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SMAC-style UN Council confirmed on GameSHOUT

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  • #46
    In fact pirating trade routes isn't new at all, it's in civ3 already. But it didn't work since you had to block all your enemies ports to make it effective.

    I like the idea of not being able to harvest the oceans when it's blocked by an enemy ship very much though!
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #47
      Originally posted by CyberShy
      In fact pirating trade routes isn't new at all, it's in civ3 already. But it didn't work since you had to block all your enemies ports to make it effective.

      I like the idea of not being able to harvest the oceans when it's blocked by an enemy ship very much though!
      No, that's a naval blockade you're talking of whereby you cut-off effectively all sea-lanes to that city.

      I'm talking of high-sea piracy. You embed your ship on a trade-route and profit from it. The amount of gold the other nation receives will be dwindled because you're piracing the difference in gold it makes.

      With a naval blockade you don't make gold out of it, you stop the other guy from making money, trading resources and harvesting hammers (shields).

      Regarding the blockade of sea-tiles, it was already in Civ III If at war with that civ.
      If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
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      • #48
        Originally posted by CyberShy
        In fact pirating trade routes isn't new at all, it's in civ3 already. But it didn't work since you had to block all your enemies ports to make it effective.
        I second Drakan, pirating trade routes is not in Civ3. You can make trade impossible by pillaging or blocking roads or seaways, but you don't get any benefit from it.

        True pirating is implemented in CtP2, however in a rather annoying way, since the AI would do it even among allies, largely ignored anti-piracy treaties, and the only way to stop it effectively was to start a war.


        • #49
          As far as I can see pirating is not in civ4 either.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #50
            AFAIK it isn't, that's why I posted:

            "It'd be great If they could pirate trade routes à la CTP2."

            Expression of hope/desire; not confirming that in fact it was included.
            If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
            Ailing Civilization Strategy
            How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
            M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


            • #51
              I think we can do without pirating represented in such detail. Pirating was never a major source of income for any notable country - sure, they employed corsairs, but mostly in order to conduct a limited maritime warfare and/or blockade enemy ports, not to get rich.

              Speaking of which, I can't remember right now, but was there a Civ III unit similar to a Colonization's privateer, allowing you to attack other civilizations' naval units without declaring a war? If not, it would be cool if it was implemented (with the additional caveat that it would be able to blockade ports without declaring a war as well).
              The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
              - Frank Herbert


              • #52
                Yes, there was: the Privateer.
                If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
                Ailing Civilization Strategy
                How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
                M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Drakan
                  AFAIK it isn't, that's why I posted:

                  "It'd be great If they could pirate trade routes à la CTP2."
                  I hope it's true it's not in the game, I would hate to have it in the game. This was one of the most annoying features in ctp2
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • #54
                    I think it could work IF it was done right. i.e. Pirating a trade route should never be automatic, but should be almost like a form of 'psuedo-combat', where the trade route has a strength which must be overcome by the unit in question-if it failed, then the unit in question would be destroyed-making piracy a genuine risk, even outside the risk of getting caught and starting a war.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Drakan
                      Regarding the blockade of sea-tiles, it was already in Civ III If at war with that civ.
                      I remember that you need to put enough ships to cover *every* possible sea route from an enemy harbour, to exert a trade route blockade, while now it seems a single ship is enough to have the effect. Am I right or am I missing the point?
                      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                      - Admiral Naismith


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Drakan
                        Aussie Lurker posts:" - A Naval unit can apparently halt all production coming to a city-from all sea squares-by placing itself in front of said city. They can also destroy sea-based tile improvements and prevent harvesting of sea-based resources (whales, fish, oil for instance). So navies are slightly more important, but still not enough IMO (unless there is still more stuff they aren't telling us-which is very likely)."

                        Where's the huge change ? Regarding the navy units: in Civ III, if at war, you could place a naval unit on sea city tile and that would stop that nation harvesting food, money and shields from that tile. You could also stop any sea trade to that city (naval blockade), so this isn't a new feature at all.

                        The only thing new is that naval units can actually destroy sea-tile improvements.

                        It'd be great If they could pirate trade routes à la CTP2.
                        the change is as i can see it that you ca now have 1 unit to block ALL income from ALL seasquares just by being in the neighbourhood...which is very true...if a schip-of-the-line is outside a city i would be damned if i would go out with my little fishing boat and get fish just next to it...
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