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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • #61
    I just finished playing through a game with your mod and the results were a bit disappointing. While it seemed to work at first, being stuck on a continent with two other civilizations going to war shortly after discovering Iron Working. I eliminated all of ones civs settlements on the continent shortly after getting Cho-Ko-Nus and put some hurt to the other civ. Being the strongest known civ I accepted a generous peace offering and started to race for technological dominance in all areas. Then the other civs showed up, being far superior to us. The massive jungle on our continent had kept us down. While I was the largest civ, I was unable to recover in time to prevent them from winning the space race. But I did discover a new tech every fourth turn, which was what I hoped this mod would prevent. War after that was not possible, since forces would be outdated before they reached the enemy.

    It needs work. The research penalty needs to be much more severe, atleast later (even if I think my slow research at first was due to my warring and bad start). The jungle changes causes starting positions to be even more important, something I really hate. Deserts are bad enough. If you want jungle wars, I would suggest making jungles or forests useful instead. I don't see how realism is desired, considering that Africans were screwed just by being born where they were. It's up to you though, I will manually modify your mods myself if I try your mod again. Most of your changes are good and I like the idea.


    • #62
      Hm. I read two main crits in the above:

      1: Slow tech even more in later stages (which are about where? First armor unit? Gunpowder? what?)

      Also, the reasearch rate WILL be much more severe for the EPIC version of this mod- the NORMAL versioan should slow things down by 30% and allow you that many more units to be built in each era. Goal for Epic would something like 60% or so.

      2: Your start position sounded bad with jungles holding you back. Were you playing terra and you got the unlucky continent- that's a feature of that map- there's the Europe side (advantage in placement but more people) and the Americas side (less people, more space- sorta tough terrain).

      Also, what level of DIFF were you playing? AT high levels tech goes fast because the AI gets cheats there...

      And no not looking for jungle warfare- looking for exactly what happened to you it sounds like- jungle oppressing civilization until it is destroyed by technology that can handle it (disease control and machinery), as it does in the real world.

      OK all you people- get your crits in now. I've got v0.6 ready to drop but want info on how the eras played out for you all.
      Last edited by dearmad; November 3, 2005, 23:21.


      • #63
        Gufnork: Also please tell me what year did the AI win it's space race, what size world, difficulty, type of world, etc...


        • #64
          I loved your mod, it was nice being able to enjoy fighting with the earlier units for a while instead of them being outdated so quickly. Thank-you and keep up the good work and hurry and post 0.6!


          • #65
            - I cannot trade techs, even with guilds being researched (this made me be behind fast in the industrial age for the other civs seem to be able to trade!)
            - It's now 1944 and I'm just at Rifling/Military Tradition/Chemistry -> the date's wrong.

            Used 0.5.


            • #66
              These changes sound very nice. I am planning to use them. Thank you.
              The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
              - Frank Herbert


              • #67
                Well, the time line was pretty much perfect. Space race was won in 1960, the latest I've ever experienced (I've lost in 1942 and won in 1946 on monarch difficulty before). I retooled from war to tech after Gunpowder and then research really speed up. I think I started catching up to the two strong AIs on a better continent than mine, so that might be part of the problem.

                Continents, Emperor difficulty, Standard map, normal speed.

                Oh yeah, the no tech trade thing happened to me too, I think.

                I just don't like the randomness that unbalanced terrain brings.


                • #68
                  Ok, let me fix the trade thing. Strange since it worked OK for me...
                  As to dates, wow- this might be a play style thing that makes it about imposible to fix. But I tried to improve it even more in 0.6. We'll see.

                  I'll post 0.6 this afternoon. I'm going to add in the EPIC game speed version as well. Need to plug inthe numbers. There's been a few more changes as well.

                  A couple things I notied in looking through XMLs. That unbalanced start you got is very much controlled by the difficulty level you selected. In the handicap.xml file there are settings for each difficulty that sort of "add up" your starting location in a point way and decide if it's good enough for oyu. At high levels, that # is low... so you can start in the frteaking arctic for all the game cares. This won't happen as much at at prince level.

                  You *could* change that one element to the difficulty levels yourself to assure a fair start and then still have Jungles be a little tough for everyone. Of course, if you happen to get stuck with the only place left on earth that is jungle that's a map script problem, but it would happen FAR less frequently.

                  There's a lso a lot of other stuff going on at that higher level to influence the game. I'm designing the mod for now to work well at Noble/Prince level maybe King- but haven't even bothered to address all the imbalances Emp+ brings up.


                  • #69
                    Ah, nice. Haven't bothered looking through the XMLs much, been too busy playtesting. I made my own little adjustments to Epic setting that seems to works great, even if I didn't get a chance to play through it, thanks to the commies allying themselves with FDR against me. Didn't see that coming. Anyway, I guess I'll continue tinker myself to get some settings that works for me.


                    • #70
                      I have played the Earth 1000 AD scenario wit your mod on.
                      As it was explained before by you the date changes in scenarios. So this scenario starts in 200 AD as opposed to 1000 AD.

                      Which is fine. i coudl care less for dates.

                      i have a problem. in 1362 the game crashes my computer. freezes trying to autosave. i will try now to turn autosave off and see if it still crashes.

                      here is the save from 1330

                      mod version .5
                      Attached Files


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by userqwerty
                        I have played the Earth 1000 AD scenario wit your mod on.
                        As it was explained before by you the date changes in scenarios. So this scenario starts in 200 AD as opposed to 1000 AD.

                        Which is fine. i coudl care less for dates.

                        i have a problem. in 1362 the game crashes my computer. freezes trying to autosave. i will try now to turn autosave off and see if it still crashes.

                        here is the save from 1330

                        mod version .5
                        I loaded it- ran it for 20 turns. No problems. I *am* using v0.6 of my mod so maybe that makes a difference. I'll be uploading that in an hour or so, though.


                        • #72
                          Enjoying the mod! One thing I would like is the inclusion of some other mods, like the Turk civ that was posted. There are a bunch of neat mods, but using them all is daunting.

                          In my opinion, any mods that the AI cannot use (like the tree school) should not be included. Just seems unfair to me. Looking forward to v.6


                          • #73
                            Well here's v0.6. It's replacing the file in the FIRST post now.

                            Check the readme for changes (it's not an organized txt file yet as things are in flux, but items toward the bottom are generally newer).

                            What other mods did you find have value? I added in the religious building mod, for ezample- where you ned to be the state religion to build temples, etc... I think that was a good one.


                            • #74
                              Oh, and people- when you encounter something not working as I describe it should (like the above no tech trading- oops!): LET ME KNOW!

                              thank you.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by dearmad
                                Oh, and people- when you encounter something not working as I describe it should (like the above no tech trading- oops!): LET ME KNOW!

                                thank you.

                                Nice mod, i've played 2 games through.. and in both games I got the above bug where I just couldn't trade any technology what so ever.

                                I got to the modern age without trading tech. Will check out the new version.

                                When will trading technology be available, do I need to get guilds before being able to trade tech?


