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Three months is a long time to scratch the civ itch - apply for a copy of CtP2 & AoM

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  • I had Civ4 preordered and was going to pick it but with all the reports coming in of CTD,s for one reason or another ,I cancelled it.
    I now have Ages of Man and it plays perfect on my new HP (4 months old) without any worries of a CTD.
    I feel AOM is a good replacement for civers waiting for Civ4 to be patched or till you can afford new video card and extra ram.


    • Originally posted by smithldoo
      Sorry, I have been playing AOM a lot where you disband special units to initiate a function, when I say disband, I am saying press on the light bulb or the religious icon.
      That's what I was checking. You can never be too careful with other peoples shorttalk.

      I am looking now at GP Keppler in my last game. It says
      "+3288 for the research of Fibre Optics. This will have the great person automatically discover a technology. This action will consume the great person".
      Then it's understandable for you to have been confused. I'm sure had I read the entire message (without having been exposed to numerous people being corrected on these boards) I would have thought the same.

      I guess it's a good thing my old HDD crashed. Made me read the boards more.

      Well, I hope the patch is what you need.

      Tom P.


      • I want my life and money back!!

        Tried to be very patient with civ4 but it was finally launched out the window last night (ended up retrieving it as it is too expensive to throw out).

        My problems are the same as most, too slow, graphics have a tendency to disappear and it keeps crashing. I have more than the minimum specs, but still it just keeps dieing. I've upgraded drivers, begged, prayed and even concidered an exorcism, but to no avail.

        One good thing however, it gives me more time to play Age of Man! Although it is based on an older game (CTP2) it is far more stable and you can actually finish a game!!!! Maybe Firiaxis should take a look.

        Anyway I hope a patch or something comes out soon, because basically all I have is an $80 coaster.


        • Building on the complete overhaul of the entire game (both graphics and gameplay) that AoM delivered, AoM II has incorporated the playing experience of many of the people . New features include:

          ·The Artificial Intelligence (AI) can now perform cross water invasions in some strength.
          ·The AI is programmed to coordinate stack movement when Frenzy reaches higher levels.
          ·Working alliances with the AI including designating a specific target for your allies to attack and for them to ask for gold subsidies if fighting for you.
          ·Many tweaks and improvements based on feedback including a greatly updated Great Library file.
          ·More advances from Goods.
          ·More ways for Frenzy to go up and down.
          ·New tile improvements, sliding points scale for victory, diplomatic and science victories and the option to continue the game after victory is reached.
          ·Peaceful AI may ask for PW aid or propose an Arms Reduction Treaty, which will cause your Frenzy level to fall if you agree.
          ·Fishing fleets to harvest sea resources.
          ·Religion, including new advances and being able to build a Religious Wonder and found a religion, making converting enemy cities cheaper and giving a special super cleric, the Patriarch.
          ·The possibility of a religious war if you capture the Religious Wonder of a Religion other than your own.

          People who have already downloaded or obtained the original AOM or its Diplomacy Update will only need to download an update folder about 12 MB in size.

          The main AOM download from Apolyton should be updated within 48 hours.

          This update only includes the main campaign. Within 2 weeks I intend to update the other 2 starting times as well as produce a 10% shorter version of the main campaign.

          The AoM website will be transferred to ACS in early December, followed by the AOM forum in January 2006.


          • Well im one happy Civer that enjoys AOM and im glad that I invested in the game as I can see that many hours of work have gone into it and it shows .
            I would like to see some of the old CtP2 players post there reaction to AOM 2 having its own forum in ACS.


            • I had a customer yesterday who has put Civ 4 aside (very disappointed), confessed he had CTP2 but gave it away, so has paid for another second hand CTP2 disc and AOM disc so he can play AOM.


              • I'm patiently waiting for my AOM delivery. Anyone know the average shipping time to the U.S. east coast?


                • 4-5 work days mostly to get discs to the USA.

                  The AOM II update was only finished today, so you will need to download the extra 12 mb and follow the instructions.


                  • Is it finally done!?!


                    • Yes, go to the above link :-)


                      • AOM II is free to purchasers of AOM?


                        • Isn't AoM free for all anymore?
                          Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                          I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                          Also active on WePlayCiv.


                          • Isn't AoM free for all anymore?
                            Of course it is free as a download. Still available at ACS.

                            AOM II is free to purchasers of AOM?
                            Yes, of course, go here:

                            There is a 12 MB free download here to update AOM to AOM II. The ACS complete download will be updated within 48 hours.

                            People who cannot do the 550MB download can still get a disc shipped for cost from the AOM website if they wish, (All discs shipped from today will be AOM II.) or get it from a friend or whatever.

                            You insult me Nikolai

                            Good job, Stan. I am just finishing one game and I shall move straight a new one. ))

                            Thats really strange, I thought I had quitted playing computer games... Hm... And now the hours i spent at the computer..... I dont know if I should thank you Stan or damn you

                            BTW: Are you going to take some holiday after finishing this release?
                            by milverin re the AOM II release.


                            • I am just wondering: what downloads do we need from the AoM website to get everything up-to-date? Do we need the diplomacy update along-side of the Yin update? Or do all we need is the main files (550megs) and the latest update?

                              And when you say the ACS files will be updated, does that mean the main files (550) will be all we need in the future?

                              Thanx Stan!


                              • Insult you??? That was by no means the intent! I apologize if you were hurt. I was just confused by the post above me...
                                Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                                I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                                Also active on WePlayCiv.

