I like hexes better. They more accurately calculate distance, and of course, this is *actually important* in the game because of things like distance from the capitol, city radius, and so on.
6 or 8 directions, so what? Really, what difference does it make? A few people have said they feel strange without an E-W N-S combination; but that's just because they're not used to it. People said the same thing about isometric maps because everything was "tilted", guess what? They got used to it.
I can see just a single practical argument against hex maps, and it does concern me somewhat: keyboard interface.
Has anyone given any thought to completely alternate systems, like using provinces? That would greatly reduce micromanagement but I'm not so sure about it myself.
6 or 8 directions, so what? Really, what difference does it make? A few people have said they feel strange without an E-W N-S combination; but that's just because they're not used to it. People said the same thing about isometric maps because everything was "tilted", guess what? They got used to it.
I can see just a single practical argument against hex maps, and it does concern me somewhat: keyboard interface.
Has anyone given any thought to completely alternate systems, like using provinces? That would greatly reduce micromanagement but I'm not so sure about it myself.