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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • Originally posted by dearmad
    Ok, let me poke around the files to extend EPIC a bit and look into the distance factor- hopefully it can be adjusted for larger maps more than globally.

    I don't see how it's possible to do it independent of a global setup without a bonus given to an improvement.

    This is a moot point but since I'm thinking about it... As far as the specific number is concerned, I chose 35 over the base choice of 33 (derived from the X&Y ratio of the default for tiny maps) mainly because of the ocean factor. However for consistency in the mod I would suggest using 33 to maintain the .6 ratio for what its worth.

    Another suggestion (or two) ....

    I think you should add the "Great Peoples Mod" when it is finished as it is a universal mod application.

    While I'm on the subject, I think you should rename this mod the Apolyton Community Mod (ACM) since you have added several already - Lets call it what it is.
    Last edited by SpartanLord; November 10, 2005, 14:17.


    • .7a does not work for me.

      I get loads of XML errors when loading up. totally replaced .7 in the mods directory.


      • Dearmad, how did you know (or find out) that decreasing the religious spread value increases the likelihood of the religion spreading and increasing it slows it down?


        • CivGreece:
          Check the readme or the first post- I didn't just paste in the fort mod (impossible to do anyway)- I edited the files and gave the forts much more toned down bonuses. In fact no attack bonus at all. So I agree with ya on the forts being too powerful if the AI didn't use them.

          find the CACHE file under the SAVES directory. Delete ALL files in the CACHE directory.

          there are some civfanatics mods integrated into the mod too.

          I was going to let the greatpeople mod develop before messing with that for sure- it's a huge download, for one.

          Either in this thread or the one at civfanatics for this mod someone brought it my attention and pointed me to a thread where a guy played with those settings (to ridiculous degrees) and saw that one direction stopped spread the other made it spread practically instantly.


          • Originally posted by dearmad
            there are some civfanatics mods integrated into the mod too.

            I was going to let the greatpeople mod develop before messing with that for sure- it's a huge download, for one.
            NP - Semper Gumby! Call it the Civ Community Mod (CCM) - See improvise, adapt and overcome.


            • That midevil mod looks pretty interesting on civfanatics


              • I've noticed you have changed thread title to "normal game pace". Does that mean that you are increasing game pace eg. less turns?

                On a side note, what do you think about nerfing the artillery? I think it is kind oif silly that it can't bombard adjancent units (only cities with defense values) and that it has a withdraval chance. The latter should maybe apply to SP artillery pieces only since I don't believe 19th. century guns were able to outrun cavalry and infrantry.


                • I mis-titled the thread.

                  I'm not sure about artillery yet. I haven't played enough aggressive games to feel it out. I thik the withdrawel chance is there to *simulate* that it is bombarding the adjacent square; you cover your artilery with a defensive unit to face counter-attacks. The chance that it won't withdraw makes the game more fair so a stack of doom situation won't develop with artillery blasting everything around it when defended well. So in that sense I think the concept is fine.


                  • hm...OK, but in that case the chance of withdrawal is too low, so you can easily lose your art. (that is "bombarding"). Not to mention the fact, that in current "simulation of bombardement" the artillery in fact enters the combat so even if withdraws it does that after at least some combat and after taking severe casualties. So it can effectively bombard only once, after that it is pretty much useless (at least for a couple of turns when/if healing), even for a "regular" city bombardement


                    • Yes. I think it's designed to rebalance the game away from artillery stacks of doom. Otherwise there is no choice in tactics to use- just use artillery and guard it with some defensive unit...

                      Increasing the chance of withdrawel is pretty easy in the game with promotions, thoughtful civics, wonders (world and national), and barracks.

                      And I don't find a depleted artillery is useless for city bombardment after that- works fine.

                      But bottom line, don't take my word as the final word: mod the gamefile a bit and change the unit. See how it plays out. For my money artillery is powerful enough and useful enough as it is- and it's used by the AI a little bit, so this is better than civ3, but maybe you liked it closer to how civ3 played.


                      • I love this mod, its perfect for my type of gameplay with the slower techs.. Could I ask though that you create a update-readme.txt that lists mod additions by version number? Just for the future versions mind you, I'm not asking for alot of work on the past
                        ~I like eggs.~


                        • I like the mod, almost all parts. I want to change when you can clear jungle. Let say when you discover Iron. Can you tellme how to change that in your mod?


                          • I also want a version without the jungle thing - I tried editing the xml myself (no experience doing that), and I got boatloads of errors. I liked jungle remval where it was - what needs to be edited to bring back jungle removal an an earlier time?

                            OOPS, a JUNGLE has spread next to my city! No more chance of getting that resource! What, FIRE, do we have that - couldn't we burn down that jungle? RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! ;-p

                            Other than the jungle thing, I love your mod, keep up the good work!


                            • Change that in the unit xml file for building, and in the technology xml file.


                              • Originally posted by dearmad

                                I'm not making it earlier than it is in the vanilla game. My goal is to keep jungle around a lot longer than the vanilla game does. Reflect how a Jungle truly is a a force of nature until certain technologies come into play.
                                You have to consider though that players stuck in a completely Jungle environment are going to be utterly screwed by this modification then. I've had several games where I was racing at a breakneck pace to get iron working just to have some usable land because I was stuck with all jungle everywhere; under this mod, I'd basically have to have started those games over from scratch on a new map.

                                Realism is wonderful but sometimes it makes for a lousy game.

                                EDIT: I shouldn't post stuff like this when I'm tired... sorry for responding to such an early message in the thread. I'm going back and reading the rest now, if this is in response to something already outdated, further appologies... guh.

