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  • #61
    Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
    w00t! Ad Hominem War!
    Nice escape. These answers are correct, the other statements are harder to prove. Correct?


    • #62
      Originally posted by Tiberius
      Azuarc: Sure, put them on your ignore list (Control Panel - Edit Ignore List).
      I never even noticed the Control Panel, thanks for the info.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Tiberius

        Destroyer, please feel free to ask anything you want. This is one of the main benefits of a forum.

        Gilfan, you a disgrace to Apolyton. IMHO.
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #64
          Originally posted by Freddz
          Nice escape. These answers are correct, the other statements are harder to prove. Correct?
          Incorrect. You just have to be better at trolling.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Destroyer


            But I must remember to check my punctuation, spelling and grammar before posting. God forbid I might have a life outside of these forums that needs slightly more attention.
            Don't worry about it. I've found that most folks on this forum are quite nice and helpful and I've learned a lot from them over the years (I've been around longer than my profile suggests - forgot my old username/password when I moved and changed e-mail.)

            Many will object to injustice and unkindness, as some of us did here. It's just that many have a life outside of these forums too, so it might take us awhile to notice.

            Edited note: Back away from ad hominem attacks tho. Criticising what one says is fair game. Casting aspersions on their character is generally not tolerable, and I suspect that the only reason that folks didn't hop on you for it is because you were mightily provoked.
            Last edited by Tommar; December 13, 2005, 02:18.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Enigma_Nova

              Last edited by Freddz; December 13, 2005, 12:28.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Destroyer


                But I must remember to check my punctuation, spelling and grammar before posting. God forbid I might have a life outside of these forums that needs slightly more attention.
                LOL! Well said. Rest assured, when a forumer berates someone over their spelling or grammar more than once, they usually have no more useful arguments left.
                I've seen some posters here (not just in this thread) that are actually stupid enough to think we should all react like robots to things happening around us, insults or whatever, and that there's always a best way to react that we should CHOOSE in the heat of things. That sort of thinking reveals more of their disturbed relationship to their own feelings and how little others' feelings mean to them. I think most normally empathetic people know this flaw by instinct, but the people who express these things may not recognize it in themselves(see above), simply because they know nothing else, and that other reactions than the logical ones for them, in conseqence, looks stupid or worse, reveals their own weakness.

                Closing this thread is okay and should probably have been done long ago as the belittling reactions to a question may scare off new posters. I'm done here.


                • #68
                  What do you mean, "No more arguments left"?
                  I can still liken you to the Nazi party in some way, shape or form!
                  You damn grammar Nazi. :P
                  As for a life outside these forums, why yes - I am working on a Physics Degree, and I also play World of Warcraft.
                  Attached Files

