Napoleon ALWAYS declares war with me (when I am Bismarck or Fredrick). I have played 8 games now and each time France declares war against me, no matter what. I could be 2x stronger, yet it will happen.
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Leader personalities
Has anyone tried to play with random leader personalities? That would really screw things up, now that you've learned the way they act and suddenly it's Gandhi being a warmongering monster...It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
Only on my third game due to the fact that i orignally ran a large game which crashed and wouldn't reload (finally realised i could play the small ones fine)
On my first game (as british) i held middle of the largest continent, and even though monty was one of my neighbours, i never got into a war... i was planning a war once i got the redcoats out, but sadly the game crashed.
My next game was only 3 civs, and 3 continents and i was Gandhi, was with bismark and cleo, and since by the time i met the other two i was so far ahead economically, but was so far behind militarily (i had the best weapons, but not that many of them) the only war that happened, which i started against cleo, ended in a stalemate, my fleets blockaded all her docks so she couldn't launch any ships to attack me, but whenever i landed an army on her beaches she threw everything at them and took them out. I eventually gave up when she started building planes and could finally dent my battleships (i hadn't built any carriers), so i made peace with her and won via space race (although technically i also won by diplomacy on the same turn, but the votes aren't counted until the end of the turn)
So after 2 peaceful games i was sick of it, so i went Roman, 3rd tech researched was Iron working, iron appeared next to rome, praetorians started marching over the continent, destroyed Alexander in about 10 turns, and i'm now building some catapults to go with my praetorians, thankfully i seem to have all the horses on the continent (alexander had a few, but then when my legions fell on him he only had axemen to throw back) so i can't be out manauvered.
Sadly i have no religion or wonders.... ah well i'll just have to kill someone who does and take it from him... it is the roman way.
montezuma - agreed wacko
FDR - always my ally, always goes to war for me for NOTHING (just as a friend) I make sure he shares my religion (I'm a missionary man, pro buhdist), give him lots of techs + resources, and always get a perm. alliance with him at end game
Isabella - *****
Victoria - *****
Elizabeth - *****
Catherine - *****
Hotesphut (whatever spelling) - Great! Nice, sharing, and an ally, although she gave me a run in the later game.
masu moku and tokugawa (whoever) - weak, always first for me to wack
peter - seems to be a really smart AI, plays diplomaticly with me and the other AI's.
Louis IVX - nice, but what a prat! always wanting me to have heriditary rule and stuff
Ganghis Khan - (special note) - what a dude! I mean as long as you share your religion - remember to pump out those missionaries in the early game! (not just for the GOLD)- and declare war on people when he asks, then he's probably the greatist ally you can have, always ready to back you up when some bully (like catherine or monty) decides to bash your head in
Anyway could go on like this for ages, but want to go back to playing.
But here's a tip: if you want to find out about the AI's personality, play with 16 or so civs on a huge map on emporer or higher - Now Thats FUN!
Peace Out
"Hotesphut"? "Masa Moku"?Fleetwood you unintentionally made my day, thanks!
Alexander is easy to keep happy, but don't turn your back. He'll invade in a second if you don't keep your defenses strong.
I can never get along with Tokugawa and always end up fighting him. He does seem to do poorly with culture, so artist "bombs" help against him.
Isabella gets so irritating that I've tried playing a couple of games as her just to keep her out of the game.
If I have space race on and Mansa is in the game, I make him my first military target. Or, try to make him the military target of others. He always seems to be several techs ahead of everyone.
I see Nap all the time but never as a direct neighbor, so have had little dealings with him.
I also had Napolean in a random start. It was an OCC game, and he soon outnumbered me militarily and declared war early. I was able to kill off each wave of attackers, and my power rating even rose out of 7th place above his, but whenever our truces would run out, he persisted as a very faithful enemy, and kept declaring war throughout the game. I think this is because the other AI were too strong and that I was the only one he had left to pick on.
For every random start so far in many OCC games, I am getting Alexander, who always starts making demands and eventually attacks, even coming from the other end of my home continent to fight me instead of any of the other AI.
Catherine always hates me. Always. She's a demanding, irritating harpy. "Gimme this! Gimme that! Don't trade with those guys!"
I find I often switch to Free Religion pretty quickly after I get Liberalism, because otherwise much of the world hates me for being a heathen. Playing on continents maps means that overseas civs will typically have their own religions well established by the time you meet. *Presto* Automatic -4 (or so) to relations.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
What I'd like to see, is that when I refuse to give tribute to AI, there would be a chance, that his opinion of me would actually go higher.
"I see you have actually grown a spine since we last met. I respect that."
Liking you and respecting you are two different things. You may like your weak-as-hell, accomodating neighbor a lot, but do you respect them? Hell no! You've got Tanks and they're running around with muskets (exaggerating for effect).
Respect, particularly in global politics, is mostly about power. This was Machiavelli's point. It's best to be both loved and feared (respected), but if you can only have one or the other, go with fear.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
Originally posted by Arrian
I find I often switch to Free Religion pretty quickly after I get Liberalism, because otherwise much of the world hates me for being a heathen. Playing on continents maps means that overseas civs will typically have their own religions well established by the time you meet. *Presto* Automatic -4 (or so) to relations.
I tried running a GP strat without Pacifism (Prince, with an isolated start, so no religious allies) and it was slow - I didn't have any multipliers. As the space race approached I took the risk and went Pacifist. About 5 GPs ripened during the space race and I beat China by one component - and only then because Mao veered off for Mass Media at the last minute.
In that game my only friend was Peter, who almost everyone else hated. If I hadn't run Free Religion for much of the game I probably would have been attacked - and for some reason I was never allowed to build Machine Guns, so I was a bit nervous.
In my game last night, I just made the switch from Pacifism to Free Religion. I waited until I had just gotten a GP.
The situation: me = gandhi. South of me is Egypt (the only civ to share my religion, weakest civ in the game). South of Egypt are the Aztecs (different religion, #3 civ. Backwards, but big and strong militarily. They don't like me much).
Mansu whatever is on his own island continent. He's running 5th, IIRC. Catherine (#6, but advanced - she beat me to Liberalism! *****! I hate her), Louis (4rd?) and Saladin (#2) share the other continent.
Before the switch to FR, only Hap. liked me. And she's running 7th out of 7. Everyone else was at least annoyed with me (Monty flat-out hated me). Now, most are cautious, Hap remains pleased, and I'll probably get a few others up to pleased soon. Monty is annoyed, and I may get him to cautious. Or, alternatively, I may get Infantry and go pick a fight (a pillage fight, I figure).
If I play the game out. I keep starting new ones.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.