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Class-Action Lawsuit Anyone?

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  • Class-Action Lawsuit Anyone?

    Am I, and hundreds of others, asking too much by trusting that a game that has been in the development for years will work on our computers? How about actually starting the game?

    I have an AMD 3200 cpu, 1GB memory, 1TB+ hard drive storage on 5 drives, ATI 9800 and latest driver, Windows XP Professional service pack 2, Net 1.1, the DirectX 9.0c that was included with the game. All-in-all more than enough for meeting their minimum, and even recommended requirements!

    At first I could not even get past the initial options screens without a crash, resulting in strange noises coming through my speakers from my soundcard. I then put graphics setting to low, and then I was able go past and click "Ok" on the last options screen, waiting for the map to build, holding my breath each try, only to be met with a black screen.

    Ok I then went to the official website, saw the "Initialization Issues with ATI Graphics Card" link and followed their instructions, which by the way was NOT CORRECT for my computer!?! More specifically at one step 15) it tell you to "Accept and allow the DirectX installation to proceed.". But hey you incompetent morons, that part is NOT appearing since you in step 7) told me to install it back there!?! Geez!!! Anyways I then went to Windows Explorer and installed it manually AGAIN, just to be sure, and then proceeded with the Civ 4 Express installation, started the game, exited on the game error, installed the ATI drivers and rebooted. The game now crashes right after the last options screen, again with strange noises from the soundcard. Started the game again, set graphics settings to low, exited, restarted, same crash, same place!

    Ok tried second part of their so called "fix" my freaking bootie. EXACTLY same thing! Same crash! Same place! Same strange noises! No more black map or whatever it was as I had the very first time I installed the game.

    So that is Civilization 4? I can't even get past the options screens, not even speaking about seeing the game map. Completing a single turn is now a dream! And Civilization 4 is now a nightmare!

    People don't buy this crap! And to my fellow naive suckers, who have been screwed in their butts by Firaxis: Let's all get together with a Class-Action suit! Seriously! Compensation for hours spent trying to get this piece of amateur crap to work, lost sleep, stress, heart problems, nerve pills, etc. Now it is time to teach these software companies, who cares not about their product, have no self esteem, that we are NOT taking their freaking buggy software anymore!!! Sure the intro video was nice, but the point is that I will only watch it once, and the time spend making it could have been spent testing the game on various machines and various graphic cards, including ATI!!! Speaking of which is there a poll somewhere as to how many people this works for, and how many it does not? Plus what graphic card they have?

    The software developers and beta testers working at Firaxis are obviously incompetent people that should be ashamed of themselves!

    Oh yeah to top it of, I got the French Tech Tree too, plus the colors on keyboard template, green and blue are so close to each other that unless you have the right light, it is hard to tell the difference.

    I am soooo disappointed! Furious even, how can companies, not just Firaxis, with respect for themselves release such crap? Just incomprehensible! Let’s sue their butts!

    By the way I love strategy games, and also bought the collectors edition of Age of Empires, which works fine!!!

    As for the Civ 4 logs there are some here, and the rest in the next two posts, with the interesting part being this:

    RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor01.tga failed to load
    RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor02.tga failed to load

    My Civ 4 logs:

    [208.750] CvApp::OnActivate

    [205.671] Audio Manager: Loading Audio Defines file XML\Audio\AudioDefines.xml...
    [205.843] Audio Manager: Successfully loaded Audio Defines file XML\Audio\AudioDefines.xml.
    [205.859] Audio Manager: Loading 2D Scripts file XML\Audio\Audio2DScripts.xml...
    [206.093] Audio Manager: Successfully loaded 2D scripts file XML\Audio\Audio2DScripts.xml.
    [206.109] Audio Manager: Loading 3D Scripts file XML\Audio\Audio3DScripts.xml...
    [206.312] Audio Manager: Successfully loaded 3D scripts file XML\Audio\Audio3DScripts.xml.
    [206.343] Audio Manager: Successfully loaded Soundscape scripts file XML\Audio\AudioSoundscapeScripts.xml.
    [206.343] Audio Manager: Initializing
    [206.343] Audio Manager: Attempting to initialize the audio system.
    [206.343] Audio System: Initializing Miles Audio System...
    [206.343] Audio System: redistribution directory: .\Miles\win32
    [206.343] Audio System: Starting Miles.
    [206.343] Audio System: Opening the sound driver.
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Total HW Bytes: 0
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Max Contiguous Free HW Bytes: 0
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Total HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Static HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Streaming HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Total Mixing HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Static Mixing HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: CAPS: Streaming Mixing HW 3D Buffers: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: SPEAKER CONFIG:
    [206.359] Stereo
    [206.359] Audio System: Initializing base audio system...
    [206.359] Audio System: Calculating and distributing voices.
    [206.359] Audio System: VOICES: Total: 128
    [206.359] Audio System: VOICES: Streams: 10
    [206.359] Audio System: VOICES: 2D: 54
    [206.359] Audio System: VOICES: 3D: 64
    [206.359] Audio System: Initializing 2D samples...
    [206.359] Audio System: Successfully initialized 2D samples.
    [206.359] Audio System: Initializing 3D samples...
    [206.359] Audio System: Successfully initialized 3D samples.
    [206.359] Audio System: Successfully initialized base audio system.
    [206.359] Audio System: Successfully initialized Miles Audio System.
    [206.359] AudioManager: Successfully initialized the audio system.
    [206.359] AudioManager: Successfully initialized the audio manager.

