Originally posted by Lou Wigman
I have an army of many units and so does my opponent. Each army chooses(?) 1 unit which then fight. After one has lost the next one steps up.
I have an army of many units and so does my opponent. Each army chooses(?) 1 unit which then fight. After one has lost the next one steps up.
The same applies to attacking: if you know a sword is only to going to be used for attacking cities, you normally will upgrade him along the city raider path. That will give the best results, for that one task! However, that city raider sword will not stand axeman attacks, so include a horse archer or something with the shock promotion...
And pillagers: there are a couple of units in the game that, in their period, make excellent pillagers when promoted right. Most of the times, this means giving them either woodsman or hill bonusses, or giving them first strikes. March is also extremely handy for pillagers.
Compare this to just taking a bunch of horses, and try to attack a city where a pike, or a couple of rightly promoted archers is defending. You will lose them all without any chance. And the defender has gained a lot of XP, giving the next promotion perhaps.