Originally posted by Symbiance
Does anyone have an answer for this one? I'm basically just wondering if there are any ways to combat other religions--like, "holy wars" or something--other than sending out a bunch of missionaries to try and convert cities.
It seems to make sense that there'd be some sort of huge effect for wiping out a holy city, but I haven't found anything in the manual that mentions it.
Does anyone have an answer for this one? I'm basically just wondering if there are any ways to combat other religions--like, "holy wars" or something--other than sending out a bunch of missionaries to try and convert cities.
It seems to make sense that there'd be some sort of huge effect for wiping out a holy city, but I haven't found anything in the manual that mentions it.
Civs that don't have that religion as their state religion won't care, unless it was their city that you captured and razed of course.
Your own citizens won't care either even if the religion is practiced in your cities. Of course if the holy city is your state religion you would want to try and keep it just for the benefit of spying on cities that have it that are not in your empire and if it has that religions holy building constructed the extra money it brings in.
But basically the only additional negative to razing a holy city compared to razing a normal one is pissing off every civ that currently has it as their state religion.