    [205.375] DBG: FILE Cat Init
    [205.562] DBG: Using XML cache
    [205.562] DBG: Game Init
    [205.562] DBG: Multiplayer Init
    [205.671] DBG: Audio Init
    [206.359] DBG: ArtFileMgr Init
    [206.375] DBG: Python Init
    [208.453] VERSION: CIV Version: 0
    [208.453] VERSION: Save Version: 100
    [208.453] DBG: Input Init
    [208.453] DBG: Engine Init
    [209.437] DBG: Engine: Axis Engine Initialized
    [209.437] DBG: Engine: Scene Graph Initialized
    [209.531] DBG: Engine: Shaders Initialized
    [209.546] DBG: Engine: Scene Lights Initialized
    [209.546] DBG: Music Start
    [209.562] DBG: Font Init
    [209.625] DBG: Total Frame MS: 4491.0 FPS: 000 Min:000 Max:000 Avg:000 SampleFilter:10.000000
    Time : Ave : Min% : Max% : Num : Profile Name
    [209.625] DBG: Begin MenuManager
    [245.656] DBG: Engine: Camera Initialized
    [260.578] DBG: SyncRandSeed is 217325, MapRandSeed is 217325

    [242.796] CvInitMgr::GameCoreNew()
    [259.265] InitMgr elapsed time = 15.84
    [259.296] DBG: Total Frame MS: 15876.0 FPS: 000 Min:000 Max:000 Avg:000 SampleFilter:0.010000
    Time : Ave : Min% : Max% : Num : Profile Name
    [259.296] RELEASE build, World size=Standard

    legacy.log shows hundreds of lines the same, then three lines different:
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: Art/Terrain/Routes/Rivers/River00a.nif_clone
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: Art/Terrain/Routes/Rivers/River00a.nif_clone
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)

    Initial System for XML/Buildings/CIV4CityLSystem.xml:
    Emergency_Overflow: [w=0.5 h=0.5] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Leaf_1x1: [w=1.0 h=1.0] [34 art, 0 prods]
    Node_2x2: [w=2.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 6 prods]
    Node_3x1: [w=3.0 h=1.0] [0 art, 5 prods]
    Node_6x6: [w=6.0 h=6.0] [0 art, 9 prods]
    EONode: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [0 art, 5 prods]
    Leaf_2x1: [w=2.0 h=1.0] [51 art, 0 prods]
    Node_3x2: [w=3.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    Node_4x1: [w=4.0 h=1.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    Leaf_2x2: [w=2.0 h=2.0] [36 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_3x1: [w=3.0 h=1.0] [4 art, 0 prods]
    Node_16x16: [w=16.0 h=16.0] [0 art, 3 prods]
    Node_3x3: [w=3.0 h=3.0] [0 art, 3 prods]
    Node_4x2: [w=4.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 5 prods]
    CITY_ROOT: [w=16.0 h=16.0] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Leaf_3x2: [w=3.0 h=2.0] [20 art, 0 prods]
    Node_2x1: [w=2.0 h=1.0] [0 art, 3 prods]
    Node_5x6: [w=5.0 h=6.0] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Node_6x5: [w=6.0 h=5.0] [0 art, 6 prods]
    BuildingsUsingCustomLayoutEngines: [w=1.0 h=1.0] [8 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_3x3: [w=3.0 h=3.0] [16 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_4x2: [w=4.0 h=2.0] [11 art, 0 prods]
    Node_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [0 art, 3 prods]
    Node_6x2: [w=6.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    Node_8x8: [w=8.0 h=8.0] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Leaf_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [6 art, 0 prods]
    Node_5x5: [w=5.0 h=5.0] [0 art, 6 prods]
    Node_8x2: [w=8.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 1 prods]

