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Class-Action Lawsuit Anyone?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by JoeGator
    Yeah good luck with that one dumbass.
    I have to say that that's the best reply I saw to this topic.. laughed my ass off.

    Seriously though. I've had a number of problems with the game myself but with some work I now have it running stable (for now).

    I actually found the major problem was my Audigy 2 soundcard when I set it to 4 speaker setup. At one point in the game that I repeated 5 or 6 times from autosave a barbarian axeman attacked a warrior of mine in a small city. Both units disappeared and the game froze. One Ctrl-Shift-Esc and an End Program later and my comp was fine again. When I set the speakers to Dolby Digital they still disappeared but the game kept working fine.

    If anyones having similiar bugs then id recommend switching to DD or 2 speaker setup.
    I used to be Darkknight.. many many moons ago. "CTP2 is almost out!!" time.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Jack Noir

      Thanks for the list of “graphic cards that work”. I am off to spend a couple of hundred dollars to run this dog.

      They KNEW that this was going to happen.

      Jack Noir
      Um, the list of "graphic cards that work" is a list of cards that support T&L. Something that the minimum specs list as being required to run the game.

      So how is it a bad thing that someone on a fan site who doesn't even work for the company that wrote the game publishes a list of hardware that meets the minimum requirements listed for said game? (snoopy correct me if I'm wrong about you not being a Firaxis employee) And how does publishing such a list of compatible* hardware several days after the game is released show that anyone "KNEW that this was gonig to happen"?

      *compatibility based on the hardware meeting the minimum specs as published with the game
      That it is wrong for a man to say he is certain of the objective truth of a proposition unless he can provide evidence which logically justifies that certainty. This is what agnosticism asserts and in my opinion, is all that is essential to agnosticism. ["Agnosticism and Christianity", 1889, Thomas Huxley]

      Gary Denney
      >>>-----The Archer----->


      • #63
        [q=Jack Noir]Civ-4 would be considered a "product", in corporate law, in my location. The "seller" (or group of conspirators) has certain obligations to the purchaser. Disregard of these obligations is a U.S. federal offence when the product is purchased through the mail (internet).

        I really like playing Civ-3. However, if I am not able to fix these problems with Civ-4 soon and get beyond this I will be more than ready to find a lawyer who will work on a contingency basis. The group of companies who distribute Civ-4 have a lot of money that a sharp lawyer would want to tap into.[/q]

        Would you happen to be educated in the law.. in the slightest? When you have a number of lawyers saying it'll never fly (including myself), why continue on this idiotic line of argument. Fine, try to get a lawyer, and get laughed out of their office.

        After all, there have been plenty of games far buggier (Ultima IX and Fallout 2 come to mind). Do you think you are the only one who came up with the idea "I'm going to sue them!"? Problem is... it has never worked.
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • #64
          Originally posted by DKDiveDude
          Logs part 2:

          Initializing Python
          1. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\email
          2. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\encodings
          3. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx
          4. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\build
          5. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib
          6. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\py
          7. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\tools
          8. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\colourchooser
          9. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\editor
          10. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\floatcanvas
          11. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\masked
          12. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\mixins
          13. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\ogl
          14. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\py\tests
          15. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\tools\XRCed
          16. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM
          sys.path =

          ['ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

          sys.modules =

          {'zipimport': , 'signal': , '__builtin__': , 'sys': , '__main__': , 'exceptions': , 'CvPythonExtensions': }

          sys.builtin_module_names =

          ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')

