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Vel's Strategy Thread, Volume II

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  • Tommy:

    So...for you the phrase "play to play" means taking immediate action, and you do not like being tied down with little to do for the first several turns of the game.

    I totally understand.

    But I also understand that your viewpoint on the "proper" way to play the game is not everyone else's viewpoint.

    Me, for me "play to play" means experimenting. It means finding out the best, fastest, most interesting ways of doing things. It means taking a fresh look at something that is widely accepted and challenging its wisdom. It means intentionally doing something differently, rather than just shrugging and figuring that since everybody else does it this way, then it must, by definition, be right/best/whatever.

    That's what I do. That's the fun and the magic and the mystery to me, and that's what led me to experiment with settler first to begin with.

    You don't like it, and that's cool.

    I'm not trying to force you to use it.

    But to say that it's useless, or the "worst" opener imaginable flies in the face of the mathematical reality that it isn't.

    That statement is driven by (I believe) the fact that you personally don't prefer that style, and again, that's fine. You don't have to use it.

    And you're right about the higher levels of play hurting your upkeep costs as you add more cities.

    In fact, I would argue that this very mechanism (a general lowering of the city upkeep threshold as level of play progresses) makes settler first MOST compelling at monarch level, because at monarch level, you are allowed two "free" (no maintenance) cities, and the faster you GET those cities, the better off you are.

    At levels below Monarch, worker first gains strength, because the "free city" threshold is higher, and the time it would take to crank out all those cities is simply larger than the window of peace (no barbs, and unlikely AI contacts) you have. Since most MP games are played using Noble settings, and given the early history of MP in Civ 4, it makes sense to gravitate away from this methodology (settler first), and you have clearly done so.

    Likewise, on levels higher than Monarch, Settler first is bad because you'll be charged maintenance on that second city, and it will degrade your research.

    In this then, Monarch is a special case. Unique in its strengthening of the Settler First opening, but by no means, the only instance where it is applicable.

    planting on bronze is nowhere close to that the other is dead - a stupid axe has no chance to take a city with archer in it and dies on open field to sometimes 2 but allways 3 archers and as said these 3 archers are made in 6 turns wiothout chopping or so.
    It is if I get my first axeman out at a point when you've only got two workers, which IS the comparable timeframe in this case.

    I wana win in a real not in a cheating way - i wana outtech i wana outbuild outproduce outculture ai aswell as human players
    But you see...the line is subjective. You say the above, yes, but I KNOW (having witnessed it first hand on numerous occassions) that an early warrior "choke" is a common (almost rampant) tactic, and every bit as "cheesy" as the other examples you provided, so clearly, it's not about (or not JUST about) a desire to out tech and out culture an opponent...not when reliance on cheese like that is (or was, at least) so commonplace.

    In any case, I think we've provided ample evidence and examples that demonstrate that there ARE times when settler first is the right call, have we not?

    Last edited by Velociryx; May 4, 2006, 12:53.
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • quote myself:
      @Vel - settler 1. is never ever best start.
      just for the 1 reason that a city without worked tiles is useless - u get a settler 1. takes how long? like 15 tunrs maybe - so u plant after 18 turns - after 20 turns u got 2 each one size cities with both like 2 hammers and slow growth.
      - so what now? even ai might be sending unit to u not to speak abour barbs - ok lets neglect that and say r on your own island

      so u ll build a workboat in 1 city and a worker in other - both rdy in about t25 - u r still size 1 or 2 - so move your worker to your best tile (the food and workboat to your fish - so slightly before turn 30 u have your 1. land improvements to use - but u still have only 1 worker for 2 cities - i guess u need more of em - so u gonna stay at small sizes but get em a bit faster due to the worked food and fish - at t 40 u might think about building cottages or getting wonders - a bit late heh

      just think about worker 1. work food tile in t 10 grow to 2 start settler at size 2 if u want 2nd fast city - it ll be rdy in t20 or t21 - but when u get him out u ll have a well working cap - so for a settler about 5 turn earlier you sacrifire all your cap for about 15 turns? and then your cap land is kinda worked when settler goes out - so worker is rdy for 2nd city ... - oh well as said imo u neeed 2nd worker before settler - u can allready street to your new city spot if u dont want chop / have tech to work land and dont forget in my aproach i start working the great land of 2nd city in about t 24 - u start working it in like turn 35

      end of quote ..

      vel I tried to prove with mathematics (turns for example) that setttler 1. isnt way to go. math dont have options .. 1+1 is 2 - and kinda same is civ - in fact u did prove me when saying settler 1. is no good in high difficuly levels - as that d be the only environmet for no use of a early worker due to missing techs - in all toher environmets the output of food shields culture bakkers units and even ciites in lets say 1. 50 tunrs is gonna be higher with worker 1. (not nesacarily at size 1 - just before settler or things like barracks) as with settler 1. - and all that determins the well being of your civ and enables u to do good in the rest of game

      ok if u want to experiement - go settler 1.
      but if u wana play good - or try to play the best way possible dont go settler 1.