    Initial System for XML/Buildings/CIV4PlotLSystem.xml:
    BLeaf_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [2 art, 0 prods]
    GLeaf_2x1: [w=2.0 h=1.0] [4 art, 0 prods]
    Node_2x2: [w=2.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    Node_6x6: [w=6.0 h=6.0] [0 art, 9 prods]
    GLeaf_2x2: [w=2.0 h=2.0] [4 art, 0 prods]
    Node_3x2: [w=3.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 3 prods]
    PLOT_ROOT: [w=12.0 h=12.0] [0 art, 8 prods]
    Water_Worked_4x4: [w=6.0 h=6.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    BLeaf_1x1: [w=1.0 h=1.0] [30 art, 0 prods]
    GLeaf_3x2: [w=3.0 h=2.0] [4 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_Water_Worked_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [1 art, 0 prods]
    Node_12x12: [w=12.0 h=12.0] [0 art, 10 prods]
    Node_4x2: [w=4.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 7 prods]
    BLeaf_2x1: [w=2.0 h=1.0] [50 art, 0 prods]
    BLeaf_4x3: [w=6.0 h=6.0] [1 art, 0 prods]
    GLeaf_4x2: [w=4.0 h=2.0] [4 art, 0 prods]
    GNode_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Leaf_Farm_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [10 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_LandImprovement_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [11 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_Water_Improvement_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [2 art, 0 prods]
    Node_2x1: [w=2.0 h=1.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    BLeaf_2x2: [w=2.0 h=2.0] [36 art, 0 prods]
    Farm_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.2] [0 art, 1 prods]
    Node_4x4: [w=4.0 h=4.0] [0 art, 5 prods]
    Node_6x2: [w=6.0 h=2.0] [0 art, 4 prods]
    BLeaf_3x2: [w=3.0 h=2.0] [37 art, 0 prods]
    Leaf_Farm_1x1: [w=1.0 h=1.0] [7 art, 0 prods]
    BLeaf_4x2: [w=4.0 h=2.0] [7 art, 0 prods]

    [228.296] DBG: HOSTING a SINGLEPLAYER, NEW, LAN game!
    [228.296] DBG: Adding active connection-level player info for NetID 0
    [228.390] DBG: Adding NetID 0 to Portal!
    [228.421] DBG: Got NetworkReady from NetID 0
    [228.421] DBG: Checking if we're connect complete! PeersReady=yes :: AlreadyComplete=no
    [228.421] DBG: Got our last outstanding network ready message! Sending Version Verification! (m_bConnectComplete=true)
    [228.421] DBG: Got Verify Version message from NetID 0!
    [228.421] DBG: Assigning AppID 0 to NetID 0!
    [228.468] DBG: Received ID assignment message! Our AppID = 0!
    [228.468] DBG: Sending our player info to everyone else
    [228.468] DBG: Sending our AppID assignment (ID=0) to everyone else
    [228.781] DBG: Received player ID Assignment!
    [259.312] DBG: Sending sync start message everyone
    [259.312] DBG: Got a sync start from NetID 0

  • #2
    Logs part 2:

    Initializing Python
    1. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\email
    2. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\encodings
    3. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx
    4. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\build
    5. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib
    6. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\py
    7. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\tools
    8. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\colourchooser
    9. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\editor
    10. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\floatcanvas
    11. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\masked
    12. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\mixins
    13. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\lib\ogl
    14. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\py\tests
    15. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\wx\tools\XRCed
    16. Using Python sys path: ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM
    sys.path =

    ['ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', 'ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

    sys.modules =

    {'zipimport': , 'signal': , '__builtin__': , 'sys': , '__main__': , 'exceptions': , 'CvPythonExtensions': }

    sys.builtin_module_names =

    ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')

    1. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\screens\
    2. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\
    3. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\entrypoints\
    4. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pywb\
    5. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pyhelper\
    6. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pitboss\
    7. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\pyunit\
    8. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs: python\_debugtools\
    9. Using Civ moduleSearchDirs:
    EntryPoint module:cvgameinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvmapscriptinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvunitcontrolinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvdiplomacyinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvoptionsscreencallbackinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvscreensinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvwbinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvdebuginterface
    EntryPoint module:cvpopupinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvscreenutilsinterface
    EntryPoint modulebmain
    EntryPoint module:cvappinterface
    EntryPoint module:cveventinterface
    EntryPoint module:cvtranslator
    EntryPoint module:islands
    EntryPoint module:great_plains
    EntryPoint module:continents
    EntryPoint module:archipelago
    EntryPoint module:wheel
    EntryPoint module:inland_sea
    EntryPoint module:mirror
    EntryPoint moduleasis
    EntryPoint moduleangaea
    EntryPoint module:hub
    EntryPoint module:balanced
    EntryPoint module:maze
    EntryPoint module:ice_age
    EntryPoint module:custom_continents
    EntryPoint module:ring
    EntryPoint module:team_battleground
    EntryPoint module:highlands
    EntryPoint module:terra
    EntryPoint module:lakes
    EntryPoint module:tilted_axis
    load_module CvEventInterface

