Originally posted by Diadem
A lot more? No, there's a lot less. Alas.
They can't terraform anymore. That's a major source of work gone, just like that. And they can't clean pollution anymore, since it doesn't exist anymore. More work gone for your workers.
By the end of the game your workers will be mostly useless, having improved everything there is to improve. That's such a shame.
A basic thing about workers in Civ 4 is that there is a LOT more that workers are doing than in previous Civ games. Now, we not only have roads/railroads and things like mines/farms, but you need to "work" the natural resources to get access to them.
They can't terraform anymore. That's a major source of work gone, just like that. And they can't clean pollution anymore, since it doesn't exist anymore. More work gone for your workers.
By the end of the game your workers will be mostly useless, having improved everything there is to improve. That's such a shame.
add build plantation, cottage, windmill, waterwheel, workshop. . .
ALL THIS just to get the bonuses that road/railroad would have given you in previous games. put a workshop in forest to get the extra shields, or the cottage to get the extra $. in civ3 you were spamming roads to get this. now not only does it take more than just 2 road building turns by 1 worker (or engineer) to get that particular bonus, but you can't get it unless you have the right advances.
factor in all the various natural resources that need to be massaged (wheat, cows, silver, sugar) and you see that not only are they busier, but they're more critical. in civ3 having 6-7 luxuries meant you were GOING to win. now having 6-7 is a must.