What a great thread, Vel! They should give you a commission. Most wonderful!
I am a serious student of Civ 3 and now Civ 4. Daily I am learning from both personal experience and these pages. One of the things that helps me greatly to understand both macro and micro is to spreadsheet the data presented. As a result I now understand city production, maintainence, gold and research production in a way that enhances my enjoyment in decision making as well as my skill. Certainly I am willing to share some if anyone is interested. Predictability is a helpful tool to make decisions with. The beauty of Civ IV is that multiple variables (like religion, trade, GPs and Civics) grant fascinating possibilities to explore. More than exploits, each beckons to be tried, tested and explained. Neat stuff.
I have found I prefer winning culturally to other methods BUT keeping all means of victory alive is a wonderful way to keep victory possible by "zigging" when the AI zags. The fabric of how closely Sid and company crafted the closeness of one victory to another is indeed to be marveled at.
I play random cultures often, to experience this richness and currently am operating at prince level and am ready, I think to step up a notch. The beauty of CivIV is that in contrast to CIV III it has eliminated many of the "all or nothing" outcomes of getting or missing certain wonders and techs. And the beauty of city building, as one contributor spoke of, is highly dependent on both culture, leader and terrain. One simply must enhance the value of the tools granted. For this reason I find Civ IV to be a superior game.
Now for my question. One thing that continues to elude me is trade route valuation. Obviously harbors play some role on coastal cities as well as foreign routes and time established cities paying more. Size of city seems to not correlate. So other than those factors I am at a loss to explain variances in trade route gold production between cities. My spreadsheeting has indicated that trade routes (along with religious shrines) are the two single most important gold production factors in late game situations with market and bank multipliers present. A city with 4 x 12gpt trade routes is normally the dominating gold producing city when building multipliers are applied. I have friends who have reported much higher route values. Trade becomes critical in the endgame (hence the airport becomes extra valuable despite the health disadvantage for a large city).
So what have you experienced as a factor to enhance trade route valuation? Any ideas?
Thanks, and keep up the great discussions.
I am a serious student of Civ 3 and now Civ 4. Daily I am learning from both personal experience and these pages. One of the things that helps me greatly to understand both macro and micro is to spreadsheet the data presented. As a result I now understand city production, maintainence, gold and research production in a way that enhances my enjoyment in decision making as well as my skill. Certainly I am willing to share some if anyone is interested. Predictability is a helpful tool to make decisions with. The beauty of Civ IV is that multiple variables (like religion, trade, GPs and Civics) grant fascinating possibilities to explore. More than exploits, each beckons to be tried, tested and explained. Neat stuff.
I have found I prefer winning culturally to other methods BUT keeping all means of victory alive is a wonderful way to keep victory possible by "zigging" when the AI zags. The fabric of how closely Sid and company crafted the closeness of one victory to another is indeed to be marveled at.
I play random cultures often, to experience this richness and currently am operating at prince level and am ready, I think to step up a notch. The beauty of CivIV is that in contrast to CIV III it has eliminated many of the "all or nothing" outcomes of getting or missing certain wonders and techs. And the beauty of city building, as one contributor spoke of, is highly dependent on both culture, leader and terrain. One simply must enhance the value of the tools granted. For this reason I find Civ IV to be a superior game.
Now for my question. One thing that continues to elude me is trade route valuation. Obviously harbors play some role on coastal cities as well as foreign routes and time established cities paying more. Size of city seems to not correlate. So other than those factors I am at a loss to explain variances in trade route gold production between cities. My spreadsheeting has indicated that trade routes (along with religious shrines) are the two single most important gold production factors in late game situations with market and bank multipliers present. A city with 4 x 12gpt trade routes is normally the dominating gold producing city when building multipliers are applied. I have friends who have reported much higher route values. Trade becomes critical in the endgame (hence the airport becomes extra valuable despite the health disadvantage for a large city).
So what have you experienced as a factor to enhance trade route valuation? Any ideas?
Thanks, and keep up the great discussions.