    load_module CvUtil

    load_module traceback

    load_module CvEventManager

    load_module CvScreensInterface

    load_module CvMainInterface

    load_module ScreenInput

    load_module CvScreenEnums

    load_module time

    load_module CvDomesticAdvisor

    load_module PyHelpers

    load_module CvTechChooser

    load_module CvForeignAdvisor

    load_module math

    load_module CvMilitaryAdvisor

    load_module CvFinanceAdvisor

    load_module CvReligionScreen

    load_module CvCivicsScreen

    load_module string

    load_module CvVictoryScreen

    load_module CvOptionsScreen

    load_module CvReplayScreen

    load_module CvHallOfFameScreen

    load_module CvDanQuayle

    load_module CvGameUtils

    load_module CvUnVictoryScreen

    load_module CvDawnOfMan

    load_module CvTechSplashScreen

    load_module CvTopCivs

    load_module random

    load_module CvInfoScreen

    load_module CvIntroMovieScreen

    load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen

    load_module CvWonderMovieScreen

    load_module CvEraMovieScreen

    load_module CvPediaMain

    load_module CvPediaScreen

    load_module CvScreen

    load_module CvPediaTech

    load_module CvPediaUnit

    load_module CvPediaBuilding

    load_module CvPediaPromotion

    load_module CvPediaUnitChart

    load_module CvPediaBonus

    load_module CvPediaTerrain

    load_module CvPediaFeature

    load_module CvPediaImprovement

    load_module CvPediaCivic

    load_module CvPediaCivilization

    load_module CvPediaLeader

    load_module CvPediaSpecialist

    load_module CvPediaHistory

    load_module CvPediaProject

    load_module CvPediaReligion

    load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen

    load_module Popup

    load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen

    load_module CvDebugTools

    load_module CvDebugInfoScreen

    load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil

    load_module CvGFCScreen

    load_module CvPopupInterface

    load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface

    load_module CvScreenUtils

    load_module CvWBPopups

    load_module CvCameraControls

    load_module CvAdvisorUtils

    load_module CvAppInterface

    load_module CvTranslator




    MS 1


    MS 2



    load_module CvMapScriptInterface

    load_module Continents

    load_module Archipelago

    load_module Balanced

    load_module Custom_Continents

    load_module Great_Plains

    load_module Highlands

    load_module Hub

    load_module Ice_Age

    load_module Inland_Sea

    load_module Islands

    load_module Lakes

    load_module Maze

    load_module Mirror

    load_module Oasis

    load_module Pangaea

    load_module Ring

    load_module Team_Battleground

    load_module Terra

    load_module Tilted_Axis

    load_module Wheel

    PY:Player 0's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 1's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 2's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 3's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 4's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 5's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 6's alive status set to: 1
    PY:Player 18's alive status set to: 1
    load_module encodings

    load_module encodings.latin_1

    8500 - gold

    8501 - research

    8502 - culture

    8483 - food

    8484 - production

    8485 - commerce

    8525 - judaism

    8526 - judaism

    8527 - christianity

    8528 - christianity

    8529 - islam

    8530 - islam

    8531 - hinduism

    8532 - hinduism

    8533 - buddhism

    8534 - buddhism

    8535 - confucianism

    8536 - confucianism

    8537 - taoism

    8538 - taoism



    load_module CvWBInterface

    load_module CvWBDesc

    load_module array

    PY:saveDesc:C:\Documents and Settings\DKDiveDude\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Saves\WorldBuilder\WBQuickSave, curDir:C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
    WBSave done

    load_module pickle

    PY:saveDesc:C:\Documents and Settings\DKDiveDude\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Saves\WorldBuilder\WBAutoSave, curDir:C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
    WBSave done

    load_module CvGameInterface

    PY:Player 18's alive status set to: 0


    • #3
      Logs part 3:

      PythonErr.log is blank

      RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor01.tga failed to load
      RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor02.tga failed to load