      and my example for the archer choke - i just posted it to show that i surly figure that there are settings (very small map in that case) where u have to think about new ways - and that there are different ways to be succesful - if being succesful means just to stay allive with 2 cities ok go your settler 1. way - but the usual definition of being succesful is to have a good economy.

      another thing is that i m close to sure that warrior with 3 food tile to grow to 2 and then switch to settler gives u settler faster or same fast as right away and a free warrior and a size of 2 after the settler - if that is true settler 1. is never ever the best option


      • vel I tried to prove with mathematics (turns for example) that setttler 1. isnt way to go. math dont have options .. 1+1 is 2 - and kinda same is civ - in fact u did prove me when saying settler 1. is no good in high difficuly levels - as that d be the only environmet for no use of a early worker due to missing techs - in all toher environmets the output of food shields culture bakkers units and even ciites in lets say 1. 50 tunrs is gonna be higher with worker 1. (not nesacarily at size 1 - just before settler or things like barracks) as with settler 1. - and all that determins the well being of your civ and enables u to do good in the rest of game

        And you're right.

        Some of the times.

        Just as we have given you solid, real game examples of when it can go the other way.

        My position is NOT, and has never been that settler first is always the superior approach. I've just been saying that it has its uses, and can be the right move.

        Rather than talking about it in abstract terms, I actually ran real game tests that compared the two approaches.


        On a lot of different starting terrains.

        The results were that with particularly food rich starts, worker first provided (marginally) better gains than settler first.

        In less food intensive starts, they were neck and neck.

        In average (or worse) starts, settler first won the day.

        It's one thing to talk about generic, highly abstracted starts, it's quite another to run repeated tests.

        And the tests I ran confirmed my thinking.

        Settler first doesn't hurt NEARLY as bad as you are making it out to.

        In fact, in some cases, it's the better play.

        But if you don't want to believe it, I'm cool with that.

        If you don't want to use it, that's fine too. Again, I don't have an axe to grind. I'm just here making (apparently nerve-grating) observations.

        ok if u want to experiement - go settler 1.
        but if u wana play good - or try to play the best way possible dont go settler 1.
        Best way as defined how, precisely?

        and my example for the archer choke - i just posted it to show that i surly figure that there are settings (very small map in that case) where u have to think about new ways - and that there are different ways to be succesful - if being succesful means just to stay allive with 2 cities ok go your settler 1. way - but the usual definition of being succesful is to have a good economy.
        Being successful means whatever you want it to mean. And there's no reason (none at all) that you can't have a good, strong, robust economy with settler first. In fact, depending on the specials you settle around, it may make the case for settler first even better.

        As to the archer example you may have meant for it to mean something different, but it, taken hand in hand with common cheese tactics like warrior-choke, lend credence to my earlier statements, and clearly underscore that it's not "just" about displaying superior strategy, or desiring to out tech/ out produce without using such tactics....cos they (the cheese plays) happen.

        another thing is that i m close to sure that warrior with 3 food tile to grow to 2 and then switch to settler gives u settler faster or same fast as right away and a free warrior and a size of 2 after the settler - if that is true settler 1. is never ever the best option
        IIRC, it does not, but even if it did, then the most you could say is that IF you have a food rich start, settler first is weaker (which I already said--read above).

        Last edited by Velociryx; May 4, 2006, 14:07.
        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • Originally posted by tommynt
          Or do u play "god" just to hope raging barbs kill ai and u stay allive with your 2 cities and only archers in em?
          The AI on Deity has huge bonuses vs Barbs and starts with so many units and such production capacity that barbs are almost a non-factor. It is at lower difficulty levels where Barbs can impact the AI, as they get lower and lower bonuses vs the AI, and have fewer and fewer units to start out with.

          The Deity AI slaughters Barbs... to the point where if you as the player have borders somewhat close with with a neighbor or two, you might never even see a barb yourself. Because the Deity AI can fill up the available space so quickly, and Barbs can't spawn if there's no darkness, and if they do, the AI kills them right off.

          On other hand when reading your settler 1. ideas - I dont wonder non of u guys like multiplayer - in MP u need to play "good" to win - with ideas like that u get just ****ed up badly in a competetive environment
          You have to play "good" relative to the environment. There is no absolute "good" approach across settings, SP/MP, and circumstances. When a strategy is devised for SP, it is meant to be used for SP. It's value is based on the SP environment where it is used, not others (MP). When a strategy is devised to approach a certain circumstance or setting, it is meant to be used in that circumstance or setting. It's value is based on it's effect in that circumstance or setting, not others.