          1. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\screens\
          2. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\
          3. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\entrypoints\
          4. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pywb\
          5. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pyhelper\
          6. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pitboss\
          7. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pyunit\
          8. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\_debugtools\
          9. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs:
          EntryPoint module:cvgameinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvmapscriptinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvunitcontrolinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvdiplomacyinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvoptionsscreencallbackinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvscreensinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvwbinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvdebuginterface
          EntryPoint module:cvpopupinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvscreenutilsinterface
          EntryPoint modulebmain
          EntryPoint module:cvappinterface
          EntryPoint module:cveventinterface
          EntryPoint module:cvtranslator
          EntryPoint module:islands
          EntryPoint module:great_plains
          EntryPoint module:continents
          EntryPoint module:archipelago
          EntryPoint module:wheel
          EntryPoint module:inland_sea
          EntryPoint module:mirror
          EntryPoint moduleasis
          EntryPoint moduleangaea
          EntryPoint module:hub
          EntryPoint module:balanced
          EntryPoint module:maze
          EntryPoint module:ice_age
          EntryPoint module:custom_continents
          EntryPoint module:ring
          EntryPoint module:team_battleground
          EntryPoint module:highlands
          EntryPoint module:terra
          EntryPoint module:lakes
          EntryPoint module:tilted_axis
          load_module CvEventInterface

          load_module CvUtil

          load_module traceback

          load_module CvEventManager

          load_module CvScreensInterface

          load_module CvMainInterface

          load_module ScreenInput

          load_module CvScreenEnums

          load_module time

          load_module CvDomesticAdvisor

          load_module PyHelpers

          load_module CvTechChooser

          load_module CvForeignAdvisor

          load_module math

          load_module CvMilitaryAdvisor

          load_module CvFinanceAdvisor

          load_module CvReligionScreen

          load_module CvCivicsScreen

          load_module string

          load_module CvVictoryScreen

          load_module CvOptionsScreen

          load_module CvReplayScreen

          load_module CvHallOfFameScreen

          load_module CvDanQuayle

          load_module CvGameUtils

          load_module CvUnVictoryScreen

          load_module CvDawnOfMan

          load_module CvTechSplashScreen

          load_module CvTopCivs

          load_module random

          load_module CvInfoScreen

          load_module CvIntroMovieScreen

          load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen

          load_module CvWonderMovieScreen

          load_module CvEraMovieScreen

          load_module CvPediaMain

          load_module CvPediaScreen

          load_module CvScreen

          load_module CvPediaTech

          load_module CvPediaUnit

          load_module CvPediaBuilding

          load_module CvPediaPromotion

          load_module CvPediaUnitChart

          load_module CvPediaBonus

          load_module CvPediaTerrain

          load_module CvPediaFeature

          load_module CvPediaImprovement

          load_module CvPediaCivic

          load_module CvPediaCivilization

          load_module CvPediaLeader

          load_module CvPediaSpecialist

          load_module CvPediaHistory

          load_module CvPediaProject

          load_module CvPediaReligion

          load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen

          load_module Popup

          load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen

          load_module CvDebugTools

          load_module CvDebugInfoScreen

          load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil

          load_module CvGFCScreen

          load_module CvPopupInterface

          load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface

          load_module CvScreenUtils

          load_module CvWBPopups

          load_module CvCameraControls

          load_module CvAdvisorUtils

          load_module CvAppInterface

          load_module CvTranslator

          8 SCREEN TURNED ON



          MS 1


          MS 2



          load_module CvMapScriptInterface

          load_module Continents

          load_module Archipelago

          load_module Balanced

          load_module Custom_Continents

          load_module Great_Plains

          load_module Highlands

          load_module Hub

          load_module Ice_Age

          load_module Inland_Sea

          load_module Islands

          load_module Lakes

          load_module Maze

          load_module Mirror

          load_module Oasis

          load_module Pangaea

          load_module Ring

          load_module Team_Battleground

          load_module Terra

          load_module Tilted_Axis

          load_module Wheel

          PY:Player 0's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 1's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 2's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 3's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 4's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 5's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 6's alive status set to: 1
          PY:Player 18's alive status set to: 1
          load_module encodings

          load_module encodings.latin_1

          8500 - gold

          8501 - research

          8502 - culture

          8483 - food

          8484 - production

          8485 - commerce

          8525 - judaism

          8526 - judaism

          8527 - christianity

          8528 - christianity

          8529 - islam

          8530 - islam

          8531 - hinduism

          8532 - hinduism

          8533 - buddhism

          8534 - buddhism

          8535 - confucianism

          8536 - confucianism

          8537 - taoism

          8538 - taoism

          3 SCREEN TURNED ON

          99 SCREEN TURNED ON

          load_module CvWBInterface

          load_module CvWBDesc

          load_module array

          PY:saveDesc:C:\Documents and Settings\DKDiveDude\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Saves\WorldBuilder\WBQuickSave, curDir:C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
          WBSave done

