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Dale/Snoopy PatchMod (Bug-fixes and more)

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  • Snooy/Dale -

    Thank you so much for sharing this patch with the rest of us. Every time a new "civ" game comes out someone here at Apolyton comes thru with a mod that really helps "fix" the game.

    I have no living enemies!


    • - Native random attacks more common?
      - or possibly Barbarians?
      I am working on this and have some ideas.

      Create native units like privateers (hidden nation and agressive) that will do pillaging, with no ability to capture. They will attack pioneers which are now too powerful and slowdown exploration. And the natives will feel less like another nation.

      For the barbarians I was thinking on wildlife, the animals will attack everyone but wont pass cultural borders or attack settlements. The natives will not attack animals as they are "part of nature". Not only it makes sense but if not they will be dead very soon You will also have to be more careful with early exploration.

      Anyway, in case you are low on suggestions

      Oh, one more thing, is it ok that ore is more expensive than tools?


      • Education???

        I have played two games so far ... both with your mod.
        I have been unable to train/educate a Veteran unit.
        What am I missing?

        I have no living enemies!


        • Hi Tim,

          You can't train veterans in schools. They can only be purchased in Europe. This is the same for vanilla and PatchMod.


          • Originally posted by Dale
            You can't train veterans in schools. They can only be purchased in Europe. This is the same for vanilla and PatchMod.

            I was afraid of that, but didn't find any confirmation in the manual or civipedia.
            Thanks for the info.

            I have no living enemies!


            • Are there any plans to add new victory modes to this mod? Things like Loyalty victory, economic victory, etc.

              So far that's one of the few things about C4C that has really bugged me, unlike most modern 4X games, its impossible to win in a non-warlike fashion


              • First let me say that I do apreciate your work and honestly some of your innovations are really good, especially the one with the sea zones (travel to Europe). But I have to say that the thing with the tresure is very very bad. In fact that alone is a reason not to use your mod. 6 spaces for a tresure that gives you about 1k, come on man! A shipment of cigars is 1100. Imagine 3-4 tresures in a far away land. It will take ages to carry them to Europe.

                Just because that was the way in Col1 (about 15 years ago) isn't reason enough to give us such hardship. Please reconsider or at least tell me how to change it back.

                Something very important: Not enough Indian villages teach the skills you can't learn in Europe. In my last game there was no village to teach "trapper". A whole large map and still no village. This is very important... if you can fix it would be great.

                Also, as I already posted in the thread about the REF, the best way is to link it to time and time only. A player who plays well, who accumulates political and other points, who builds an empire, has to be rewarded and not penalized. As it is now, the player is encouraged to play badly to avoid facing a big REF. Absolutely stupid. Just for the record I don't do it. The first colonist I assign to work is always a statesman. At least I get Peter Minuit faster than anyone.


                • I had some problems with your mod today

                  The facts:

                  I bought my first galleon and sent it to the new world to carry tresures. Well it spawned near the north pole (my colony was near the south.)

                  At some point I tried to "clear specialty" of someone at the docks. The game didn't let me. Maybe it was intended that way, dunno.

                  At some later point I tried to clear someone else's specialty. That guy was in the city, a distiller assigned to statesman duties. The game crushed.


                  • Dear Dale,

                    Things which I would like to see included:

                    - Fort and fortress open fire against nearby enemy ships, modified by number of cannons.

                    - Ability to change the colonist status from the colony interface (from colonist to pioneed etc...) (without adding him inside the city and then shift him out again, nor go out of the city to change his status).

                    I would prefer a pop up list when right clicking the colonist.

                    - Improved ability to change the status of the colonists at european docks. It does work, but it's not very clear to me, I basically keep clicking till it lets me do it...

                    I would prefer a pop up list when right clicking the colonist.

                    - Ability to see how many moves has a wagon train, or a ship left inside the colony interface.

                    This would be useful for people who build fleets of wagon trains, and transport goods sometimes even over 20 squares away in one turn basically by shifting goods inside a city from one wagon train to the other...

                    - Ability to locate the wagon train which is assigned to a trade route from the trade route list (I think at old col you could find the hex it was, at least for naval units...).

                    Especially useful if you have many wagon trains!

                    I would really hope, it would be possible! But I guess most of them would be hardcoded.

                    Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 2, 2008, 12:46.
                    Coling since 1994... :)


                    • I liked that feature for Forts also, but I don't know how realistic it was. Did Forts really just blast away at any ships they saw?
                      And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


                      • Please delete me.
                        Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 2, 2008, 14:29.
                        Coling since 1994... :)


                        • Yes, this is why they had cannons facing the sea, and forts were build by the sea to protect the port.

                          The idea was not let enemy ships, come close to the port or land very close to the city, so the city defences could prepare.

                          It is realistic. Find more info below!

                          Information about the Brittish forts at Bermuda:


                          It is mentioned in the above website:

                          "It was from the King's Castle fort that the only attack ever recorded by the Spanish against Bermuda was repulsed in 1614. Two shots were fired from the fort at the two Spanish ships sighted just outside the channel into Castle Harbor. The invaders headed out to sea without knowing the fort had only one more cannonball left. "

                          As you can see they avoided them like plague!

                          So if they come close enough to make your fishermen stop working, fort should answer back!
                          Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 2, 2008, 14:07.
                          Coling since 1994... :)


                          • I agree too. It will give the player an incentive to build more cannons and also it will make navy more worthwhile. The fort damages the enemy ships and your navy finish them off. That was the way in Col1.

                            I think you needed a minimum of 4 cannons and fort or fortress (stockade would not do). The damage increased with number of cannons (naturally) and you could miss, damage or sink the enemy ship.

                            Also if at all possible, bring the custom's house back please !


                            • Originally posted by Supr49er
                              I liked that feature for Forts also, but I don't know how realistic it was. Did Forts really just blast away at any ships they saw?
                              Not exactly "any," but I've read that's where the custom of firing a salute began. The incoming warship would run out its guns and discharge them, then leave them out (so the defenders knew they were not loaded). Of course every now and then a gun crew would screw up and skip a ball down the streets of the town...

                              Anyway, I like this idea. Look at how Fort McHenry blocked the British approach to Baltimore (or West Point blocked the Hudson, for that matter...and no I'm *not* asking for navigable rivers!)
                              "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                              • Bug found. Pioneers cannot join a city after having moved, if they still have move points!

                                But if you make them a colonist, they can!
                                Coling since 1994... :)

