The reason I ask is Epic has 450 turns and a percentage of 200. So shouldn't Marathon with 900 turns have a percentage of 400?
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Dale/Snoopy PatchMod (Bug-fixes and more)
You adjusted marathon 2x to adjust exploration rates or somesuch, I think. I don't think it had anything to do with immigration, which is the only thing I remember discussing 'growth' rates related to ...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Growth rates affects an awful lot of things, actually. It's often used for the proxy of "gamespeedmultiplier", for things that don't have their own xml entry.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread, or even the right forum. but i've found a couple of bugs i'd like to share:
- I can't select on which screen I'd like to play Colonization. (I've a multi-monitor setup)
- The city screen is messed up on my 1024x1280 resolution. The workers and buildings are located in apparently random places. Can send a picture on request.
- I don't seem to be able to load partial loads? According to the civ-pedia, pressing shift should help, but it's inoperational here.
- Converted natives/etc can be trained to whatever expertise and then used as free colonists as soldiers. It feels a bit like cheating.
- I've set up a couple of games with more than 4 European nations (4 just isn't enough! In the real world, didn't the Portuguese, Danish, Scottish, Belgians, Italians, and Germans make (failed) efforts as well?) the issue being that you end up with same nation - same leader twice or thrice. The only difference there is the different colour. Only by manually editing leaders can this be prevented.
- If you are both colonies from the same mother country, why can you attack each other? That should really upset the king or be impossible.
- The automated citizen thing is really messed up. It makes wicked decisions if you don't restrict it. Like for example decide to cut trees even if the warehouse maximum has already been overcome. I'd like to see an option where I fix particular colonists into position and let the rest be dynamic.
If you have a multi-monitor setup, as with almost any other game, you have two choices:
* Play fullscreen on the 'primary' monitor
* Play windowed and maximize it on whichever monitor you wish
That's not a bug, it's pretty much just how it works.
1024x1280 resolution is a really weird resolution, also (unless you mean 1280x1024 - wider than it is high, as normal) ... the engine may not be able to handle it (not sure). Not a bug that can be fixed, I suspect, if it is game-side.
You have to hold down shift before you click - once you've clicked, hitting shift does no good.
Dale changed natives to only be able to be educated (not trained in native towns), I believe; but in the scheme of things, if they spent the time to be educated by europeans, why not let them hold guns? It does take time after all, and slow down other educations later on - a reasonable tradeoff IMO.
Play AoDII if you want more leadersYou need a mod to allow more than 4 real leaders.
If you are both colonies from the same mother country, you can attack each other because it's more interesting in the game that way...You do piss off the King if he has good relations with the other colony.
Yeah, the automated citizen stuff is not so hot ... that may be one of the next things I look at, if Dale doesn't have better things for me to look into. AI is always a b**** to fix, unfortunately, but this may be one of the easier fixes.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this yet, but after playing with the Patchmod it's clear that changing Treasures to occupy 6 slots is not good.
Assuming you're playing at Normal speed, $2000 is a unusually valuable treasure. $2000 / 600 = $3.33 per unit, less than most raw materials. $500-$600 treasures are common, and you often get $100 treasures from wiping out Indian settlements. It's not even worth the time to pick that up if it fully occupies a Galleon.
"Fixed at 1" is really the correct value. Even a $2000 treasure is on par with 100 units of Silver.
- Gus
Originally posted by Finsch
Me and a friend just downloaded and installed the mod for the first time and wanted to give it a try in multiplayer.
But in the lobby, no one can see any games. So no one can join anything.
Any ideas why that is? Vanilla col works fine...
My recommendation: direct ip play. You can connect directly to your friend's computer, and it should work fine there. One of you needs to go to (or similar) and find out your IP, then create a game, and the other connects to it at that IP.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Originally posted by gus_smedstad
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this yet, but after playing with the Patchmod it's clear that changing Treasures to occupy 6 slots is not good.
Assuming you're playing at Normal speed, $2000 is a unusually valuable treasure. $2000 / 600 = $3.33 per unit, less than most raw materials. $500-$600 treasures are common, and you often get $100 treasures from wiping out Indian settlements. It's not even worth the time to pick that up if it fully occupies a Galleon.