      [207.265] Read GobalDefines from cache
      [207.265] Read GobalDefines from cache
      [207.343] Read GlobalText from cache
      [207.343] Loading XML file XML\GlobalTypes.xml
      [207.359] Load XML file XML\GlobalTypes.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/AnimationOperatorTypes/AnimationOperatorType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/FunctionTypes/FunctionType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/FlavorTypes/FlavorType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/ArtStyleTypes/ArtStyleType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/CitySizeTypes/CitySizeType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/ContactTypes/ContactType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/DiplomacyPowerTypes/DiplomacyPowerType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/AutomateTypes/AutomateType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/DirectionTypes/DirectionType
      [207.359] SetGlobalStringArray Civ4Types/FootstepAudioTypes/FootstepAudioType
      [207.359] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Interface.xml
      [207.375] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Interface.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.375] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/InterfaceArtInfos/InterfaceArtInfo)
      [207.390] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Movie.xml
      [207.390] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Movie.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.390] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/MovieArtInfos/MovieArtInfo)
      [207.406] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml
      [207.406] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.406] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/MiscArtInfos/MiscArtInfo)
      [207.406] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml
      [207.421] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.421] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/UnitArtInfos/UnitArtInfo)
      [207.453] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Building.xml
      [207.453] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Building.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.453] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/BuildingArtInfos/BuildingArtInfo)
      [207.468] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.xml
      [207.468] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.468] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/CivilizationArtInfos/CivilizationArtInfo)
      [207.468] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml
      [207.468] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.468] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/LeaderheadArtInfos/LeaderheadArtInfo)
      [207.484] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Bonus.xml
      [207.484] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Bonus.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.484] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/BonusArtInfos/BonusArtInfo)
      [207.484] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Improvement.xml
      [207.484] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Improvement.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.484] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/ImprovementArtInfos/ImprovementArtInfo)
      [207.500] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Terrain.xml
      [207.500] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Terrain.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.500] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/TerrainArtInfos/TerrainArtInfo)
      [207.500] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Feature.xml
      [207.500] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Feature.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.500] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ArtDefines/FeatureArtInfos/FeatureArtInfo)
      [207.515] Loading XML file XML\BasicInfos/CIV4BasicInfos.xml
      [207.515] Load XML file XML\BasicInfos/CIV4BasicInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/ConceptInfos/ConceptInfo)
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/CityTabInfos/CityTabInfo)
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/CalendarInfos/CalendarInfo)
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/SeasonInfos/SeasonInfo)
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/MonthInfos/MonthInfo)
      [207.515] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/DenialInfos/DenialInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/InvisibleInfos/InvisibleInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/UnitCombatInfos/UnitCombatInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/DomainInfos/DomainInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/UnitAIInfos/UnitAIInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/AttitudeInfos/AttitudeInfo)
      [207.531] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BasicInfos/MemoryInfos/MemoryInfo)
      [207.531] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml
      [207.593] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.593] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4GameSpeedInfo/GameSpeedInfos/GameSpeedInfo)
      [207.593] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4TurnTimerInfo.xml
      [207.593] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4TurnTimerInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.593] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4TurnTimerInfo/TurnTimerInfos/TurnTimerInfo)
      [207.593] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4WorldInfo.xml
      [207.609] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4WorldInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.609] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4WorldInfo/WorldInfos/WorldInfo)
      [207.609] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ClimateInfo.xml
      [207.625] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ClimateInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.625] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ClimateInfo/ClimateInfos/ClimateInfo)
      [207.625] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4SeaLevelInfo.xml
      [207.640] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4SeaLevelInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.640] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SeaLevelInfo/SeaLevelInfos/SeaLevelInfo)
      [207.640] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4AdvisorInfos.xml
      [207.656] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4AdvisorInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.656] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AdvisorInfos/AdvisorInfos/AdvisorInfo)
      [207.656] Loading XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4TerrainInfos.xml
      [207.703] Load XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4TerrainInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.703] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4TerrainInfos/TerrainInfos/TerrainInfo)
      [207.703] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4EraInfos.xml
      [207.718] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4EraInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.718] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4EraInfos/EraInfos/EraInfo)
      [207.718] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4UnitClassInfos.xml