          load_module pickle

          PY:saveDesc:C:\Documents and Settings\DKDiveDude\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Saves\WorldBuilder\WBAutoSave, curDir:C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
          WBSave done

          load_module CvGameInterface

          PY:Player 18's alive status set to: 0
          thanks for this


          • #65
            Your August sir archermoo,

            My system, an hour ago, had almost exactly, spec for spec what the RECOMENDED system required. What the excellent "list of graphic cards that work" posted else where in the forum, told me was that the Radeon 7500, while claiming T & L support, actually was marginal or non-compliant in some units. Like the one I had bolted in my box.

            I would consider this to not be the game makers fault, except that T & L support has not been an issue for me in the past and apparently the same is true for a lot of other users.

            So I went out and bought a Geforce 6600 for $180. Now I can see the game. I have suffered eccononically and my mental anguish would be unbearable if I could not post my thoughts to your august attention.

            Jack Noir


            • #66
              I'm part of developing team for a PC game and we do it the same way. When game goes gold it takes quite some time to reach the customers. That's why we make the first patch available the day or few days after the world release. And then another patch. And another. What can you do...


              • #67
                Civ-4 would be considered a "product", in corporate law, in my location. The "seller" (or group of conspirators) has certain obligations to the purchaser. Disregard of these obligations is a U.S. federal offence when the product is purchased through the mail (internet).
                And what obligation do you think they have but didn't meet? Have you read the license terms?

                Do they have an obligation to make Civ run on specific hardware other than that they claim to support?

                I really like playing Civ-3. However, if I am not able to fix these problems with Civ-4 soon and get beyond this I will be more than ready to find a lawyer who will work on a contingency basis. The group of companies who distribute Civ-4 have a lot of money that a sharp lawyer would want to tap into.
                A sharp lawyer would also know that, since you've got no real damages, you have no real case, and you have no way to tap into that money. If you hypothetically managed to get a lawyer, I'd guess your case wouldn't survive the first motion from opposing counsel.

                There's just no basis for any kind of legal action here. The best you could plausibly get would be for a court to tell them to patch the software, but they're doing that anyway.

                They KNEW that this was going to happen.
                Which might be why the box warns us of the game's hardware requirements.


                • #68
                  You know those times when you hear about stupid civil litigation? This comes to mind:

                  burglar gets injured breaking and entering and sues the homeowner for damages

                  And you think to yourself, "the world would be a better place and have far less lawyers if people would pull their heads out of their buts and stop suing left, right, and center."

                  The fact that a lawsuit comes up as a remedy for buggy software is beyond me.

                  A. it'll take too long
                  B. it'll be far too expensive
                  C. you won't win
                  D. if you do win, you won't get anything
                  E. if you do win, you'll be flamed forever on every Civ fan site known to man
                  F. if you do win, I'll be helping them flame you:

                  Civ 4 is a good game. It's fun. It's too bad we have to wait for a patch to enjoy it.


                  • #69
                    Since such a lawsuit would be precedent setting for all software publishers, you can be sure that the attorneys for all the publishers would take great interest in the case, and probably help out. "Outnumbered" is probably an understatement.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by BleckLord

                      Was there a demo of Civ 4? I must have missed where the demo was released. So if the dealler doesn't offer a test drive and then sells you a lemon, you're just supposed to sit back and take it. I don't think so.
                      Or you know... you can do research before you buy something. That's the risk you take for being an early adopter of ANY product. It sucks, but that's the way it works.

                      You could have read the forums and saw that people with similar hardware configurations are having problems and realized you shouldn't buy the game yet.

                      Or take the game back to the store and demand your money back since it doesn't work.

