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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • #91
    I cant get 0.6a either. Link says 0.6a but then you get the old 0.6 rar file (unless you didn't update readme.txt to 0.6a).

    Thanks for working on this mod.


    • #92
      No that's updated too.

      I just downloaded it a SECOND time from the link at it's showing me it is v0.6a.

      I'll just upload it again- after I repack it and everything. When you see it reset to 0 d/l's try again.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Dr. Broom
        Great mod, it seems like it might become the main civ iv mod. A couple of criticisms though:

        1. I wish you would have kept the faith mod in because it makes religion more interesting and discourages religion whoring to a degree.

        2. After I downloaded your mod I was only able to hire 1 engineer specialist for every 2 forges I had, bug or feature? If it is a feature I recommend undoing it because it encourages more cities which is what civ iv tries to discourage.
        Ok, I just checked in a NORMAL pace game and it is adding 1 engineer per forge for me. I didn't change this, anyway.

        ..and I just tried on an EPIC game- still get one engineer with my first forge... I don't know what to say. Are there other mods you've mixed in?

        On the faith mod- I would LOVE to add something but the AI gets crippled... I'm open to suggestions.


        • #94
          Ok, v0.6a uploaded again. Try it out.

          Let me know if the improved DOMESTIC advisor works... I can't get it to work on my end yet.

          EDIT: Ok the IMPROVED DOMESTIC advisor works now too.

          a little bonus to the upload... probably should say v0.6b but whatever.
          Last edited by dearmad; November 5, 2005, 16:40.


          • #95
            Cool Any luck with the Turk civ?


            • #96
              I'm downloading now. I'll give you my thoughts in a few days.
              "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


              • #97
                Originally posted by aegisx
                Cool Any luck with the Turk civ?
                I'm hesitant on that one. I can't really put it into words, but- as much as I like Turkish history, I'm not keen on adding in every civ that gets added out there- or new religions, etc... I want a more core mod (where rules are adapted) that others can then add in those special flavors too if they choose.

                Now, adding in better info screens is a no-brainer however, and that Domestic Advisor screen rocks.


                • #98
                  Fair enough... management of all the mods will get tricky when they start getting updated.


                  • #99
                    Please don't put in every cIV mod, it'll just get a mess! People who want more "fluff" just have to figure it out by themselves (and then post it here ) or wait for someone to create a "mod fusion" program. :P

                    Nice job, again


                    • downloading ur latest mod, just wanted to say thanx for doing this. Making my civ4 games alot more fun.


                      • jdex:
                        Yeah I don't plan to. I want to only include things that are just really helpful, like the new dometic advisor screen (once he got it sorting like the old one) and the diplomatic text improvements that still prserve the flavor of CIV IV.

                        In fact depending on how the latest version plays out and you all report back (complaints whatever) this one may be about done until Firaxis releases an expansion pack that adds a bunch more units.

                        you're welcome. honestly this is very much like a mod I made myself for civ 3 that I never shared. I saw that a lot of the ideas would still work well in civ 4. I always enjoyed the Age of Exporation, and then the Age of Sail eras in the games but felt they were too short always- so I'd always manipulate tech costs and such to stretch out certain periods.

                        remember, though- feel free to give me input negative or positive as I'm open to improving this mod.
                        Last edited by dearmad; November 6, 2005, 12:28.


                        • I am having a small problem with your mod. I am playing as America and I cannot build any units that require oil. It is clear that I have oil as I can trade it with other Civs. I made some changes to your mod but they should have no impact on resources since they were all xml civilization folder mods. Thanks.


                          • BLOOD, are you sure you are not trading away ALL your deposits of Oil? You may not be aware that you can do that in Civ4 (in Civ3, you couldn't trade a resource if you only had the one source of it!)



                            • Well dearmad, congratulations on a job well done!

                              I always liked my civ game having that "longer" feeling, kinda took you through the ages brilliantly, rather than rushing on. Your mod is a must download on my end.

                              I also like the fact that you try to keep it "clean" without adding extra mods from ppl here and there, but sticking to the basic stuff of CivIV. After all i personally wouldn't want a "new game" just a touch of improved features. I alraedy have a headache from reading about all the different mods ppl have come up to, which is commendable but very confusing too. Trying to decipher what to use and stuff.. nightmare!

                              Thumbs up for the two other mods u included in ur own though. I was worried about the religion one though, it seems there are certain issues concerning the way AI handles them. Maybe it would be better to stay off it rather than seriously change the gameplay?

                              P.S.: From what i've read, i take it your mod works properly on Epic maps too?
                              Fly, on your way, like an eagle.. Fly as high as the sun..


                              • Originally posted by CivGreece
                                P.S.: From what i've read, i take it your mod works properly on Epic maps too?
                                Yeah I'd like to know this too, since on the front page it says select normal, but seems some people playing it with epic??

