I just finished playing through a game with your mod and the results were a bit disappointing. While it seemed to work at first, being stuck on a continent with two other civilizations going to war shortly after discovering Iron Working. I eliminated all of ones civs settlements on the continent shortly after getting Cho-Ko-Nus and put some hurt to the other civ. Being the strongest known civ I accepted a generous peace offering and started to race for technological dominance in all areas. Then the other civs showed up, being far superior to us. The massive jungle on our continent had kept us down. While I was the largest civ, I was unable to recover in time to prevent them from winning the space race. But I did discover a new tech every fourth turn, which was what I hoped this mod would prevent. War after that was not possible, since forces would be outdated before they reached the enemy.
It needs work. The research penalty needs to be much more severe, atleast later (even if I think my slow research at first was due to my warring and bad start). The jungle changes causes starting positions to be even more important, something I really hate. Deserts are bad enough. If you want jungle wars, I would suggest making jungles or forests useful instead. I don't see how realism is desired, considering that Africans were screwed just by being born where they were. It's up to you though, I will manually modify your mods myself if I try your mod again. Most of your changes are good and I like the idea.
It needs work. The research penalty needs to be much more severe, atleast later (even if I think my slow research at first was due to my warring and bad start). The jungle changes causes starting positions to be even more important, something I really hate. Deserts are bad enough. If you want jungle wars, I would suggest making jungles or forests useful instead. I don't see how realism is desired, considering that Africans were screwed just by being born where they were. It's up to you though, I will manually modify your mods myself if I try your mod again. Most of your changes are good and I like the idea.