Just rereading the various threads about leaders and great people led me to thinking of the times when scientists or artists or innovators have met or worked directly for people considered to be great leaders (especially of their respective civilizations) in real life.
For instance, there is Aristotle as tutor to Alexander of Macedon.
Then there's Moses Maimonides who after travelling from Spain ended up as court physician to the Ayyubid leader Saladin.
Charlemagne invited the renowned Anglo-Saxon scholar Alcuin to his court where he became chief adviser on ecclesiastical and educational matters.
Ibn Khaldun met Timur during the siege of Damascus- and Geoffrey Chaucer was a diplomat and poet in the court of Edward III.
For instance, there is Aristotle as tutor to Alexander of Macedon.
Then there's Moses Maimonides who after travelling from Spain ended up as court physician to the Ayyubid leader Saladin.
Charlemagne invited the renowned Anglo-Saxon scholar Alcuin to his court where he became chief adviser on ecclesiastical and educational matters.
Ibn Khaldun met Timur during the siege of Damascus- and Geoffrey Chaucer was a diplomat and poet in the court of Edward III.