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Civ 4 Music :)

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  • Originally posted by player1
    By the way has anyone noticed that music that is played in classic anicent era is more appropriate for pre-Classic ancient era, when game is usually silent.

    Actually, when I think about it, there is no really any appropriate music for classical ancient era in the game (some of diplo music is close, but that's not it).

    Should be fixed for expansion, if you ask me.
    I remedied this by creating an ancient music directory in my parallel directory structure. For now, I just have Civ3 ancient era and Civ4 classical music there, as well as in the classical folder. Classical in this case is ancient classical.

    I added Civ3 medieval music to medieval folder. Civ3 only had three folders. When I get my Civ2 disk, I'm going to add some of that medieval music, which had some very meditative pieces (mongol hordes and a number of others).

    My only criticism of Civ4 music is that there's too much Bach and Beethoven for my tastes. OK for the builder/cultural types, but the warmonger in me prefers the mongol horde, as I ride across the vast steppes of my Mongolian empire with my horse archers, dust clouds blackening the skies for days.

    I just select the folder I want in advanced options menu. Also, there's nothing wrong with mixing a few medieval tunes in Renaissance or Industrial. It's a nice way to occasionally reflect on how far you've come historically. Civilization transcends time and the music should not be confined just to the present era.


    • Originally posted by Shaka II

      My only criticism of Civ4 music is that there's too much Bach and Beethoven for my tastes. OK for the builder/cultural types, but the warmonger in me prefers the mongol horde, as I ride across the vast steppes of my Mongolian empire with my horse archers, dust clouds blackening the skies for days.
      Need a bit of Vagner, Eh?

      That'd be a cool feature - a war-peace switch for the music.


      • - and the 1812 Overture should definitely fire up every time there's a war between Russia & France.


        • In my most recent Tiny 18 Pangaea game, I was playing Cathy - and Louis couldn't even establish his first city.
          I declared war.
          The French surrendered.

          In regards to Killing Joke, I'll check it out. God Bless Limewire.


          • What sort of music would be suitable for the Ancient era? I've heard some attempted recreations of ancient Greek and Roman music. Trust me, you don't want to listen to that stuff for hours on end. The ancients hadn't developed the tonal systems that we now enjoy. Their music sounds like some of the worst modern avant-garde atonal music.

            "The Rites of Spring" and "The Firebird Suite" might do, even though they're actually modern pieces.

            Some tracks off of Yo-Yo Ma's "Silk Road Journey" would be nice to add some oreintal color.

            It would be cool if the game had different sets of soundtracks for peacetime and war. In the modern era some of the tracks from "Victory at Sea" would be great to accompany a cozy little war.
            "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


            • Originally posted by Cort Haus

              Need a bit of Vagner, Eh?

              That'd be a cool feature - a war-peace switch for the music.
              That would work. A game where it is perfectly done is Rome Total War, which has the benefit of having turn based mode with normal (building) music, and RTS battles with war music. Even separate tunes for victory. For Civ, it might work to have several heavy scores in each era. Civ5?

              My remedy is to have a separate directory for each era, including ancient, that I select in advanced option at each era, but now I have to double that to include a parallel war directory structure, seeing that I like to play domination so much.

              Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
              In my most recent Tiny 18 Pangaea game, I was playing Cathy - and Louis couldn't even establish his first city.
              I declared war.
              The French surrendered.

              In regards to Killing Joke, I'll check it out. God Bless Limewire.
              Hey, Bismarck is back, he must have been out sick the other day. I seem to always let him live in my games, even if it's only one city. I wouldn't have the heart to take it away, with a jovial face like that.


              • The menu music is the Lord's Prayer? I had a feeling it was Swahilli, but had no clue what they were singing.

                The music is very good, though I was disapointed that there was no Jazz and Blues in the Modern Age.


                • Does anyone know who wrote the individual tracks of music for the modern era? I don't know where they come from, though it seems to me that "The People Are The Heroes" comes from some modern American opera. I've forgotten it's name.
                  "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                  • The soundtrack is superb, but I wish they included Sergei Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet (Montagues and Capulets). I've always wanted to go to war to that piece of music.
                    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


                    • Interesting, it appears that the modern music was all written by John Adams.

                      Weren't we having a discussion about John Adams above?
                      "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                      • Originally posted by Cort Haus

                        Oh, and the modern classical is a too dischordant for too long. Then again - that's what's wrong with modern classical music. They tried to creatively break the rules and failed abysmally. I expect people pretend to like it for all the usual, wrong reasons (snobbery), ignoring the fact that its a unmathematical cacophony that is less musical than a white noise generator.
                        Bah. I like it probably mostly because I appreciate the talent it takes to perform such music, being a musician myself, and having been exposed to gobs and gobs of the stuff certainly doesn't hurt matters any.

                        As far as unmathematical, you obviously haven't done much listening to Milton Babbitt or other superserialists, for starters.


                        • Bah to you too.

                          I don't see why music should be liked just because it takes talent to play it. As musician myself there's all kinds of stuff that I know is hard to play but is still unlisteneable to my ears. And no, I'm sorry, I don't know Milton Babbitt or the superserialists.

                          The quality of art should never be a function of the difficulty of the creation - it should always be a function of the experience of the observer. I could spend three weeks learning how to play a complicated and unmelodious cacophony on all the 'wrong' notes. The fact that the notes were wrong would make it harder to learn, because the fingers are used to treading the pathways of the 'right' notes. The fact that it's harder to learn & play would not make it any better.


                          • Would it sound better if you play it backwards?


                            • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                              Interesting, it appears that the modern music was all written by John Adams.

                              Weren't we having a discussion about John Adams above?
                              Do you mean John Adams the founder and deist/Unitarian?

                              You probably mean the composer of the Nixon in China opera.


                              • Originally posted by Shaka II

                                Do you mean John Adams the founder and deist/Unitarian?

                                You probably mean the composer of the Nixon in China opera.
                                "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!