      [207.796] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4UnitClassInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.796] SetGlobalUnitClassInfo Civ4UnitClassInfos/UnitClassInfos/UnitClassInfo
      [207.812] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4SpecialistInfos.xml
      [207.828] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4SpecialistInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.828] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SpecialistInfos/SpecialistInfos/SpecialistInfo)
      [207.828] Read Civ4TechInfos from cache
      [207.828] Loading XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4FeatureInfos.xml
      [207.843] Load XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4FeatureInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.843] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4FeatureInfos/FeatureInfos/FeatureInfo)
      [207.843] Read CIV4PromotionInfos from cache
      [207.843] Loading XML file XML\Civilizations/CIV4TraitInfos.xml
      [207.890] Load XML file XML\Civilizations/CIV4TraitInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.890] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4TraitInfos/TraitInfos/TraitInfo)
      [207.890] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GoodyInfo.xml
      [207.890] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GoodyInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.890] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4GoodyInfo/GoodyInfos/GoodyInfo)
      [207.906] Read CIV4HandicapInfos from cache
      [207.906] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CursorInfo.xml
      [207.906] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CursorInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.906] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CursorInfo/CursorInfos/CursorInfo)
      [207.921] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CivicOptionInfos.xml
      [207.921] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CivicOptionInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.921] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CivicOptionInfos/CivicOptionInfos/CivicOptionInfo)
      [207.921] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4UpkeepInfo.xml
      [207.937] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4UpkeepInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.937] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4UpkeepInfo/UpkeepInfos/UpkeepInfo)
      [207.937] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4HurryInfo.xml
      [207.953] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4HurryInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [207.953] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4HurryInfo/HurryInfos/HurryInfo)
      [207.953] Loading XML file XML\Buildings/CIV4SpecialBuildingInfos.xml
      [208.046] Load XML file XML\Buildings/CIV4SpecialBuildingInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.046] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SpecialBuildingInfos/SpecialBuildingInfos/SpecialBuildingInfo)
      [208.046] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ReligionInfo.xml
      [208.046] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ReligionInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.046] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ReligionInfo/ReligionInfos/ReligionInfo)
      [208.062] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CultureLevelInfo.xml
      [208.062] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CultureLevelInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.062] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CultureLevelInfo/CultureLevelInfos/CultureLevelInfo)
      [208.062] Loading XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4BonusClassInfos.xml
      [208.078] Load XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4BonusClassInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.078] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BonusClassInfos/BonusClassInfos/BonusClassInfo)
      [208.078] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4VictoryInfo.xml
      [208.093] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4VictoryInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.093] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4VictoryInfo/VictoryInfos/VictoryInfo)
      [208.093] Read CIV4BonusInfos from cache
      [208.093] Loading XML file XML\Buildings/CIV4BuildingClassInfos.xml
      [208.109] Load XML file XML\Buildings/CIV4BuildingClassInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.109] SetGlobalBuildingClassInfo Civ4BuildingClassInfos/BuildingClassInfos/BuildingClassInfo
      [208.125] Read CIV4BuildingInfos from cache
      [208.125] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4SpecialUnitInfos.xml
      [208.140] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4SpecialUnitInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.140] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SpecialUnitInfos/SpecialUnitInfos/SpecialUnitInfo)
      [208.140] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ProjectInfo.xml
      [208.140] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ProjectInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.140] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ProjectInfo/ProjectInfos/ProjectInfo)
      [208.156] Loading XML file XML\Misc/CIV4RouteInfos.xml
      [208.171] Load XML file XML\Misc/CIV4RouteInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.171] SetGlobalRouteInfo Civ4RouteInfos/RouteInfos/RouteInfo
      [208.171] Read CIV4ImprovementInfos from cache
      [208.171] Read CIV4CivicInfos from cache
      [208.171] Read CIV4LeaderHeadInfos from cache
      [208.171] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4ColorVals.xml
      [208.187] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4ColorVals.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.187] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ColorVals/ColorVals/ColorVal)
      [208.187] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4PlayerColorInfos.xml
      [208.187] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4PlayerColorInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.187] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4PlayerColorInfos/PlayerColorInfos/PlayerColorInfo)
      [208.203] Loading XML file XML\Misc/CIV4EffectInfos.xml
      [208.218] Load XML file XML\Misc/CIV4EffectInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.218] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4EffectInfos/EffectInfos/EffectInfo)
      [208.250] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4AnimationInfos.xml
      [208.250] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4AnimationInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.250] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AnimationInfos/AnimationCategories/AnimationCategory)
      [208.265] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AnimationInfos/AnimationPaths/AnimationPath)
      [208.265] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AnimationInfos/EntityEventInfos/EntityEventInfo)
      [208.265] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4BuildInfos.xml
      [208.281] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4BuildInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.281] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4BuildInfos/BuildInfos/BuildInfo)
      [208.343] Read CIV4UnitInfos from cache
      [208.359] Read CIV4CivilizationInfos from cache
      [208.359] Loading XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4YieldInfos.xml