"Fixed at 1" is really the correct value. Even a $2000 treasure is on par with 100 units of Silver.
- Gus
I personally think it should take 6 - both consistency with Col1, and the economics don't work the way you think it works. Treasures are a large lump sum, and in addition to your current income. If you make enough income to keep galleons filled all of the time with 600 raw materials, then you're doing pretty darn well for yourself; the treasure should give more money to those who are doing less well money-wise. As such, it's basically a balancing factor in the game.
If the galleon space is so valuable to you, let the King take his half and be happy<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Hi, great work on your patch. I miss the days of the original Colonization game, and your patch has allowed me to relive them
anyway, you said "Unit Cycling Bug
- Find and Fix this
so i can reproduce at least one of these unit cycling bugs (present in both the original game, and when using your patch)
to replicate: Goto europe, get a guy, then double right click on him and hold the mouse. then left click on say dragoon or something. (then release both mouse buttons) now when you go back to your game you will see it no longer cycles. if you save and load your game you will see the "pioneer/soldier/dragoon etc..." windows back. so i suspect the code that closes this window doesn't finish when you hold the right mouse button or something.
also, my feedback on your wicked patch:
* i had an indian who wouldn't trade with me even though i had a +8 relationship with him, and i was giving him exactly what he wants (guns in this case) i checked and i was at peace with everyone. i had a screenshot but i have misplaced it. (this wasn't the .b version of your patch)
* the nearly out of room messages appear even when you have a warehouse expansion. (and they are a bit spammy - perhaps you could make it show them once then rest for 10 turns or something?)
* the resources required ones do the same spammy thing as above, the way i play is i have 1 town doing all the production, and wagons auto moving the goods there, and i get this message EVERY turn... :S perhaps you could again make it once every 10 turns?)
* i was playing on the 3rd from bottom difficulty, i declaired WOI at about turn 200 (i had about 8 settlements and a large army), then the pc declaired at about 210 with 3 settlements and a puny army and somehow won their woi by around turn 237 (it said they made peace with their king, but perhaps this is normal) is it possible that the computers kings don't make large armys the way the humans ones do? i just thought this was a bit unfair that the ai seems to get a advantage here...
* FEATURE REQUESTs: could you make it so that you can dispand your settlement as in col1? (it is gods will) and perhaps have a bonus or at least a message for circumnavigating the globe?
Is it possible to make it more expensive to train criminals/servents/indians? eg have a +$100 cost for servents/indians when they graduate, and a +$200 cost for criminals? just an idea...
Thanks, Daniel - I'll see if I can replicate that issue. It's not necessarily fixable, unfortunately, as it may be in the EXE (not the DLL or python), but we can but try
I was afraid of the spamminess of the messages... I don't really play the heavy wagon train strat, so I wasn't sure how annoying it would be. We'll think about what options we have in terms of messages; it's possible we'll add an option for it or something.
No idea on the indian not trading with you, unfortunately... a save would of course help. Sometimes, though, the AI just does odd things... consider it personal quirks
I don't think we'll add disbanding ... it's not something I consider good for the game, and i think Dale agrees with that. It was quite an exploit in Col1, and I see no reason to introduce that here. Be more careful with where you settle...
I wonder if the circumnavigation code is still in there... i'll think about that one. It might be easy to re-enable (though on a non-round world, we'd have to add in a slightly different check regardless). Perhaps "discovery of the pacific ocean" or something. At some point I'd love to see a lot of those... not that I have the art talent to do the screens or anythingStrictly programmer here...
I think it is already more (time-)expensive to train criminals/natives. Time is not so different from money, after all...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Yeah, the lower the colonist class the longer it takes to educate them. I don't think an extra gold hit is required. the book and ink cost the same from the shop whether its a criminal or a colonist in school.
Sometimes in diplomacy, they will take the "HissyFit" stance, which means no matter how friendly they are overall, they have cracked it at something. Don't expect them to agree to much when they have a hissy fit.
I agree with Snoopy on disbanding colonies. I used to use it in Col1 to great advantage (exploit).
"Finding the Pacific" would be simple. First "west European sea zone" triggers the event.
Do we need a similar "Finding the Atlantic" for nations starting in the west (Russia, China)?
Snoopy, I think we need to get Hexagonian involved, he's brilliant for that sort of art.