Hi All, New to RoN and the boards, just thought I would say Hi and add my 2¢
Very Nice job so far Pap1723, I will be eagerly awaitng this!!!
Reminds me of my Axis & Allies Board Game Days
(My friends and I at the time figured there should be more areas so we recreated (painted) the map onto a 6'x3' table) with Many more areas.
Ya I know we were crazy addicted to that game!
OOOPPPSSS "Dahm the Boss almost caught me posting and not working LOL - If he only Knew!!

Reminds me of my Axis & Allies Board Game Days
(My friends and I at the time figured there should be more areas so we recreated (painted) the map onto a 6'x3' table) with Many more areas.

OOOPPPSSS "Dahm the Boss almost caught me posting and not working LOL - If he only Knew!!
