rome.

                305 AD - The Spaniards sack the barbarian city of Khazak, and begin filtering toward the city of the Hun. We pull a praetorian away from Murcia to hold the line against them. Meanwhile, Neapolis completes her Caravel and begins a Maceman.

                310 AD - Cumae completes her caravel (note: I build two and send them in opposite directions, thus halving my time to circumvent the globe and gain the bonus), and begins building macemen.

                The Spanish thrust, however, is gaining ground. They now have two horsemen and two archers in our territory, and we will lose the stone quarry, at least temporarily. That's' okay tho...there is still insufficient strength in the armies of Spain to cause us serious harm. We pull away from the Iron, hoping to lure them back to it (won't hurt us if we lose it now that the other mine is operational).
                Attached Files
                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • #23
                  315 AD - Since the armies of Spain press toward Rome, we consolidate our forces and attack. The mace guarding the gold mine defeats a horse archer. Praetorian defeats the second horse archer, and one of our other macemen defeats the archer. Now only one archer remains (at the stone quarry, which it just pillaged). Once again, Spain has lost her entire attack force, and we have lost one praetorian. This war is surely not going as they had hoped or planned.

                  320 AD - Murcia plays host to a horse archer, damaged in the attack against the barbarian city. In response, we order the praetorians to attack the city, killing her two archers, and leaving the damaged horse unit (2.3) to guard the city all by its lonesome. Meanwhile, our caravels bear fruit, and we find the French (Napoleon). Open borders with them. America is building up militarily on our border, which is disturbing. We can defeat Spain easily enough, but if we get double-teamed....
                  Attached Files
                  The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                  • #24
                    325 AD - Another Spanish archer defeated, and we send a lone maceman out to scout the jungle. We'll add to that later, but for now, it's all we have. Our caravels encounter Japan, just south of the French. Won't open borders tho....

                    340 AD - We lose a mace attacking the latest horseman to venture into our territory, but kill the offending unit with another mace nearby. Spain still has an archer skulking about, but that is of no concern. Meanwhile, our cities are beginning to crank out troops now, the machine of war rumbles to life. Our stock has risen considerably with regards to the military...we now have 163k troops (the leader has 218k), and are ranked 5th. Not bad for the few turns we've spent building.

                    355 AD - Murcia grows, but is still only guarded by a single (now healed) Horseman. Our praetorians attack it savagely, and destroy the offending horseman unit, taking the city for our own. The two remaining praetorians strike a course eastward. We have cut Spain, but now we mean to hurt her.
                    Attached Files
                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #25
                      360 AD - Rome generates a great scientist. A tempting offer....we could gain Philosophy for free, which would be a huge step toward Liberalism, but it is very early yet.

                      380 AD - We've gathered what forces we have, and are massing for an attack on Salamanca. She is heavily defended...three archers, an axe, and a horse, but we are Roman, and we are not afraid.
                      Attached Files
                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #26
                        385 AD - Feudalism is ours. Now researching Guilds. We savagely attack Salamanca, and kill all her defenders with no losses for our part. After suffering another stinging defeat, we force Spain to the table and wrest 320g from her in war reparations. Peace once again reins in the lands of the Romans, and we have vastly expanded our holdings!

                        390 AD - Just after the peace of Salamanca, we circumnavigate the globe. Our victory could not BE more complete.
                        Attached Files
                        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                        • #27
                          395 AD - Rome begins the Hanging Garden.

                          400 AD - Antium begins a Market.

                          405 AD - All our captured cities are building courthouses, and we are focusing our workers' efforts on them, one at a time, beginning with the Hun city (which has a number of specials to work. The plan is to give each city some 8 tiles of jungle free space to work, and then move on to the next city, leaving one worker to continue clearing jungles and making improvements as we go, and slowly moving across the expanse of our new holdings.

                          Meanwhile, our great artist arrives in Salamanca, and we prepare to VASTLY extend our influence....
                          Attached Files
                          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                          • #28

                            Gotta love the culture bomb....
                            Attached Files
                            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                            • #29
                              Now, it's time to review our goals and look at where we are by the numbers.....

                              First, the numbers.

                              GNP: We've slipped. Not only have our rivals closed the gap, but some of them have (marginally) passed us. We're ranked 3rd in GNP, three behind the leaders (57 vs. 60)

                              Production: In a word, the Forges paid off, big time. We now lead the world in production capacity (60 v 50)

                              Food outputs: 83/124. We've closed the gap some, but are still trailing. 5th place overall. The good news is that the cities we conquered are all quite small, and will be growing like weeds.

                              Troops: 205k vs. 243k....2nd place overall. This is a dramatic turnaround, given our last place position at the outset of the war, and a testiment to our newfound productive strength.

                              Land area: No surprise here, especially after the big culture bomb, but we're back in the driver's seat, and by a comfy margin (193k/121k).

                              All things considered, we're an Empire on the rise. Of course our GNP is suffering, we just absorbed a frightful number of cities into our fold....once we get them on a paying basis, and make them productive for the Empire, however, I expect that we will see those numbers SOAR.

                              Assets of the Empire
                              # of Cities: 8
                              Workers: 7
                              Praetorians: 4
                              Axemen: 4
                              Macemen: 13
                              Galleys: 4
                              Caravels: 2

                              And that's it. That's' what we're dominating the world with. 21 combat units (most of them garrisons), six ships, and seven workers. Not very scary, I am sure.

                              Neapolis begins building a Laborer. The first of several.

                              So where's our list?

                              1) Generate a Great Prophet in Antium and Build the Kong Mio
                              2) Spread our Religion to all cities we control
                              3) Upgrade all our warriors to Axe or Spear Configurations
                              4) Bring Stone into our Sphere of Influence and get the quarry operational
                              5) Bring Horses into our sphere of influence and corral them
                              6) Fleet Presence in the North (2 fleets, 2 galleys each)
                              7) Reach Caravels and be the first to Circumnavigate the Globe

                              Well...all these goals have been met....of course, now that we have new cities, we've got more places to spread religion to, but it sure seems like we need a new list, so here goes:

                              1) Double our number of workers and clear the damned jungle/repair the few tiles that the Spaniards pillaged.
                              2) Properly garrison all cities and pull the remaining units out to form a small standing army to guard what's ours.
                              3) Continue to explore the map. Looks like we're still missing someone, unless the French and Japanese ate them while we were cut off from them.
                              4) Spread our religion to all our new cities, to the Americas, and to the Indians.
                              5) Regain 1st place in GNP
                              6) Maintain our leadership position in productivity
                              7) Capture first place in food outputs
                              8) Capture first place in population
                              9) Capture first place in military size
                              10) Build the Forbidden palace in Salamanca (with an eye toward further--eventual--expansion.
                              11) Gain Liberalism first and snag the free tech
                              Attached Files
                              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                              • #30
                                460 AD - To Compass for Construction and 10g. The Catapults and Elephants will come in handy later....

                                Sell Compass to India for 220g. Sell Music to Japan for 100g. This gives us a bit more coin to play with, and we may need it later.

                                470 AD - 1 million Romans.

                                495 AD - We discover the lost civilization of the Aztecs...a nation ripe for conquest if ever there was one...they don't even have Alphabet yet....
                                Attached Files
                                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

