» The majority of Spanish words derive from what language?
- Latin
» Within three centuries, Christianity became the nation's official religion. The Moors swept through the country in 700's, converting its people to what faith?
- Muslim
» Returning from his first of four westerly voyages, Christopher Columbus brings with him captives. In what year was this expedition?
- 1492 A.D.
» The dissolution of the Spanish overseas empire was seen to by what country in taking over the last such territory in 1898?
» Who ruled Spain for nearly forty years from 1936-1975?
- General Franco
» Although having no writing system, the Inca developed a complex counting method known as what?
- Quipu
» In Inca society, trade was based on the exchange of what?
- Weavings
» Who is considered the thirteenth and final Inca emperor?
- Atahuallpa
» When Francisco Pizarro and his men entered the Incan empire, it was in a state of civil unrest. What country did these newcomers hail from?
- Spain
» At its height, the Inca Empire extended its southern-most point into what modern-day state?
- Chile
» After uniting warring clans, a Mongol chief was proclaimed supreme ruler of the Mongolian people. His adopted name was "Genghis Khan". What was his given name?
- Subotai
» At this time in history, the Mongolian army was made up of mostly what unit type?
- Cavalry
» In 1294 A.D. the Mongolian empire splinters into X number of factions. What is the value of X?
- 3
» The Mongolians incorporated armor in a fashion markedly different than their European counterparts. Instead of sheets of loops of chain and pieces of metal plate used by the later, the former employed what material?
- Silk
» Geographically, what is the name of the largest country that borders Mongolia today?
- Russia
» Who was the Greek messenger of the gods, and protector of thieves and mischief-makers?
- Hermes
» In order to protect themselves from a third Persian War, the Greeks formed a mutual protection alliance. What was it called?
- Delian League
» Which Greek architecture style originated from the Greek cities in Anatolia
- Ionic
» One of the most ancient Greek tragedies is entitled "Antigone". Who penned it?
- Sophocles
» Which of Alexander's generals took over control of Egypt after his death?
- Ptolemy
» Until archeological evidence proved otherwise, most historians thought this first Chinese dynasty was a myth. What was the name of this fabled dynasty?
- Xia
» The so-called "Spring and Autumn Period" of 722-481 BC saw the proliferation of three new principle philosophies. The third of these, along with Daoism and Confucianism, is what?
- Legalism
» In the early 1400s, a sailor by what name commanded a fleet in excess of 300 ships that sailed as far west as Mogadishu and perhaps even to the island of Madagascar?
- Zheng He
» Who was Yong Zhen's fourth son?
- Hong Li
» How did Concubine Zhen die?
- Strangled
stats coming up
» The majority of Spanish words derive from what language?
- Latin
» Within three centuries, Christianity became the nation's official religion. The Moors swept through the country in 700's, converting its people to what faith?
- Muslim
» Returning from his first of four westerly voyages, Christopher Columbus brings with him captives. In what year was this expedition?
- 1492 A.D.
» The dissolution of the Spanish overseas empire was seen to by what country in taking over the last such territory in 1898?
» Who ruled Spain for nearly forty years from 1936-1975?
- General Franco
» Although having no writing system, the Inca developed a complex counting method known as what?
- Quipu
» In Inca society, trade was based on the exchange of what?
- Weavings
» Who is considered the thirteenth and final Inca emperor?
- Atahuallpa
» When Francisco Pizarro and his men entered the Incan empire, it was in a state of civil unrest. What country did these newcomers hail from?
- Spain
» At its height, the Inca Empire extended its southern-most point into what modern-day state?
- Chile
» After uniting warring clans, a Mongol chief was proclaimed supreme ruler of the Mongolian people. His adopted name was "Genghis Khan". What was his given name?
- Subotai
» At this time in history, the Mongolian army was made up of mostly what unit type?
- Cavalry
» In 1294 A.D. the Mongolian empire splinters into X number of factions. What is the value of X?
- 3
» The Mongolians incorporated armor in a fashion markedly different than their European counterparts. Instead of sheets of loops of chain and pieces of metal plate used by the later, the former employed what material?
- Silk
» Geographically, what is the name of the largest country that borders Mongolia today?
- Russia
» Who was the Greek messenger of the gods, and protector of thieves and mischief-makers?
- Hermes
» In order to protect themselves from a third Persian War, the Greeks formed a mutual protection alliance. What was it called?
- Delian League
» Which Greek architecture style originated from the Greek cities in Anatolia
- Ionic
» One of the most ancient Greek tragedies is entitled "Antigone". Who penned it?
- Sophocles
» Which of Alexander's generals took over control of Egypt after his death?
- Ptolemy
» Until archeological evidence proved otherwise, most historians thought this first Chinese dynasty was a myth. What was the name of this fabled dynasty?
- Xia
» The so-called "Spring and Autumn Period" of 722-481 BC saw the proliferation of three new principle philosophies. The third of these, along with Daoism and Confucianism, is what?
- Legalism
» In the early 1400s, a sailor by what name commanded a fleet in excess of 300 ships that sailed as far west as Mogadishu and perhaps even to the island of Madagascar?
- Zheng He
» Who was Yong Zhen's fourth son?
- Hong Li
» How did Concubine Zhen die?
- Strangled
stats coming up