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I tried, I really did

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  • #16
    Originally posted by statusperfect

    Ah. You finaly get it? He talks about himself not about the game. I'm tired of those posts. They are SPAM SPAM SPAM!
    You are wrong

    "esse est percipi"

    Things do not exist as themselves.
    Only "experience" can be accounted for, that is, the perception of the interaction between what appears to be represented as a thing and what appears to be represented as a being.

    The game does not exist. PaulNAdhe does not exist. YOU do not exist. This site does not exist. I do not exist myself.
    Or rather, nothing conclusive can ever be drawn about the *autonomous* existence of any of the above.

    Thus, he talks about the ONLY things he truly knows to be existing: the "perception" of himself playing the game.

    This is not SPAM.
    This helps you enhance your perception of other perception processes different than yours, thus enhancing the enjoyment you perceive from the game.

    And above all, please perceive my sig.
    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


    • #17
      Originally posted by MariOne

      You are wrong

      "esse est percipi"

      Things do not exist as themselves.
      Only "experience" can be accounted for, that is, the perception of the interaction between what appears to be represented as a thing and what appears to be represented as a being.

      The game does not exist. PaulNAdhe does not exist. YOU do not exist. This site does not exist. I do not exist myself.
      Or rather, nothing conclusive can ever be drawn about the *autonomous* existence of any of the above.

      Thus, he talks about the ONLY things he truly knows to be existing: the "perception" of himself playing the game.

      This is not SPAM.
      This helps you enhance your perception of other perception processes different than yours, thus enhancing the enjoyment you perceive from the game.

      And above all, please perceive my sig.


      • #18
        Re: I tried, I really did

        Originally posted by PaulNAdhe
        I tried to enjoy this game. I really did.
        This game has no redeemable qualities. There is nothing here to patch. Rantz and his buddies can do all they want. But, they've lost me forever.

        Fie on them!!!
        That's why I follow the words of Homer Simpson. "Never try anything".
        "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
        "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


        • #19
          To paraphrase my favorite Homer quote:

          "If MOO3 has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that Rantz should stick to girls' sports, such as hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such and such."
          The foppish elf, fighting ithkul in a top hat and smoking jacket since 1885


          • #20
            Never stop

            To All,

            Don't stop whining. As much as you'll get bashed by the "if you don't like it you're whining crowd" you must keep whining.


            It'll never get fixed. (No one DOESN'T think its broke).

            I paid $50, now its $30. Had I listened I would've saved some money.


            I was on turn 300 as the Sakkra last night when everything finally clicked...

            I was fighting a 2 front war, so I was glad to dish off colonizing and planet building.

            Building big ships takes time, so the military queues no longer require constant maintenance.

            I was in a 50 on 50 fight and it was FUN! A 50 on 50 in MOO 2 or SE IV is so PAINFULLY slow that I usually quit when I get to that point.

            HOWEVER, HOWEVER,

            It took me about six weeks to get to the point of enjoying the game. That's just INSANE! Only a die hard zealot would ever go through this.



            • #21
              DRose, any verdict yet?
              Tutto nel mondo è burla