          Judging an approach to an SP game based on how it would work in MP, when it has been specifically stated that it's not meant for MP, is ignorant.

          There are times when gambits pay off. The most up-front situation where a Settler first will be a good move is when you start with terrain you can't or won't improve(Oasis especially, or otherwise tiles you won't have the techs to be improving for a while), and are going with a Religious gambit. SP Cultural games can benefit from this approach quite a bit, as you want as many Religions as possible for the Cathedrals, and so much of your early research are likely to be Religions.

          Of course if you have a coastal start with a seafood bonus, a Workboat will usually be better. If you have tiles to improve/chop, a Worker will generally be better. If you're on maps with lots of open spaces, a Scout can be best. A Warrior first makes a lot of sense on more crowded maps, especially with a Scout start... The value of each option is highly situational.

          In a weird way you seem like you want to prove Vel's first assessments about MP. He says that MP cuts out a lot of variation on potential playstyles and strategies. You are advocating cutting out basically all potential playstyles and strategies but your "one and only" regardless of settings. I don't agree with Vel's assessments about MP, as it can be just as rich and vibrant as SP. It's only limited by the flexibility of the participants and settings they use. I also don't agree with your own statements, as effecient approaches to SP and even MP will vary based on circumstance. Again, only limited by the flexibility of the participants and settings they use.

          i just wana discuss the usefulness of settler 1. - which is the worst way to start a game in more then 99% of imaginable settings .. imo
          Gotta love fake "statistics"! Why is it always 99% though? Is it really that hard to come up with different arbitrarly high values? 98.7% for instance... that was my favorite radio station's frequency growing up. Makes for some variation, is not substantially any different in extent, and has sentimental value to boot.

          Or you could just admit you there are times to do one thing, times to do another. That way you don't even need to worry about how often. Just when the time comes... do the proper thing.

          Since you are (attempting) to be technical and use "statistics" about these things... You have said Settler first is the worst way to start a game imaginable in 99% of circumstances. We can thus conclude that you think disbanding your starting Settler is a better move 99% of the time. That doing nothing at all is a better move 99% of the time. That so too is dumping production into everything you can and switching away before it completes, so nothing is ever actually produced unless you've run out of places to dump production.

          Hyperbole, statistics, and blinders don't mix... (94.1 + pi)% of the time.


          • oh well this discussion is hopeless and i m gona stop it - Vel u can delete all my posts - i m happy with that. I try to argument and all u do is say if and in some cases - there are no (very few - like unnormal small maps or if u want to try kill /choke very fast) cases - espaciyl when u talk about specials around 2nd city - they are just worked faster when u get worker then settler - to work em u need a worker anyway.

            Try it out on any given map - stop after 50 turns - all what a early settler do is weaken u - 2 spots to protect and slowing your cap growth down - oh well with having a cre civ u have this fast boarder expand - thats not too bad.
            And when putting a if before having a food resource i can just laugh - u have a food res guaranted -and in maybe like 90% u have a 3 food (unworked) tile in cap range - u dont need a "food rich start" just 1 3 food tile


            • Aeson, i think that we finally understand each other's positions and of course we'll not change our opinions because of each other posts so we may end it here.

              However, Aeson, i have no idea why you want to flame this thread...

              Let's see

              Ellestar: 1 quote (2 paragraphs in the quote), 2 paragraphs in a reply

              Aeson: 1 quote (2 paragraphs in the quotes, 100% of the post quoted), 2 paragraphs in a reply

              Ellestar: 1 quote (2 paragraphs in the quotes, 100% of the post quoted), 2 paragraphs in a reply

              Aeson: 4 quotes (2 paragraphs in the quotes, 100% of the post quoted), 10 paragraphs in a reply

              Ellestar: 5 quotes (6 paragraphs in the quotes, 60% of the post quoted), 10 paragraphs in a reply

              Aeson: 13 quotes (9 paragraphs in a quote, 90% of the post quoted), 24 paragraphs in a reply
              + another reply - 1 quote from earlier post that he already replied to (1 paragraph in a quote), 5 paragraphs in a reply

              Ellestar: 10 quotes (11 paragraphs in a quote, 45.3% of the post quoted), 12 paragraphs in a reply

              Aeson: 21 quotes (11 paragraphs in a quote, 91.6% of the post quoted), 28 paragraphs in a reply

              I tried to reduce flaming, you increased it every time. I don't understand why you want to completely flame this thread, but if you really want it i may give you a responce in your style - it will be of a dobule size of your last post. Just say that you want a flame to go on.
              Knowledge is Power


              • Past 500 posts... use the new thread.

                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

