Originally posted by General Ludd
I think it your suggestion force a war in circumstances where it might not be called for requires more justification.
I think it your suggestion force a war in circumstances where it might not be called for requires more justification.

You are right. It forces a declaration of war if you enter someone's territory without having a ROP signed. Which is normal, for a ROP can be forced if a strong country wants to fly over or cross another's territory, and among friends, while a hostile civ will have to fight it's way through.
Note that it is ridiculously easy to get a Civ3 AI to sign ROPs, as long as one is trustworthy. So, with the solution mentioned, only the "bad boys" would actually have to declare war to get into, or through someone's territory. Sorry, but if you want to sneak-attack someone, I find you should have to use a ROP, hence spoiling your reputation big time.