      [208.359] Load XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4YieldInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.359] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4YieldInfos/YieldInfos/YieldInfo)
      [208.359] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CommerceInfo.xml
      [208.375] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4CommerceInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.375] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CommerceInfo/CommerceInfos/CommerceInfo)
      [208.375] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4Hints.xml
      [208.390] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4Hints.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.390] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4Hints/HintInfos/HintInfo)
      [208.390] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml
      [208.406] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.406] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4GameOptionInfos/GameOptionInfos/GameOptionInfo)
      [208.406] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4MPOptionInfos.xml
      [208.406] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4MPOptionInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.421] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4MPOptionInfos/MPOptionInfos/MPOptionInfo)
      [208.421] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ForceControlInfos.xml
      [208.421] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ForceControlInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.421] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ForceControlInfos/ForceControlInfos/ForceControlInfo)
      [208.421] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4SlideShowInfos.xml
      [208.437] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4SlideShowInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.437] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SlideShowInfos/SlideShowInfos/SlideShowInfo)
      [208.437] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4SlideShowInfos/SlideShowRandomInfos/SlideShowRandomInfo)
      [208.437] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4WorldPickerInfos.xml
      [208.437] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4WorldPickerInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [208.437] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4WorldPickerInfos/WorldPickerInfos/WorldPickerInfo)
      [242.796] Loading XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4TerrainSettings.xml
      [242.796] Load XML file XML\Terrain/CIV4TerrainSettings.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.796] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4TerrainSettings/LandscapeInfos/LandscapeInfo)
      [242.796] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4RouteModelInfos.xml
      [242.812] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4RouteModelInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.812] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4RouteModelInfos/RouteModelInfos/RouteModelInfo)
      [242.828] Loading XML file XML\Misc/CIV4RiverInfos.xml
      [242.828] Load XML file XML\Misc/CIV4RiverInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.828] SetGlobalRiverInfo Civ4RiverInfos/RiverInfos/RiverInfo
      [242.828] Loading XML file XML\Art/CIV4RiverModelInfos.xml
      [242.828] Load XML file XML\Art/CIV4RiverModelInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.828] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4RiverModelInfos/RiverModelInfos/RiverModelInfo)
      [242.828] Loading XML file XML\Misc/CIV4WaterPlaneInfos.xml
      [242.843] Load XML file XML\Misc/CIV4WaterPlaneInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.843] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4WaterPlaneInfos/WaterPlaneInfos/WaterPlaneInfo)
      [242.843] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ProcessInfo.xml
      [242.843] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4ProcessInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.843] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ProcessInfo/ProcessInfos/ProcessInfo)
      [242.843] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4EmphasizeInfo.xml
      [242.859] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4EmphasizeInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.859] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4EmphasizeInfo/EmphasizeInfos/EmphasizeInfo)
      [242.859] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4MissionInfos.xml
      [242.875] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4MissionInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.875] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4MissionInfos/MissionInfos/MissionInfo)
      [242.921] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4ControlInfos.xml
      [242.937] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4ControlInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [242.937] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4ControlInfos/ControlInfos/ControlInfo)
      [243.093] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4CommandInfos.xml
      [243.093] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4CommandInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.093] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CommandInfos/CommandInfos/CommandInfo)
      [243.125] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4AutomateInfos.xml
      [243.140] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4AutomateInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.140] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AutomateInfos/AutomateInfos/AutomateInfo)
      [243.140] Loading XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4VoteInfo.xml
      [243.156] Load XML file XML\GameInfo/CIV4VoteInfo.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.156] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4VoteInfo/VoteInfos/VoteInfo)
      [243.156] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4CameraInfos.xml
      [243.171] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4CameraInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.171] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4CameraInfos/CameraInfos/CameraInfo)
      [243.171] Loading XML file XML\Interface/CIV4InterfaceModeInfos.xml
      [243.171] Load XML file XML\Interface/CIV4InterfaceModeInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.171] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4InterfaceModeInfos/InterfaceModeInfos/InterfaceModeInfo)
      [243.203] SetGlobalActionInfo
      [243.234] Loading XML file XML\Units/CIV4FormationInfos.xml
      [243.250] Load XML file XML\Units/CIV4FormationInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.250] SetGlobalClassInfo (UnitFormations/UnitFormation)
      [243.265] Loading XML file XML\Misc/CIV4AttachableInfos.xml
      [243.281] Load XML file XML\Misc/CIV4AttachableInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.281] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4AttachableInfos/AttachableInfos/AttachableInfo)
      [243.312] Read CIV4DiplomacyInfos from cache
      [243.312] Loading XML file XML\Misc/Civ4QuestInfos.xml
      [243.312] Load XML file XML\Misc/Civ4QuestInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.312] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4QuestInfos/QuestInfo)
      [243.312] Loading XML file XML\Misc/Civ4TutorialInfos.xml
      [243.312] Load XML file XML\Misc/Civ4TutorialInfos.xml SUCCEEDED
      [243.312] SetGlobalClassInfo (Civ4TutorialInfos/TutorialInfo)


