Here's a Greatplains "Cows" start.
On a plains river, with 4 cows and 1 wheat. Very short of hills, but 100% of tiles are good (no desert).
Peter (exp/philo), Monarch difficulty.
I won this one, launch at 1992. The AI's were very stroppy and busy fighting for most of the game. China invaded me with a swarm of 30-40 units but luckily I had a dozen mechinf, that had been promoted off of Saladins knights. THe AI's were so busy skirmishing that I had free reign of the tech tree during early-industrial, I built the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower (not usual OCC wonders, but I wanted the Merchant GPP's).
You'll appreciate the Exp trait. I had only about 14 health when my city was size 23.
On a plains river, with 4 cows and 1 wheat. Very short of hills, but 100% of tiles are good (no desert).
Peter (exp/philo), Monarch difficulty.
I won this one, launch at 1992. The AI's were very stroppy and busy fighting for most of the game. China invaded me with a swarm of 30-40 units but luckily I had a dozen mechinf, that had been promoted off of Saladins knights. THe AI's were so busy skirmishing that I had free reign of the tech tree during early-industrial, I built the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower (not usual OCC wonders, but I wanted the Merchant GPP's).
You'll appreciate the Exp trait. I had only about 14 health when my city was size 23.