                      A class action lawsuit does nothing.

                      (ex. iPod lawsuit resulted in a $50 gift certificate for Apple products to people who signed up while the lawyers "representing" the people pocketed MILLIONS of dollars of settlement money. Yeah, that's really pro-consumer).
                      First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

                      (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
                      The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by BleckLord
                        You know those times when you hear about stupid civil litigation? This comes to mind:

                        burglar gets injured breaking and entering and sues the homeowner for damages

                        And you think to yourself, "the world would be a better place and have far less lawyers if people would pull their heads out of their buts and stop suing left, right, and center."

                        The fact that a lawsuit comes up as a remedy for buggy software is beyond me.

                        A. it'll take too long
                        B. it'll be far too expensive
                        C. you won't win
                        D. if you do win, you won't get anything
                        E. if you do win, you'll be flamed forever on every Civ fan site known to man
                        F. if you do win, I'll be helping them flame you:

                        Civ 4 is a good game. It's fun. It's too bad we have to wait for a patch to enjoy it.
                        Just as an aside, if you're interested in stupid lawsuits:

                        The True Stella Awards
                        That it is wrong for a man to say he is certain of the objective truth of a proposition unless he can provide evidence which logically justifies that certainty. This is what agnosticism asserts and in my opinion, is all that is essential to agnosticism. ["Agnosticism and Christianity", 1889, Thomas Huxley]

                        Gary Denney
                        >>>-----The Archer----->


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by WhiteBandit

                          Or you know... you can do research before you buy something. That's the risk you take for being an early adopter of ANY product. It sucks, but that's the way it works.

                          You could have read the forums and saw that people with similar hardware configurations are having problems and realized you shouldn't buy the game yet.
                          I bought the game at 4pm on 10/26. You tell me what I could have found on the forums about crashes before I bought the game.

                          The most common thing I saw on the forum at that time was:
                          "damn, store X in city Y said they don't have any copies and won't get them until Friday, Thursday at the earliest"

                          Also, if you could tell me what exactly stands out about my system such that, from reading the forum, I'd know Civ 4 would crash:

                          AMD Athlon64 3000+
                          WinXP SP2
                          ATI 9800XT 256MB
                          1GB RAM


                          • #73
                            In practice, the easiest way to know the game would crash would be to notice that it's a brand new Windows game. Some crash more than others, but I have seen very few games indeed that didn't crash at least occasionally as released.

                            But once again, unless you really don't want to play the game ever, the only remedy of interest is to order them to patch it, and they're doing that anyway.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by BleckLord

                              I bought the game at 4pm on 10/26. You tell me what I could have found on the forums about crashes before I bought the game.

                              The most common thing I saw on the forum at that time was:
                              "damn, store X in city Y said they don't have any copies and won't get them until Friday, Thursday at the earliest"

                              Also, if you could tell me what exactly stands out about my system such that, from reading the forum, I'd know Civ 4 would crash:

                              AMD Athlon64 3000+
                              WinXP SP2
                              ATI 9800XT 256MB
                              1GB RAM
                              Right. Let me quote what I said earlier in that same post.

                              "That's the risk you take for being an early adopter."

                              The two things that stand out about your computer:
                              AMD Processor and ATI graphics card.

                              I have both... and it works. But there is a disproportionate amount of people that are having trouble with that combination.

                              First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

                              (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
                              The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


                              • #75
                                Your August Sirs,

                                Thank you seebs and Imran Siddiqui for talking some sense back at my tirade. I am sure that you are correct in saying that a lawsuit would not be effective and probably a non-starter.

                                This does not change the fact that the user base needs someway to communicate, firmly, to software development and marketing when issues like this occur. I am not spending my time fixing my system and researching this forum because I hate the game. Quite the contrary. I want the developers to deliver it usable (the implied responsibility) the first time it is released.

                                It may end up that these companies ignore the rabble's whining and just cater to the people who have the right hardware. And it may come to pass that folks like me have to find something else to use up all our time. Both parties lose.

                                Jack Noir
                                (not trained in the law)

