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Rise of Nations -- Time for your ideas!

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  • a lot of diversity...

    each civ (greek,.norse, egypt) you start with one of three primary gods , then at each age up, you choose between two minor gods. (there are a total of 9 minor gods) each step up restricts the choices you have in the next.

    Each god could complement or suppliment your existance god's effect on your civ. Say you pick a god good for attacking in the 1st age, then pick a god better at economy the next, and maybe you find that your enemy is going archers, so you pick a god that gives you cavalry bonuses next to counter their troops etc.

    So essentually you have 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 different civs advancement paths for each of the 3 civs.
    Are you down with ODV?


    • Originally posted by Viking Berserk
      but odv, there are still people living in britain today, what about the british civ?

      nah, then i think it is better to just make more civs.
      well nothing says that brits cant have a republican revolution (in the french way) and do without a monarchy, and in effect become more like americans at least in its government workings.

      of course there is still a reason to make an American civ that goes from ancient to info age. its apparent that RON and in fact most games that uses unique powers concepts uses a particular national characteristic/stereotype/historically important a basis for modelling the civ. They could simply make an American civ like a british civ but with a more scientific and commerical leaning. but it maybe a little hard to come up with unique units in the older ages.

      as i posted on gamescope. i would be opposed to having native americans morph into todays americans, if that means they dont get a civ of their own. As they deserve a civ of their own in my opinion. Thats the conundrum really cause America isnt just one people. They are derived primarily from the British tradition, but through the addition of not so insignificant contributions from just about every peoples in the world.
      Are you down with ODV?


      • well well...

        anyway, something that concerns me alot more than an american civ is:

        swordsmen and pikemen follows the same line...
        you cant build swordsmen and pikemen at the same time...

        THIS SUCK, change it fast!
        "The meaning of war is not to die for your country, but making your enemies die for their..."

        Staff member at RoN Empire


        • BHG,

          I was wandering if you would be able to change the zoom function to go however you want it like EE. I think it might anoy people if they can't get closeups of their units. Personally I think the ability to do that was cool!


          • I agree, what kind of a history game does this!


            • lol


              • I think it might anoy people if they can't get closeups of their units.
                how closer than this?
                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                • actually, thats not so close.
                  you could go up in their faces in ee...
                  "The meaning of war is not to die for your country, but making your enemies die for their..."

                  Staff member at RoN Empire


                  • what would be the point?

                    you already get some cool graphics to watch at that zoom level of the screen i linked to, i dont think it would make much of difference to have even more....
                    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
           my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                    • well, free zoom would still be cool. one of the few things i liked about ee.
                      "The meaning of war is not to die for your country, but making your enemies die for their..."

                      Staff member at RoN Empire


                      • First of all, I want to compliment the superb work with this webiste!! *applauses* It seems that you have put a lot of effort into this amazing RON Website, and it is filled with information that I read and also look forward to daily! Keep up the good work.

                        I also wanted to mention how rare it is to see the developers, such as yourself Brain Reynolds, out on the forums communicating directly with fans. I have to say that is a very special aspect of Big Huge Games you must keep doing!! Keep it up. Now that I am here, I also wanted to contribute my thoughts and ideas. I will also be creating a RON Fansite at Please look forward to it Big Huge Games!!! Here are my ideas:

                        First of all, I am extremely excited about Rise of Nations, although I will not be able to even run it considering my situation with my computer (never mind upgrading or getting a new one because of money problems). However, I want to contribute my ideas and thoughts to this impressive game, also through creating an extensive RON Website too I am also thankful that this game includes a wide variety of options, including the various ages - my favorites being the Modern Age and Information Age. So, here are my ideas for the game...

                        Rise of Nations Ideas:

                        1) Sensors and Security Systems. I think that it would be useful to have laser sensors or advanced security systems to alarm a player of invasion, only in the Modern Age and Information Age. Along with this, the sensors can alarm automatic weapons, missile turrets, and bunkers.

