Draft Guide on which is the ideal Civilization to choose from depending on the victory condition sought.
The Civilizations in Civ IV have the traits of their respective Leaders.
The game will be released in October with 18 civs. Some Civilizations have two leaders to choose from, others only have one. In the expansion packs to be released later on, new civs and perhaps new traits, will be added on.
Civ IVs traits:
Aggressive (Militaristic): Free promotion of melee and gunpowder units. Double production speed of barracks and dry dock.
Creative (Cultural): +2 culture per city. Double production speed of theater, coliseum.
Expansive (Agricultural): +2 health per city. Double production speed of granary and harbor.
Financial (Commercial): +1 gold on plots with 2 gold. Double production speed of bank.
Industrious: Wonder production increased 50 percent. Double production speed of forge.
Organized: Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent. Double production speed of lighthouse and courthouse.
Philosophical (Scientific):Birth rate of Great People increased 100 percent. Double production speed of university.
Spiritual (Religious): No anarchy. Double production speed of the temple.
Depending on the victory condition sought some Civs -and leaders- might prove more adequate.
Victory Types:
1. Warmonger:
Conquest or Domination.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Agressive, Expansive (discount on Granaries), Industrious (Discount on Forge; units produced faster with Forge) and Organized (reduced upkeep of civics)
Aztecs (Aggressive and Spiritual. UU: jaguar warrior which replaces swodsmen)
French (leader Napoleon are Agressive and Industrious. UU: musketeer for defense I guess).
Germans (leader Otto Von Bismarck are Expansive and Industrious. UU: Panzer).
Greeks (are Agressive and Philosophical. UU: Macedonic Phalanx)
Incas (are Agressive and Commercial. UU: Quechua which replaces warrior)
Japanese (are Agressive and Organized. UU: Samurai)
Mongols (both leaders are Agressive albeit Genghis has a beter warmonguer combo being Expansive. UU: Keshik)
Persians (are Expansive and Organized. UU: Immortals ´nuff said !)
2. Builder Victories:
a) SS and Diplomatic.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Industrious (50% discount on Forge), Philosophical (50% increased Birth Rate of Great people cumulative with Pacifism Civics= Great Scientists, Great Engineers, Tycoons ... and discount on Universities) and Expansive (discount on Granaries help to spike pop-boom sooner as well as REXing), Financial (to cash-rush improvements and units)
Indians (with Ghandi are Industrious and Spiritual. UU: fast-worker. This is “THE” Builder-Civilization)
Americans (with Roosevelt are Industrious and Organized)
Chinese (with Quin Shi Huang are Industrious and Commercial)
English (with Elisabeth are Financial and Philosophical and with Victoria are Expansive and Financial)
Germans (with Otto Von Bismarck are Expansive and Industrious. UU: Panzer).
Russians (with Peter the Great are Expansive and Philosophical)
b) Cultural Victory.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Creative (added culture), Spiritual (discount on temples), Industrious (allows 50% discount on Great Wonder construction), Philosophical (allows 50% increased Birth Rate of Great People= Great Artists (culture bombs) and discount on Universities etc.)
Indians (with Asoka are Organized and Spiritual. UU= fast-worker).
Arabs (are Philosophical and Spiritual)
Chinese (with Mao Zedong are Philosophical and Organized)
English (with Elizabeth are Philosophical and Financial)
Egiptians (are Spiritual and Creative)
French (with Luis XIV are Creative and Organized)
Germans (with Frederick are Creative and Philosophical)
Romans (are Expansive and Creative)
Russians (with Catherine are Creative and Commercial)
Españoles (son Expansivos y Espirituales y algo bromistas)
I’ve written this as a Draft Guide to encourage debate amongst the Civ Community. It is by no means meant to be a closed list or classification.
As we still don’t know the features of the UUs or Civics I haven’t really taken them into account in this draft classification so they are in fact underrated until we know more. i.e. the Russians could be moved from a Builder Civ to a Warmonguer classification depending on the attributes (movement, hammer cost, attack) granted to its UU, the Cosack.
Some Civilizations haven’t been included in this provisional classification (such as the Malinese) because their combo trait didn’t particularly fit any classification (second-tier) or else there were other civ leaders with better combos for a given classification.
Constructive criticisms are more than welcome and are the purpose of this thread. I will not tolerate being flamed and will ignore such offensive posts.
