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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • Yep- I wrote in the settings for EPIC now too (v0.6a)... although I warn you: it is over 700 turns long! Doesn't sound like fun to me, bu maybe to someone out there...

    Basically the same proportions as NORMAL but generally increased- so more units and time in each era.

    If you play an EPIC game by all means REPORT back here about your experience... as I won't be playing an EPIC game any time soon.


    • I actually did stop trading it to see if that was the problem. It still did not allow me to build tanks or planes. However, I just went back to the game and tried it again and it is okay now.


      • I'm getting much more crashes now than i did up to a few days ago. Only 2 things changed on my side:

        -Playing Standard mapsize instead of Tiny
        -This mod, had it at v0.5, then updated to v0.6a

        If its the mapsize, then damm Firaxis! But i'm posting here just in case more people are experiencing the same, so that you can narrow down any problems. I used to mod Warcraft 3 and it was very easy to make it crash with mods.

        I go crash free until about the start of Renaissance, then I crash every 20-30 turns or so. Could be something specific to the game period or just that all civs are big and there's a lot of stuff going on. The only way i can play right now is with autosavegame every turn.

        Finally i've had some crashes to desktop, but those are not what i'm referring to. These new, regular crashes are complete lock-ups, have to reset the computer.


        • I am having a small problem with your mod. I am playing as America and I cannot build any units that require oil. It is clear that I have oil as I can trade it with other Civs. I made some changes to your mod but they should have no impact on resources since they were all xml civilization folder mods. Thanks.
          You may have done this, but in case you haven't you have to build a improvement over it to get the benefits. It being in your territory alone won’t do it.

          Dearmad – the only tiny bug I’ve run into so far is when I reload save games, instead of my name showing up in the score section it reverts back to the “[Your Name – DS333989] (or whatever those numbers are) designation even though it showed up prior to the save.
          Last edited by TheArsenal; November 7, 2005, 16:03.
          "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


          • Gah! Saw the problem with the oil was solved, but for some reason I can't edit my posts.
            "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


            • Hey dearmad if you're still wanting to use the Faith Mod changes with this one I worked out the problem with the AI not converting. I lowered the max for normal missionaries to 2 and then added a second type of missionary buildable in the holy city(no building reqs, available with priesthood) that doesn't require state religion. This way the AI is still able to convert itself to a new
              religion it founds and the other religions spread a little more slowly.

              In my current game I was using to test it theres 6 religions being followed. 4 by their founders(Judaism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Islam), 6 converts from those, and 2 by converts from Christianity, Buddhism. Christianity/Buddhism/Taoism were all founded by civs who already founded another religion, which is why they didn't spread much. This looks similar to how my games played before I made the changes, so all signs point towards the AI using religion properly when it wants to convert itself again.

              I've posted the updated version in my thread if you want to re-implement the changes in your mod.
              "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


              • Ok everyone:

                Uh... the game hasn't crashed on me once- even with XML editors loaded up in the background and me task switching with alt-tab. And I have a Radeon! So... I don't know that I can speak to why things may be crashing or not.

                One thing: go to your SAVE directory and finr the CACHE directory in there. Open it up- highlight everything. delete everything. Sometimes that helps. But this is a general civ iv thing, not a mod thing- especially since my mod doesn't make for significantly greater numbers of units and cities in play- just stretches things out.

                Again I play on normal/large maps and normal game speed, however.

                The Arsenal:
                That is a ***** of a bug. I have no clue why that is happening- it doesn't with me at all- however, the difference may be- I have my shortcut call up CIV IV with an ALTROOT so that saves go to my GAMING drive not my C drive. But the way civ iv manages assets is really not- so streamlined and consistent IMO.

                You were mid game and swithced over to v0.6a? Nothing I can think of offhand should cause problems (I've done the same through to modern times without crashing), but maybe you hit the rare thing that causes a mod-update mid-game to crash ya.

                Ok, I'll check it out this evening. One concern, which I'll probably balance is that this makes organized religion a little less important (to get misionaries outside of monasteries)... but eh, this can be adjusted.


                • Hey dearmad. I saw you have a mod real similiar going, just wanted to say I've played it and like it too; We both seem to have the same idea going

                  Im going for rather larger, drastic changes in gameplay though. I was wondering however; Do you mind if I borrow a few of your changes? Specifically, a few of the civic changes...Im going to be doing it on my own, but I don't want it to look too familiar without proper credit and permission.

                  I bounced off a few of your concepts from the early early version and changed them up, but some of these will be straight copy and pastes it seems (The civic changes, to be specific)

                  Anyways, thanks and let me know!



                  • Well its only 1 missionary available at a time with the holy city dearmad. Its hard to spread a religion to other civs one missionary at a time, even with multiple missionaries you'll end up with it taking several waves(though this does depend on the mapsize I suppose).
                    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                    • dearmad - No, i never upgraded the mod in midgame. I always started fresh. The fact that it doesn't crash for you (and nobody else seems to be having this problem) goes to show its a civ4-my system thing and not in your mod.


                      • Jaynus:
                        Go for it. I'll be making another version available soon- want more feedback on the pacing for this one first- and then I have a few other ideas to help things along in the civics. In playing through with the changes I made I found I was actually wanting to select various ones for various reasons (more interesting choices=good) rather than making a beeline- but there were still a few that I thought were needing some help, though...

                        not a big deal. you'd be surprised how far those one/city missionaries can go though especially if you maximize production there (1 missionary every 3 turns bringing the "news." lol)... I just want to make sure the civics stay interesting.

                        wertheresco- sorry it's not something more easily fixed.


                        • The logistics and execution of the mod are great, I love how it changes the game.

                          The only problem, and this is rather major since the entire point is to make things longer, is that I can't LOAD a game I've started with this mod. I unzipped it just as you said into the Mod directory of my Civ4 folder, started a game with it and began playing, then saved. When I went to load the game again, it prompted me to restart the game to load the mod. Okay, that's normal. I did so, and upon Civ4 starting up I received an error message to the effect of '/Mods/Slower Tech+Balance is not a valid MOD directory: ignoring' at which point the game restarts, but loads to the main menu without the Mod in place.

                          I'm not entirely sure if this is where I should be posting this since this seems like a game problem and not one specifically caused by your mod, but I figured someone here would know what causes that error and how to correct it.
                          "There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it." - George Bernard Shaw


                          • I had this same problem Sirid. The mod must be placed into the Mod folder in the main Civ4 directory instead of the custom mod folder. It'll work every time after that.

                            So make sure the "Slower Tech+Balance" Mod folder is placed in "\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods".

                            Make sure it isn't in the "\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\_Civ4CustomMods". This is actually a link to the following folder :

                            So make sure it isn't in the "\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\MODS"

                            Hope this helps.
                            Last edited by Dzhel; November 7, 2005, 22:31.


                            • Ah, thank you; that's exactly what I did wrong before.
                              Just tried saving and reloading and it works fine. You've saved me a lot of future headaches, thanks again.
                              "There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it." - George Bernard Shaw


                              • I’m enjoying this mod so far. Nice work. Plays fairly well, no real bugs to speak of other than the name thing mentioned above and the game getting hung up occasionally –and the latter could be caused by my system limitations.
                                "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"