                        2) Hidden Weaponry. This idea also fits well with the Modern and Information Ages. I think it would be useful to have such weapons as mines, hidden, underground bunkers, missile turrets concealed in the side of buildings, etc.

                        3) Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear weapons should not only be used to destroy large armies, or perhaps cities, but also leave terrible amounts of radiation behind. Any unit that steps within this radius of radiation will lose life quickly. Therefore, there can be deadly zones cutting off supplies. Nuclear weapons should also be able to be launched from submarines; this would call for heavy emphasis on Naval Warfare!

                        4) Medical Camps. I think it would also be useful to have medical camps in the Enlightment Age or during such times; troops that are injured can be healed through these medical camps, and perhaps cannons can shelter in trenches just forward of the medical camps. I think that this would be very useful!

                        5) Detectors Against Cloaked Units. There should be various units, buildings, and other devices to detect against General's that cloak their units.

                        6) Amphibious Assault Vehicles. Considering that Amphibious Assualt Vehicles (AAV's) can go from land to water, and vise versa, they should definitely be included in the game as transports, and perhaps offensive military vehicles

                        7) Paratroopers and Supplies From Above. I think it would also be very impressive to have paratroopers in the game. As well as this, aircraft can also launch and deploy much needed supplies, reinforcements, or any other nessecary materials on the battlefield; such aircraft can also be used for trade between allied nations.

                        8) Supply Routes. I think it would also be interesting to see supply routes between ally's borders. Not only this, but opposing players can perhaps capture supply trucks or vehicles, then pose as ally's, and spy on their enemy through this method. Even more so, they can use such intelligence to plant bombs, plan air raids, bomb raids, deploy paratroops, and other such things.

                        9) Navy SEALS. As one of the most secretive forces on the military, I think that Navy SEALS should have the opportunity to cloak for a certain amount of time, considering of their sneaky actions; they can then set explosive charges, find out information (upgrades, technologies, unit training of enemy), etc.

                        10) Extra Details. As more military detail for the Modern Age, I think it would especially be cool to see: Tracer Bullets from specific guns, Snipers (with special capabilities as a target system), the capture of vehicles (such as aircraft), power generators (if destroyed shuts down power and function of entire city for a certain amount of time), etc.

                        Well, those are the most significant ideas! Please tell me what you think! And again, to everyone, keep up the kind, good work!!

                        As always, thanks!
                        WebQuad Network
                        Community Forums


                        • One thing that tends to bug me in these kinds of games are how medical units are handled. Too often, they need to be manually moved around to heal troops. They usually don't heal themselves, thus requiring two medics in each army that one makes. I'd like to see the following happen with medics:

                          1. Medics either heal everyone individually nearby automatically OR they have a range around them in which troops heal. More medics means faster healing. (Think a mobile hospital from EE)

                          2. Medics and other support units stay in the rear when fighting starts. Nothing is more annoying than watching the medic run into the fray to be killed.

                          3. Even better, it would be nice to have a tech that would disallow medics from being killed by direct fire. (i.e. Geneva convention or something). They would still suffer attrition damage, so they wouldn't be used as scouts or anything.
                          "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


                          • #3 is a good idea, also they should be able to die from

                            splash damage or killed by the other team for which

                            they would get fined (units would not attack medics

                            unless you told them to so they don't just kill them and

                            get you charged with a fine which should be somewhat large)


                            • 1) interesting idea on 3 but maybe might make it a bit of a pain to retake a city

                              2) fining? who is the world authority that is fining people in an RTS world?
                              Are you down with ODV?


                              • In terms of capturing cities, I think medics should be similar to settlers in civ- they have no combat use (apart from healing troops).

                                As far as a "fine", perhaps if a medic is specifically targeted by direct fire, the attacking player would refund (part/all) of the cost of the medic. Any other type of damage would not incur a fine.
                                "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain

