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An open letter to myself about war

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  • An open letter to myself about war

    Dear Cameron,

    Next time I plan to engage in war with a neighboring civ, I promise to:

    ...make sure i have more cannons/artillery than i think i need.

    ...make sure i'm producing troops in cities that have barracks.

    ...prepare for war by changing to war-friendly civics that increase experience points.

    ...if my units earned a promotion, i'll wait until they're fairly weak before i apply the promotion, so they'll get healed.

    ...try and attack from a tile that gives a defensive bonus.

    ...not attack a city/unit where i have to cross a river in the process.

    ...try and have a unit or two with a healing promotion in a stack.

    ...not leave my city unguarded to try and attack an enemy that's only a tile away.

    ...if possible, try and take a city with a religious shrine that's founded a religion, in order to get their income.

    ...not attack too many cities at once, unless i'm positive i'll take them with ease. just accept that sometimes it's a suicide mission with artillery to soften their defenses, and not get frustrated.

    ...not spread myself too thin once i'm steamrolling through a civ.

    ...know when to raze a city when i can't afford it, instead of occupying it.

    ...not get greedy, and know when to cease fire if i've found myself up against a wall.

    ...not to ignore other aspects of maintaining my civ, like giving worker orders.

    ...try and have roads/railroads built for quicker troop movement.

    ...try and use combined arms in a stack.

    ...try to have some funds available for upgrading units.

    ...not drop my science rate to 0% and totally ignore tech advancements during war.

    ...make sure i have strong naval units, just in case they try sending troops over in a transport, or try and raze my work boats.

    ...not think that my cities that are away from the front line are safe, cause troop transports can sneak attack me.

    ...make sure and check the victim before i declare war, and make sure my units are more advanced and powerful than his.

    ...not get angry if a battle doesn't go my way, and carelessly begin attacking just cause i'm pissed and vindictive.

    ...have units with higher movement available to pick up enemy stragglers that always raze my improvements.

    ...use bombers (when available) more often than artillery when the defender doesn't have air defenses, cause i'm less likely lose a unit that way.

    ...remember that it's very rare i can take a city in one turn.

    ...take into account a units special abilities, like whether they have a +50% against gunpowder, etc.

    ...not raze/pillage enemy improvements if i'm planning on occupying their city in the future, unless it's a strategic resource they are using to create a unit with. remember to put my troops in fortify mode if i'm just sitting out in the open, in case i'm attacked.

    ...remember to continue producing units during a war (especially artillery) to provide reinforcements.

    ...not put ALL my troops in one huge stack, cause i'm more vulnerable to collateral damage that way.

    ...not to have a war keep going indefinitely, especially if my citizens at home are getting pissed and refusing to work.

    ...make use of a "sentinal net" to scope out the perimeters, giving me more notice of a pending attack. bombard the city defenses down to 0% before i even consider taking the city. not give enemy troops the chance to earn promotions and heal, and come back stronger against me. not leave slower (and sometimes weaker) units like catapults behind when travelling, cause they are easily picked off. not amass some of my units outside an enemy city while i wait for the rest to arrive, cause they'll get picked off each turn. not throw good troops after bad, thinking you're due for an upset, cause you think you "should have" won the battle. understand that the battle calculations are sometimes way off, and sometimes it looks like i won't win, when it's obvious i will. not assume that a civ is weaker now, just cause i've taken half his cities. remember that the enemy isn't dumb, and sees when you leave a city undefended. surround an enemy if possible, so no matter which direction they go, or whatever stack they attack, there's always one right next to them to mop 'em up.

    ...remember that just cause a frigate goes up against a frigate, doesn't mean there's a 50/50 chance of winning; the defender has the advantage, and maybe one of them has promotions in effect!

    ...remember that Wonders such as The Pentagon, Heroic Epic, and West Point are great for churning out experienced, improved unit. remember that a stack of 10 enemy macemen can turn into a stack of 10 enemy riflemen in a single turn. remove some units from battle to fortify heal them, so i don't lose them.

    On second thought, maybe it was easier just playing Gandhi and giving gifts to other civs so they don't attack me...
    Last edited by stormwriter; November 17, 2005, 18:31.

  • #2

    I'm gonna use this.

    Tom P.


    • #3
      That is good.


      • #4
        Need to have this stapled to the wall next to my computer.


        • #5
          ...not get angry if a battle doesn't go my way, and carelessly begin attacking just cause i'm pissed and vindictive.
          And/or throw good troops after bad thinking "well, I shoulda won that battle two turns ago, so I'm DUE for an upset win here!" 5 straight defeats later... uh, oops.

          I'm finally adjusting to the way bombard units work now. Knock that defense% down to 0, and then accept that you're gonna get a couple of 'em killed to soften those longbows. So be it. Build a few more.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            That's a good one Arrian. I added it, and added a few more.


            • #7
              ...not think that my cities that are away from the front line are safe, cause troop transports can sneak attack me.
              One of the larger adjustments for me is getting used to that even playing at a mid-level difficulty (Noble) that AI troops will land on my shores in decent numbers. In Civ III, unless the Vikings were in my game, coastal cities away from shared land borders were minimally garrisoned. To compensate, I would keep a few fast movers strategically stationed within range of a couple different cites at once to combat the one, two, but no more than three units the AI would land on my beaches. That was usually enough. But I’ve found out the hard way it is no longer enough. Made the mistake of committing nearly every unit to a ground war at the western side of my nation against China, only to have Isabella declare war and land troops at the far eastern side (on a Huge map). I was as pleased (by the improved invasion tactics) as I was pissed (at my lackadaisical play).

              This also plays into your point that a navy is no longer a luxury to be built when only when I am ready for cross water invasions.
              "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


              • #8
                lol I once had Ceasar land like 10 grenadiers right by one of my core coastal cities just out of nowhere the same turn he declared war lol and he starts bombarding some other cities with frigates. I wasnt really paying attention... I had like 3 archers or something in the city lol but I upgraded them to grenadiers I think also the city had +100% defense I think and it managed to hold out against 1 attack until I got reinforcements there to take out Ceasars units. I was very lucky though he didnt take the city it only had 3 defenders in it like I said. After that I make sure to watch my shores and have at least a frigate or 2 here and there to knock out enemy ships.

                I had just researched ironclads and hey guess what they were usefull I pumped out a few asap and took out his frigates. After that it just kinda draged on with naval battles off the shores of some of my island possessions. He was on a different continent so after that 1st attack that was about it until singed peace treaty later after some pretty big naval battles here and there ;-) I moved a few frigates off his shores as well and killed his fishermen and what not just to get some revenge ;-)

                Anyway ya they will use their navy if you are not carefull - you need some kind of naval defense for sure once frigates come around.


                • #9
         remember that a stack of 10 enemy macemen can turn into a stack of 10 enemy riflemen in a single turn.

                  Ha, great post, I went to war with pacifism on yesterday, man what was I thinking. I also had no state religion, dunno why I even switched to pacifism in the first place, hehe.


                  • #10
                    Remember thou are mortal! Remember thou art mortal!

                    Oh, wait, this is Civ we're talking about. Nevermind.

                    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                    • #11
                      I am adding one for myself now. Do not play always war AND raging barbs.

                      Remember Nationhood is your friend if you do.


                      • #12
                        Fluke, that's a good one! I never thought of that!
                        I'll go add it.


                        • #13
                          Re: An open letter to myself about war

                          Originally posted by stormwriter
                          Dear Cameron,

                          ...if my units earned a promotion, i'll wait until they're fairly weak before i apply the promotion, so they'll get healed.
                          I disagree. Unless your units are uber powerful (like Tank vs. Spearman) then you should always apply promotions even at full health. Why? Because you can't afford to lose battles in CIV, you lose the unit + the enemy just got stronger. I always give my units every kind of edge possible just to prevent the occassional bad luck.

                          The only time I use promotions for healing is when say I have no full health units, and I desperately need to take out that last unit before it heals so I use the promotions to heal AND give my units a bonus rather than fortify and heal.


                          • #14
                            Great list! Another one for me is-

                            ...Don't leave a conquered city with only a small garrison while leaving with my main force to go attack the next city. Often the computer will sneak in and retake the first city

                            Also, not sure I agree with the one about accepting not being able to take a city in 1 turn. It seems to me with the way they've made bombardment+collateral dmg+healing work in this game, you pretty much have to try to do it that way.

                            Bombard to zero, next turn sacrifice your artillery to soften up the defenders, finish them off with offensive units, then fortify with defensive units and a few mobile units. Anything else and the defender will get his promotions, heal up, and be even stronger than before!
                            "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." -Desiderius Erasmus


                            • #15
                              I've been slowly moving up through the difficulty levels, just started playing Prince. The one thing I've found to be true is that, if I don't sufficiently garrison ALL my cities, someone WILL attack me and will find a way to get troops to those unprotected cities.