      • #4
        Okay, chill. No one has been more critical of Firaxis than I (aka jimmytrick) over the years. But they will issue a patch. Veteran Firaxis watchers like myself weren't silly enough to purchase right away. Chalk it up to experience.

        Most of the blame on the hardware problems probably belong to their partners, who 1) probably pushed for cutting edge graphics and 2) pushed for an early release due to other issues. If this is true, its not Firaxis' fault that the game sux out of the box.

        This is just part of the trend that is pushing everything to gaming platforms. Heck, at this point, even I am willing to get on that bandwagon. It seems to me a better option. I shouldn't have to upgrade my computer to play games, it would probably be more sensible and less expensive if everyone just went to game platforms for gaming.


        • #5
          Stop right there, hold your horses!

          quote: "Chill they will issue a patch"


          Halloooo! The game SHOULD work when you buy it! Period! Right off the bat!

          Patches should be to tweak game play, and perhaps fix small bugs!

          This product is merely fancy cardboard and plastic that is is totally unusable by many, or perhaps most ATI graphics owners!


          • #6
            it works for most people... even with AMD cpus.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DKDiveDude
              Halloooo! The game SHOULD work when you buy it! Period! Right off the bat!

              Patches should be to tweak game play, and perhaps fix small bugs!
              This PC games thing must be new to you? That, or you haven't bought a new game for the past five to ten years.

              This product is merely fancy cardboard and plastic that is is totally unusable by many, or perhaps most ATI graphics owners!
              The minority is rather vocal, but I have hard time believing most people using ATI cards are not able to play.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #8
                I take it this was your first PC game purchase. Welcome aboard


                • #9
                  I am a class action lawyer (although not in the USA) and I must say that there is no chance of a succesful class action yet. If the following conditions are met, then go ahead:

                  - No patch is able to fix the problem
                  - The problem is widespread among many people and it is the same problem for all of them
                  - The problem is identified and can be pinpointed to certain comps and specs
                  - No indication that the company will fix the problem
                  - The company refuses to give you your money back


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kassiopeia

                    This PC games thing must be new to you? That, or you haven't bought a new game for the past five to ten years.

                    The minority is rather vocal, but I have hard time believing most people using ATI cards are not able to play.

                    No PC games are not new, on the contrary I bought and played my first games on the Commodore 64 twenty years ago, It is however the first time I experienced a game that did not work at all off the self.

                    Are you insinuating that it is al l right that games from the past 5 to 10 years has serious flaws right off the bat?

                    Sorry as a consumer advocate I say it is NOT all right! And we, the customers should make these seemingly careless companies, bypassing needed testtime for a dollar deadline, know that we are not going to take it - anymore


                    • #11
                      wow...a class action.....some people need help..lots of it!!!

                      Just for your info....i have an ati card and you know what? i didn't had anything to do for it to just work perfectly the very first patch nor any other program were use...

                      Of course before installing the new catalyst i use their great little remover program (wich is a must cause windows tend to leave files..)....after that it was a piece of cake..the new catalyst...instal civ 4..install direct 9x and voila!!!!!

                      Apart from the slugginess most people find after exiting the game it work it'S an amazing game...

                      But hey don't read all mean go back to the store and get your money back!!!oh wait they won'T!!!Hell start a lawsuit against them also!!!!


                      • #12
                        Of course before installing the new catalyst i use their great little remover program (wich is a must cause windows tend to leave files..)....after that it was a piece of cake..the new catalyst...instal civ 4..install direct 9x and voila!!!!!

                        Apart from the slugginess most people find after exiting the game it work it'S an amazing game...
                        I forgot to mention, I used ATI's uninstaller too.

                        And I am so jealous that you are able to play the game! Please put in 8 hours off game time for me


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DKDiveDude

                          No PC games are not new, on the contrary I bought and played my first games on the Commodore 64 twenty years ago, It is however the first time I experienced a game that did not work at all off the self.

                          Are you insinuating that it is al l right that games from the past 5 to 10 years has serious flaws right off the bat?
                          I'm only insinuating that it has become an industry standard to release games with serious flaws on some systems and fix the flaws later on in a patch. I've been burned by this practice myself a few times. The save/load bug that ruins the AI in RTW springs to mind - I had to wait over a year to have it fixed.

                          OTOH, with hardware compatibility these "serious flaws" are at least understandable, since there is a myriad of possible setups depending on the OS, the drivers and the individual components themselves.
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DKDiveDude
                            No PC games are not new, on the contrary I bought and played my first games on the Commodore 64 twenty years ago, It is however the first time I experienced a game that did not work at all off the self.
                            You are very lucky then, I've had conflicts with games on every pc system I've ever owned.

                            Originally posted by DKDiveDude
                            Are you insinuating that it is al l right that games from the past 5 to 10 years has serious flaws right off the bat?
                            No, its not alright, but when you have a track record of patches like Firaxis does, then you shouldn't get bent out of shape until and unless the developer abandons the game, ala CTP2.

                            Originally posted by DKDiveDude
                            Sorry as a consumer advocate I say it is NOT all right! And we, the customers should make these seemingly careless companies, bypassing needed testtime for a dollar deadline, know that we are not going to take it - anymore
                            As a game player, I'm really loving this game, and I really hate that it doesn't work right on a minority of systems, but that's the problem with pc gaming in general Let's hope there is a patchable solution for your hardware conflicts.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Capt Dizle
                              I shouldn't have to upgrade my computer to play games,
                              I will admit that the games minimum specs were perhaps a bit optimistic and the game has performance bugs, but do you really expect your pooter to never need an upgrade?

                              If new technology rears its head that will enhance gameplay, then by all means include it in the game if reasonable ... (Of course with highly advertised requirements so that those who can't play it won't waste their money).
                              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.

