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Why Civ IV is doomed to be a hit? (the very smart move by Firaxis PR)

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  • Zinegata, that was a "nuclear bomb of logic" you just laid on these guys with your post. Wow man, very nice.


    • Except it's all over this forum.

      Why are the discussions allowed to take place?

      It's a forum, not a concentration camp

      I have seen people say that there was a news item about the patch... there isn't one now. So, it was withdrawn, which is OK, since the patch was withdrawn too. But another news item saying "Firaxis releases, withdraws patch" would have replaced it if the coverage was impartial, don't you think?

      I'm probably being too difficult with the whole objectivity thing. ACS and CFC are fansites afterall.


      • Or, it's the same night of the aborted patch, and the owners of the site don't know what is going on yet, yet alone rushing to the digital presses with a story.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • What about the security issue?


          • What security issue?
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • My point exactly.


              • Exactly. Do you think a dll that is accessed by the progy opens a back door, or something?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • yes, I'm bored right now...

                  16-11-2005 16:35
                  Originally posted by CivIndeed
                  WARNING! Civ4 Ships With Critical Security Vulnerabilities!
                  Nov 16, 2005, 05:13 PM
                  Originally posted by CivIndeed
                  WARNING! Civ4 Ships With Critical Security Vulnerabilities!
                  22-11-2005 08:29
                  Originally posted by VetLegion
                  It is possible that mods haven't noticed this thread. Please PM them about your finds, and also remember to make an analogue thread on CivFanatics when you find something as important as this (many people frequent only one site).
                  22-11-2005 17:38
                  Originally posted by chriskjel
                  Patch is out!!
                  22-11-2005 21:42
                  Originally posted by VetLegion
                  Check both Apolyton and CivFanatics news sections. Look for news titled "security issue in Civ4, here is how to fix it" and "patch release botched".
                  22-11-2005 22:55
                  Originally posted by VetLegion
                  What about the security issue?
                  I just wish Chieftess' forum-wide announcement on CFC about the patch being put on hold had a timestamp so I could fit it in there too...


                  • Originally posted by Diplomatic
                    Zinegata, that was a "nuclear bomb of logic" you just laid on these guys with your post. Wow man, very nice.
                    Thanks =).

                    And just to add to what I've said, I've actually posted quite a number of what could be considered "anti-Civ IV" posts in the past few weeks. No, I don't hate the game (but I can't get it to work on my PC. Thank goodness I just borrowed a copy!), but I just felt that there were significant flaws in the game in terms of game balance and technical soundness. In fact, I think I pissed off some fans with my posts =).

                    However, was I ever once hassled by a moderator? Not at all!

                    I thus have to say the Apolyton staff have to be applauded rather than viled. I think they've done a great job in maintaining a relatively civil forum for Civ fans, no matter their view on the newest version of the game!

                    P.S. There was one incident I did see which made me doubt the beta-testers (and I pointed it out), but in retrospect I think it was more of someone not realizing he was saying something dumb rather than being a deliberate policy to curtail the criticisms on Civ IV.


                    • Apolyton has discovered Drama!

                      Zombie Threads
                      Conspiracy Theory



                      • Originally posted by VetLegion
                        Check both Apolyton and CivFanatics news sections. Look for news titled "security issue in Civ4, here is how to fix it"
                        you've got be kidding me
                        first show me someone that had his computer hacked due to the issue in the python dll's and then i'll post a news item about it

                        and "patch release botched".
                        wrong media

                        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
               my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                        • Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                            Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                            • I am going back to the heading of the forum.

                              " Why Civ IV is doomed to be a hit? "

                              I have already detailed several times my anger and frustration at performance issues and I note that many, many other people have the same. I note public order cancellations, requests for refunds, description of Civ 4 as a $80.00 coaster, and a move by someone in Australia to have Civ 4 removed from the shelves because of misleading and deceptive statements on the box re system specifications.

                              I mention in passing the wrong messages in the game, misleading and vague statements in the manual, the inept tutorial and in game civilopaedia.

                              But my main point is, it is unrealistic and therefore too easy.

                              Due to tech issues I have only started 2 games and got them to 1000 AD, then 2 more which I basically finished (was well ahead and could not be beat). Monarch level, great plains, huge map. That was the most excruciatingly boooring process, to finish such a game with no special effects, graphics reduced to nothing etc. Us warriros from the Ages of Man (AOM) like to get at the enemy easily and let them get to us as well.

                              First 2 games I was totally peaceful, by 1000AD was near no 1 without doing anything spectacular, when an AI attacked me without warning. These were really just testers so I started again, taking into account suggestions from stankarp (IAS, infinite attack sleaze). So in game 3&4 I resolved to be aggressive. As soon as I had 6 cities, 2 barracks and the barbarians started to dissipate about 500BC, started planning my aggression.

                              Simply put, too easy. Promotions meant cities were too easy to take with experienced units and I splattered one ai after another. The biggest stupidity though is diplomacy. 2 peaceful games and I get attacked. 2 total war mongering games and no AI says boo. I splattered nearly 8 AI in 2 games and was never even asked to stop fighting by another ai. Better still, city plunder funded my deficit research spending for many turns. I got to basically ignore Diplomacy mostly, no need.

                              In the Ages of Man, war costs production to supply troops, city defences are much better and once your aggresion level rises you ara a pariah. Kill one medium AI and you are usually on the threshold of being declared a cross between Hitler and Attila. But it has beautiful features like an AI will surrender, rather than fight to the death.

                              In the 4 games of civ 4, I was much further ahead on points by being super aggressive and was totally untroubled by the childlike ai and their diplomacy. The AI is only very marginally better than the vanilla CTP2 ai that was so roundly criticised when ctp2 was released in late 1999 (six years ago).

                              The game is a crock from both technical and gampelay points of view. Lots of depth but not much substance. Take religion. The only meaningful gameplay outcome was more culture and the ability to build multiple happiness/culture/research buildings in cities. The time line is completely out of whack, 2 turns to research big advances at the end is non sensical. BTW, there are a number of things which are suspiciously similar to concepts in AOM.

                              Us warriors from AOM broke civ 4 in no time, it is hugely unrealistic, toooooooo easy to make war and practically no meaningful penalties and big advantages (plunder, resources) for making war.

                              If "Civ IV is doomed to be a hit" it is only because of the inane ineptness of the too many gameplayers.

                              When I consider either gameplay or technical issues, it is the worst out of a box game I have paid for. Put them together and you have a new definition for rubbish.
                              Proud to be a AOM Warrior


                              • Perhaps you could up the difficulty a little to see if that makes it more difficult? Extraordinarily difficult concept to grasp... But surely a gaming god like yourself can figure it out.