The Civilizations in Civ IV have the traits of their respective Leaders.
The game will be released in October with 18 civs. Some Civilizations have two leaders to choose from, others only have one. In the expansion packs to be released later on, new civs and perhaps new traits, will be added on.
Civ IVs traits:
Aggressive (Militaristic): Free promotion of melee and gunpowder units. Double production speed of barracks and dry dock.
Creative (Cultural): +2 culture per city. Double production speed of theater, coliseum.
Expansive (Agricultural): +2 health per city. Double production speed of granary and harbor.
Financial (Commercial): +1 gold on plots with 2 gold. Double production speed of bank.
Industrious: Wonder production increased 50 percent. Double production speed of forge.
Organized: Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent. Double production speed of lighthouse and courthouse.
Philosophical (Scientific):Birth rate of Great People increased 100 percent. Double production speed of university.
Spiritual (Religious): No anarchy. Double production speed of the temple.
Depending on the victory condition sought some Civs -and leaders- might prove more adequate.
Victory Types:
1. Warmonger:
Conquest or Domination.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Agressive, Expansive (discount on Granaries), Industrious (Discount on Forge; units produced faster with Forge) and Organized (reduced upkeep of civics)
Aztecs (Aggressive and Spiritual. UU: jaguar warrior which replaces swodsmen)
French (leader Napoleon are Agressive and Industrious. UU: musketeer for defense I guess).
Germans (leader Otto Von Bismarck are Expansive and Industrious. UU: Panzer).
Greeks (are Agressive and Philosophical. UU: Macedonic Phalanx)
Incas (are Agressive and Commercial. UU: Quechua which replaces warrior)
Japanese (are Agressive and Organized. UU: Samurai)
Mongols (both leaders are Agressive albeit Genghis has a beter warmonguer combo being Expansive. UU: Keshik)
Persians (are Expansive and Organized. UU: Immortals ´nuff said !)
2. Builder Victories:
a) SS and Diplomatic.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Industrious (50% discount on Forge), Philosophical (50% increased Birth Rate of Great people cumulative with Pacifism Civics= Great Scientists, Great Engineers, Tycoons ... and discount on Universities) and Expansive (discount on Granaries help to spike pop-boom sooner as well as REXing), Financial (to cash-rush improvements and units)
Indians (with Ghandi are Industrious and Spiritual. UU: fast-worker. This is “THE” Builder-Civilization)
Americans (with Roosevelt are Industrious and Organized)
Chinese (with Quin Shi Huang are Industrious and Commercial)
English (with Elisabeth are Financial and Philosophical and with Victoria are Expansive and Financial)
Germans (with Otto Von Bismarck are Expansive and Industrious. UU: Panzer).
Russians (with Peter the Great are Expansive and Philosophical)
b) Cultural Victory.
Good combo traits in order of importance: Creative (added culture), Spiritual (discount on temples), Industrious (allows 50% discount on Great Wonder construction), Philosophical (allows 50% increased Birth Rate of Great People= Great Artists (culture bombs) and discount on Universities etc.)
Indians (with Asoka are Organized and Spiritual. UU= fast-worker).
Arabs (are Philosophical and Spiritual)
Chinese (with Mao Zedong are Philosophical and Organized)
English (with Elizabeth are Philosophical and Financial)
Egiptians (are Spiritual and Creative)
French (with Luis XIV are Creative and Organized)
Germans (with Frederick are Creative and Philosophical)
Romans (are Expansive and Creative)
Russians (with Catherine are Creative and Commercial)
Españoles (son Expansivos y Espirituales y algo bromistas)
I’ve written this as a Draft Guide to encourage debate amongst the Civ Community. It is by no means meant to be a closed list or classification.
As we still don’t know the features of the UUs or Civics I haven’t really taken them into account in this draft classification so they are in fact underrated until we know more. i.e. the Russians could be moved from a Builder Civ to a Warmonguer classification depending on the attributes (movement, hammer cost, attack) granted to its UU, the Cosack.
Some Civilizations haven’t been included in this provisional classification (such as the Malinese) because their combo trait didn’t particularly fit any classification (second-tier) or else there were other civ leaders with better combos for a given classification.
Constructive criticisms are more than welcome and are the purpose of this thread. I will not tolerate being flamed and will ignore such offensive posts.